
The Best Interests of the Child and Fostering: Present and Future

Institute for Advanced Family Studies (IESF)

The Best Interests of the Child and Fostering: Present and Future                                  

10.00 am Opening Session. Montserrat Gas Aixendri. Director of IESF, UIC.

10.15am "Protecting Children who Lack a Family within the Framework of the Convention". Carmen Maria Lázaro, Lecturer, Faculty of Law, UIC.

10.45am Panel I

"Fostering within the Framework of the Legal System for the Protection of Minors". Carlos Martínez de Aguirre. Professor, University of Zaragoza.

"The Legal Problems of Fostering". Jesús del Cacho. Judge from the Juvenile Court (Tarragona)


12pm Coffee

12.30pm Panel II

"Public Administration and Fostering in Catalonia". Núria Canal i Pubill, Director of the Institut Català de l’Acolliment i de l’Adopció, Generalitat de Catalunya.

"Fostering and the Preliminary State Project on Childhood". Luisa Santamaría, University of the Balearic Islands

"The Fostering Experience". Encarna Abad, Spanish National University of Distance Education (UNED)

Discussion.  Questions.

2pm Closing Session. Carlos de Miranda, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law, UIC.