
Business Day, B-Entrepreneur

Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences Campus Barcelona
Business Model Canvas, Cooperative Learning & Design Thinking
The aim of B-Day, B-Entrepreneur is to help enhance the entrepreneurial spirit of students at UIC Barcelona by developing their social skills and competences, particularly leadership, business initiative, critical thinking, effective communication and cooperation. To do so, the students will take a real business idea and provide solutions to the challenge in the form of a Business Model Canvas. All of this will be done using Design Thinking methodology, which encourages creativity and innovation when generating ideas and assessing solutions.
9.00 h Aula Jardí
  • Participant reception and accreditations 
  • Welcome address by Dr Frederic Marimón.
  • Presentation of the awards for best Final Degree and Master’s Degree Projects.
  • Presentation of the Rafesa and RateNow business challenges.
  • Presentation of the methodology by Bigel.
10.00 a.m. Aula Jardí
Start of group work:
— Rafesa Challenge, Aula Jardí
— RateNow Challenge, classroom A201
1.30 - 2.30 p.m. Garden outside Aula Jardí Lunch shifts: 
  • 1.30 p.m. Rafesa Challenge teams.
  • 2 p.m. RateNow Challenge teams.
3.00 p.m. Challenge selection: each group will have five minutes to present their solution to the selected challenge in the assigned classroom.
4.00 p.m. Aula Jardí 
  • Finalist presentations (two groups per challenge). Each group will have five minutes to present.
4.30 p.m. Award ceremony and conclusion.