Bachelor's Degree in Medicine

We see people where others see patients.
Type of programme
Official degrees
12 semesters
360 ECTS
€284.00 / ECTS x 60 = €17,040.00* (1r course 2024-2025). *Subject to change each year. Contact our Admissions department for the payment terms and conditions.
Theory in the morning. Practice in the morning, afternoon or evening
Catalan, Spanish and some lectures in English
  • Home
  • Presentation
  • Curriculum and teaching team
  • Internship
  • Final Degree Project
  • Medical Education Unit
  • Prerequisites & admissions
  • Continuation of studies
  • Grants & financial aid
  • FAQ
  • International mobility

Mission of the degree in medicine on medical training

The Mission that the Department of Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences has established for the degree in Medicine is:

"Transform the world of Medicine through training, research and transfer, to serve society, with personalized attention to students and faculty."

This mission is specified in:

  1. Training in a personalized medicine,
  2. Teaching to provide proactive care, ensuring continuity of care,
  3. So that they know how to establish a doctor-patient relationship based on empathy, compassion and a vocation for service,
  4. With a holistic view of the person,
  5. And a comprehensive approach that includes not only diagnosis and treatment but also prevention, attention to social problems and the patient context, and decision-making.

And compliance is guaranteed by reaching the learning results identified in the degree certificate verification memory, and also specified in the teaching guides for each of the subjects.

On the other hand, the Vision of the Department of Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences is:

"To be an international benchmark in the medical context, through high-quality, professional, and student-oriented training".

And it focuses on the following values:

  • Technical and human excellence
  • Professional prestige
  • Own and innovative teaching methodology
  • Talent attraction and retention.
We are passionate people, we are doctors

You will be capable of guiding any patient through the healthcare system

We offer you multiple career opportunities within clinical practice, management, teaching and research.

  • Primary care
  • Specialised care
  • Social healthcare
  • Mental healthcare
  • Public and private sector
  • National and international scope
  • Healthcare management and administration
  • Emergency medicine
  • Workplace medicine
  • Public healthcare
  • Forensic medicine
  • Teaching and biomedical research
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Healthcare technology
ECOE exams in simulated settings using actors

Professors and lecturers active in their field with multidisciplinary experience

In order to teach future professionals in the field of healthcare we have a teaching body that combines their teaching with exercising their profession in public and private hospitals and healthcare centres. They are also involved in important research activities both inside and outside the university. Direct contact with professional practice allows our professors and lecturers to transmit a comprehensive, multidisciplinary and human overview of the reality in the sector to students.

Medicine, an international bachelor's degree

11% of foreign students in official education. Students from 24 different countries.



  • Contact details for student requests: 
  • Contact details for faculty requests:


The academic curriculum for UIC Barcelona’s Medicine Degree is focused on training students based on active educational methodologies with a strong emphasis on information technologies and communication. These teaching methodologies aim to train future doctors in what are known as transversal skills, including interpersonal communication skills, analysis and synthesis, the ability to work as part of a team, self learning, selective acquisition of information, developing a critical sense, etc.   

Studying Medicine at UIC Barcelona brings students into contact with patients from an early stage, giving them the opportunity to gain first hand experience of the health system.

Later on students join one of the teaching units, which are accredited health centres, where they combine practical participation with guided study in the different subject areas.



Since the mid-sixties of the last century, there have been serious attempts at various faculties and schools to orient the curriculum towards competencies. The Flexner model that was imposed at the beginning of the 20th century is based on imparting and acquiring the knowledge that enables the good practice of medicine. The emphasis on competencies appears with the need to be sure that students who become professionals are truly capable of exercising the profession. The paradigm that assumes that acquiring adequate knowledge is synonymous with being a good professional enters a crisis, and a new paradigm is sought based on the demonstration that they really are good professionals.

Building objectives according to competencies seems very real from this point of view since it also means focusing on the results you want to achieve. Various institutions and universities have proposed and / or implemented competency-oriented study plans. We will highlight the efforts of the International Institute of Medical Education that has elaborated the Global Minimum Essential Requirements and has implemented them in a series of Chinese universities, and also the proposal of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation contained in its White Paper on medicine studies. Even though the orientations of all these proposals are frankly similar, how could it be otherwise, the proposal of the UIC Barcelona curriculum that we present follows the competency scheme developed by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Dundee, a center pioneer in medical education, because it is considered that they detail and specify better some of the competency dimensions of the medical profession that, in other proposals, are not so well characterized. Finally, it is not necessary to mention that the design of a plan by competences is consistent with the will to adapt to the philosophy of Bologna and to the directives that the Ministry of Education and the Commissioner of Universities of the Generalitat of Catalonia have prepared on this topic.

The curriculum that is presented wants to take advantage of its novelty to introduce all those characteristics that are convenient for the training of a doctor of the 21st century and that are more difficult to implement in schools with a strong tradition and history:

  • Integration of subjects.
  • Multidisciplinarity and interdependence.
  • Relevance of local and regional factors (own culture, immigration, etc.).
  • Internalization of the search as an instrument of personal and social progress, especially in improving the health of the environment.
  • Early contact with the world of medicine and the healthcare system.

This study plan presents three large groups or chapters of competencies that are named based on what they describe:

  • What the doctor is capable of doing.
  • How the doctor does what he is capable of doing.
  • How the doctor does, correctly, what he is capable of doing.

Each of these groups gathers a series of dimensions up to a total of twelve. The first two groups together the specific competencies that will be developed in the plan in an integrated way during the six years, based first on the large groups of organs and systems, and later on groups of care levels. The third chapter groups together what is understood as transversal competences, which are independent of organs, systems and levels of care, and are developed through a series of horizontal subjects that are taught in each course of the degree.

We could define this third group as that of “humanities and professionalism” in which the acquired skills and knowledge are applicable to any of the situations of professional, medical or any other practice.

The competences of the curriculum of the Degree in Medicine include the principles of respect for the dignity of the human person throughout his life cycle, the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, the promotion of human rights, and principles of universal accessibility and of values ​​proper to a culture of peace and democracy.

Student profile

Candidates who meet the procedures and general requirements for access to the degree can apply for admission. However, the recommended profile is that of a person with previous training in the area of ​​health sciences, with a vocational attitude towards science and medicine and in which the following skills stand out:

  • Discipline, memory and dedication
  • Ability to take on pressure and workload
  • Psychological qualities and empathy
  • Emotional balance
  • Observation skills, interest in research
  • Responsibility
  • Teamwork and leadership
  • Sensitivity to the pain of others
  • Resilience
  • Ease in decision making


Professional profile to be trained

  • Focused on the needs of patients. That they be able to guide the patient in the efficient and adequate use of the health resources that they need at any time, carrying out a follow-up (stewartness) that benefits the patient and the system.
  • With experience in mental health and geriatrics, in anticipation of population needs for the coming decades.
  • Competent in bioethics. Aspect of medicine that woul have to permeate more and more the actions of the doctor, in the face of an increasing complexity of clinical decisions motivated by scientific advances and limited resources, among other factors.
  • With a good anthropological base that allows them to interact with the patient, their families and other professionals, always keeping in mind the dignity of the human person in any situation.

Academic accreditation

Graduat o Graduada en Medicina per la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. 

Comittee of the faculty

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

  • Dr. Esther Calbo Sebastián 

Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

  • Dr. Montserrat Virumbrales Cancio
  • Dr. Esperanza Luisa Gómez Durán.

Study programme and subjects 2024-2025

Subjects in course 1 Type Term ECTS
Biochemistry Type: FB Term: First semester ECTS: 8
Body Structure and Function: Musculoskeletal System Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 10
Imaging Techniques Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 3
Introduction to Medical Genetics Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 3
Introduction to Medical Practice (IMM1) Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 4
Anthropology * Type: FB Term: Second semester ECTS: 6
Body Structure and Function: Integration Nervous and Endocrine Systems Type: FB Term: Second semester ECTS: 12
Body Structure and Function: Skin and Sensory Organs Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 6
Molecular Biology Type: FB Term: Second semester ECTS: 8
*This subject is part of the teaching programme of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Thought (CIP).
Subjects in course 2 Type Term ECTS
Biostatistics Type: FB Term: First semester ECTS: 6
Body Structure and Function: Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Renal Systems Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 12
Cell Biology Type: FB Term: First semester ECTS: 8
Type: OP Term: First semester ECTS: 2
Communication Skills in Clinical Practice Type: OP Term: First semester ECTS: 2
Medical Profession and Interprofessional Relationships Type: OP Term: First semester ECTS: 2
Body Structure and Function: Blood and Immune System Type: FB Term: Second semester ECTS: 6
Body Structure and Function: Gastrointestinal System and Metabolism Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 7
Body Structure and Function: Reproductive System Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 4
Introduction to Epidemiology Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 2
Management of Scientific Information (IMM2) Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 3
Microbiology Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 4
Psychology Type: FB Term: Second semester ECTS: 6
Subjects in course 3 Type Term ECTS
Clinical Semiology and Physiopathogenia Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 11
Emergency Medicine: Clinical History and Semiology Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 2
Pharmacology Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 7
General Pathological Anatomy Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 6
Bioethics I Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 3
Cardiovascular System Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 4.5
History and Philosophy of Medicine Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 2
Neurology Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 5
Respiratory System Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 4.5
Surgical Physiopathology Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 5
Basic Concept in Experimental Research Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 3
Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 2
Introduction to Biomedical Research. Speciality in Mental Health Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 2
Well-Being and Happiness As An Indicator of Health Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 2
Medical Practicums 1 Type: OB Term: Annual ECTS: 5
Subjects in course 4 Type Term ECTS
Allergy and Clinical Immunology Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 2.5
Endocrinology and Nutrition Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 4.5
Hematology Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 3.5
Medical Gastrointestinal System Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 4.5
Psychiatry Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 4
Surgical Gastrointestinal System Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 4.5
Appropriate Decision Making in Medicine Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 2
Appropriate Use of Diagnostic Tests Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 4
Bioethics II Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 3
Family and Community Medicine Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 3
Nephrology Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 4
Obstetrics and Gynecology Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 6.5
Urology Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 4
Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 2
Anesthesiology, Reanimation, and Therapeutics of Pain Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 2
Clinical Ultrasound Applications in Medical Practice Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 2
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 2
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 2
Medical Practicums 2 Type: OB Term: Annual ECTS: 4
Surgical Practicums Type: OB Term: Annual ECTS: 4
Subjects in course 5 Type Term ECTS
Ageing, Pluripathology and Chronicity Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 4
Dermatology Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 4
Ophthalmology Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 3.5
Otolaryngology Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 3.5
Pediatrics Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 7
Rheumatology and Systemic Diseases Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 3
Clinical Oncology Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 3.5
Clinical Pharmacology Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 3
Forensic and Legal Medicine Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 3
Infectious Diseases Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 4.5
Palliative Care Medicine Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 3
Public Health: Demography and Epidemiology Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 5
Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 5
Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 2
Critical Medicine: Protocols in Immediate Action Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 2
Dermatology in Practice Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 2
From Cognitive Normality to Dementia: Experience in Clinical Practice, Research and Translational Medicine Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 2
Ophthalmology in Practice Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 2
Sport Traumatology Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 2
Midwifery Practicum Type: OB Term: Annual ECTS: 4
Primary Care Practicum Type: OB Term: Annual ECTS: 2
Subjects in course 6 Type Term ECTS
Community Health Rotation Type: PR Term: Annual ECTS: 2
Elective Rotation Type: PR Term: Annual ECTS: 10
Health and Social Care Rotation Type: PR Term: Annual ECTS: 3
Primary Care Rotation Type: PR Term: Annual ECTS: 3
Rotation in Medical Specialities Type: PR Term: Annual ECTS: 17
Rotation in Surgical Specialities Type: PR Term: Annual ECTS: 17
Final Degree Project Type: TF Term: Annual ECTS: 8
  • ECTS: European Credit Transfer System
  • Term: calendar period
  • (a): subjects which are taught in English



We believe that clinical practicums are a fundamental part of learning about the medical profession, and that tutors, as rigorous professionals, are the vehicle that makes this learning possible.


The main objective for these clinical practicums is to help students acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes of a general practitioner so that they can carry out the profession confidently and independently. Students learn through hands-on experience and by observing the numerous professional roles involved in caring for patients. They are accompanied at all times by a tutor who supervises and facilitates their learning. 

The practicums are carried out in different areas of healthcare (primary care, accident and emergency, medical and surgical services, social-healthcare, etc.). By gaining such broad experience, students will become familiar with professional medical roles and see how each of these healthcare services functions.

Throughout the practicums, students will have the chance to care for patients and put their ‘student-patient’ relationship into practice, including communication skills and empathy, as well as seeing the essential role teamwork plays in healthcare environments.  

In order to gain this knowledge, the programme includes practical subjects with clearly defined objectives, methodologies and assessment systems, which are outlined in the corresponding syllabuses. 

Organisation of the clinical practicums.

From third to fifth year:

The clinical practicums are organised as subjects from the third to fifth year and culminate in the sixth ‘rotatory’ year of the bachelor’s degree.

Each subject has a syllabus that outlines its fundamental aspects: objectives, methodology, skills to be acquired, and finally, the assessment system. It is very important to bear these aspects in mind as they will serve as a guide for students to follow independently wherever they carry out their practicums. 

During the practicums period, students will also attend four workshops on personal development and growth over the course of one week. These workshops will focus on cross-disciplinary skills centred around individual and healthcare-related values, strengths to help with decision-making, tips for managing one's emotions and personal and interpersonal communication. 

Academic Year


Practicum Location



Medical clinical practicum I

Internal medicine


5 weeks


Medical clinical practicum II


Surgical practice


Medical specialities


General surgery and surgical specialities

4 weeks


4 weeks


Primary care (PC)


Elective Practicums

Dermatology in Practice

Critical Medicine: Protocols in Immediate Action

Ophthalmology in Practice

Oncology in Practice

Sports Traumatology

From Cognitive Normality to Dementia:

Practical experience in Clinical, Research and Translational Medicine


Primary Care Centres (CAPs)

Paediatric services 

Dermatology Services

Intensive Medicine Services

Ophthalmology Services

Oncology Services

Traumatology Services

ACE Foundation


2 weeks

4 weeks


2 weeks

2 weeks


2 weeks

2 weeks

2 weeks

2 weeks


Sixth academic year

The sixth and final year of this bachelor’s degree is highly practical. Students will be supervised by a clinical tutor and will practice medicine with greater autonomy, which represents a qualitative leap forward compared to the clinical practicums carried out in previous years. 

The aim is for students to rotate through different levels of care and clinical specialities and acquire a skill set of a professional standard that allows them to treat more complex conditions, implement their knowledge and skills, make accurate decisions and develop ethical attitudes, values and behaviour centred around the patient.

The rotatory year is made up of six subjects: 




Medical specialities rotation

9 weeks

Surgical specialities rotation

9 weeks

Primary care rotation

2 weeks

Free rotation

6 weeks

Social-healthcare rotation

2 weeks

Social services rotation

2 weeks


The social services rotation helps expose students to the humanistic and social side of medicine as well as healthcare-related altruism.


The following activities will also be carried out alongside the rotation schedule:

  • Six 12-hour on-duty shifts All information related to this activity can be found in the Rotation Guide.
  • Knowledge and skills integration sessions: from January These are on-site sessions and help to reinforce students’ learning.
  • Supervision of the rotatory year by an academic tutor who will help students reflect upon their learning process over the course of the academic year. 

Internships mainly take place at Universitary and Associate Hospitals:


University primary care centre

Associated / collaborating centers

Final Degree Project


The Final Degree Project (FDP) is carried out during the sixth year. Through the FDP students develop autonomously and supervised by a tutor a research project or scientific article that they have to defend publicly before a research committee.

It is intended that students demonstrate their level of professional competence in their approach to a research project related to medicine in its different areas. In this way, they must put into practice the knowledge acquired with respect to research and the genesis of knowledge that will prepare them to obtain a doctorate degree if they wish to acquire it.

Research projects or articles can be framed within the following research areas:

  •  Basic sciences
  •  Applied sciences, clinical research
  •  Biostatistics, epidemiology and public health
  •  Medical education
  •  Sociology of medicine, anthropology and bioethics

The modalities of the FDP are, among others, the following:

  •  Basic research project and specific laboratory work
  •  Clinical, translational or applied research project
  •  Epidemiological or public health research project
  •  Research project in medical education
  •  Social research project applied to the field of health

Previous requirements

In order to carry out the defense act, 300 credits corresponding to the first to fifth courses must be approved.

To enroll in the FDP, students must have passed the following research-related subjects:

  •  Basic concepts in experimental research
  •  Biostatistics
  •  Introduction to epidemiology
  •  Management of scientific information (IMM2)
  •  Clinical Epidemiology and Public Health


The objectives of the FDP are:

  •  Encourage the integration of the knowledge and skills in research acquired so far.
  • Familiarize students with the development of competitive study proposals in the different research fields.
  • Prepare students for the development of a critical and rigorous mind in the evaluation of research projects.
  •  Provide tools for the public presentation of research projects.

Medical Education Unit

Medical Education Unit

The Medical Education Unit depends directly on the Director of the Department and helps in the correct development of the curriculum and the improvement of the teaching quality of the teaching staff.
This unit ensures the quality of teaching, through the initial and continuous training of teachers according to the needs detected and advances in Medical Education at national and international level, encouraging innovation, promoting adaptation to new teaching and assessment methodologies and very especially in the clinical simulation environment.
Its main function is to promote the development of teachers' teaching skills by ensuring their training, promoting innovation in the classroom, promoting research in Medical Education and implementing improvement actions identified by the Quality Commission or promoted by the Department Board.


  • Ensure a high quality of learning
  • Improve the teaching quality of teachers
  • Advise on teaching innovation
  • Promote the performance of research work in Medical Education

Priority lines of research:

  • Competence assessment
  • Development of transversal competences in the Degree in Medicine
  • Interprofessional training, development of professionalism
  • Learning methods and new pedagogical strategies


Published articles
Medical Education Unit. Relationship with other Units and Departments
Communications to congresses


The Medical Education Unit includes members of the Centre Board, teachers with experience and interest in the field of medical education, methodological and statistical support staff.

Prerequisites & admissions

2025- 2026 academic year: Admission process for the Bachelor's Degree in Medicine

The admission process for the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine is aimed at applicants who would like to study Medicine at UIC Barcelona during the 2025- 2026 academic year. In order to start this process, applicants must follow the following steps.

Admissions process

If you want to begin the admission process you must fill out the admission application. Once you have taken this step, you will receive the codes to access the Admissions Portal. Please check the Promotions and Junk Mail folder.

On the platform, you will see the documentation that you must upload in order to take the tests. It is very important that you correctly mark your access route on the form since the documents you must upload will depend on the access route you mark.

Once all documents have been validated, you will receive an email with instructions to make the payment of €100 for the entrance exam. Once we receive your payment, we will be able to confirm your place for the entrance exam.

All of these steps must be completed before we close the admission process in April approximately.

See details of admission process

Entrance exams

DATE TEST ADMISSION: Saturday, May 10, 2025

The admission test will be offered in two formats depending on your residence.

  • Students currently residing in Catalonia must take the exam on-site at the Sant Cugat Campus of UIC Barcelona.
  • Students currently living outside Catalonia can take the exam online.

In both cases the schedule will be in the morning (approximately 9.00 h to 13.00 h).

The entrance exams are in Spanish and are multiple choice, except for the structured written interview. There is no penalty for wrong answers. Calculators cannot be used and we do not provide practice exams from previous years. 

The entrance exam for the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine consists of:

  1. Specific biology, chemistry and mathematics knowledge test 
    1st year upper secondary school level. The aim is to assess the basic knowledge required to study Medicine.
  2. Emotional intelligence test 
    This test assesses some of the characteristics relating to the applicant’s professional profile based on their responses to certain everyday situations. It is important to answer honestly, as the internal consistency of the answers is taken into account.
  3. Structured written interview 
    All applicants will do a structured written personal interview the same day as the entrance exam. It may be answered in any of the three official languages of UIC Barcelona: Catalan, Spanish or English. This interview is only corrected for the applicants ranked in the top 220 positions.

Test assessment and weighting

Applicants to the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine are ranked according to the following items and weightings:

  • Academic record (50%)
  • Entrance exam (50%)

Specific biology, chemistry and mathematics knowledge test (25%)

Emotional intelligence test (25%)

Structured written interview (no percentage, can raise or lower decimals or maintain the mark)

Exam results

Applicants will be able to know the decision within a period of three weeks from the day of the exam through the Admissions Portal.

There are different types of decisions:

  • Admitted: the applicant has been admitted to the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine and may download the acceptance letter they need to make the payment to reserve their place, which is equivalent to 20% of the price of the 1st year* and thereby confirm their place at UIC Barcelona. We will begin requesting the documents needed for enrolment based on the applicant’s access route in July.
    *Place reservation is non-refundable.
  • Pending: the applicant has been placed on the wait list. They are not accepted for admission, but pending a possible vacancy.  If admitted, the applicant will be informed via email. Results will not be provided by telephone.
  • Not accepted: this means that the applicant has been excluded from the admission process to the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine. Definitive decision.

Information to keep in mind

  • We offer 15 seats for students who have initiated or completed any other university degrees.

Credit recognition or validation

Record transfer (medical students from other institutions) 

Accepting student record transfers is subject to the places that are available after the current academic year has closed.  All of the studies to be validated or recognised will be reviewed during the academic year when admission occurs.

Each record transfer review request will be evaluated, and the applicant will be asked to come to an online interview to give them the results of the review. The interview dates for academic record transfers for the 2025- 2026 academic year are:

  • Friday 21st March
    Deadline for submitting admissions documentation by students: March 3, 2025
  • Friday 11 April
    Deadline for submitting admissions documentation by students: March 24, 2025

Credit recognition and transference

Credit recognition (students who are admitted after the entrance exams) 

Once the student has been admitted, the Faculty of Medicine’s Transfers and Credit Recognition Committee will review the studies to be validated. Validation or recognition reviews will only be undertaken during the academic year when admission occurs. 

An email will be sent to all admitted students who can request a transfer validation review to inform them of the documents required and the deadlines for submitting them.

Admission process for two or more degree programmes

Applicants who would like to earn other degrees at UIC Barcelona must fill in an online application for each of the degree programmes they have chosen on our website and provide the documents each degree programme requires.*

* Exam fees apply to each admission test taken.

You must take the entrance exam for each degree programme you choose. 

Contact details

Anaïs Rey
Information and Admissions Service: 935 042 000


Reception of 1st year students takes place on Welcome Days at the beginning of the academic year. If you want to see the Welcome Days programme, download the document here:

1st Year Students are also issued the Book of support resources for students.

Continuation of studies

Article 9 of the Internal Regulations for Academic Management, approved on 05/15/2017, on enrollment credits by course and permanence regime, is modified for the Degree in Medicine in the following terms (applicable from the 2018-2019 academic year):

  • In order to continue the degree studies, the student must have passed 60% of the credits enrolled in each course, except for the first academic year, in which the student must have passed a minimum of 40 ECTS and, in the second year, a minimum of 90 ECTS corresponding to the subjects of the first two academic years.

Grants & financial aid


General information

How many places are available on the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine?
100 places.

How much does the first year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine cost?
Please visit here for the most up-to-date information.

What kind of grants or funding can I get to study Medicine at UIC Barcelona?
Please visit here for more information.

Do students need to buy books or any other additional materials for classes?
Teaching material can be found on the University’s digital platform and at the Library. There are no elevated costs associated with the material.

When will classes be held?
Theoretical-practical classes are held in the afternoon (usually between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.). Practical laboratory sessions (biology, pharmacology, dissection, skeleton, etc.) usually take place in the morning. Clinical practicums at healthcare centres are also held in the morning.

When do the practicums start?
All subjects have a strong practical component, combining theoretical and practical classes, in small groups, carried out in the laboratories, in the simulation center and, from the third year onwards, intensifying with internships in the clinical environment (supervised clinical internships). The last year (6th rotation) is eminently practical and includes 30 weeks of internships.

Access routes

What academic transcript mark is required alongside the entrance examination for UIC Barcelona?
The mark you received in your most recently completed academic year is taken into account. Therefore, if you are in your 2nd year of upper secondary school, the mark you obtained from your 1st year will be taken into account. If you have already finished upper secondary school, we will look at the mark from your 2nd year and so on.

Can I apply for the entrance examinations if I have social, humanities or artistic upper secondary qualifications?
Yes. You must take into account the fact that the entrance examinations involve specific tests on biology, chemistry and mathematics at first year upper secondary level.

Entrance exams and the admission process


How many people attend the entrance examinations?
Around 550.

In what format will the admission tests be conducted?
The admission test will be offered in two formats depending on the student’s residence. - Students currently residing in Catalonia must take the exam in classroom format at the Sant Cugat Campus of UIC Barcelona. - Students currently residing outside Catalonia can take the exam in online format.

Can I look up past entrance exam papers?
We do not have sample tests available

Is the examination multiple choice? 
Yes, except for the structured written interview.

How are the marks from both my academic record and the entrance examinations weighted? 
50 % is attributed to the marks from your academic record and 50 % from the entrance examinations.

What are the exam times? 
From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. approximately. 

How long do the exams take? 
The entrance examinations last between four and five hours, which will be distributed as follows:

  • Emotional intelligence test
  • A specific biology, chemistry and mathematics test
  • Structured written interview

Is it necessary to have a B2 level of English to take the tests?
No, it is not necessary.

When will I find out the results of the entrance exams? 
The results will be sent via email approximately 15 working days after the exams have been taken.

If I’m on the waiting list, when will I find out the final results?
The waiting list will definitively close two weeks following the start of classes (end of September). Also, until the pass marks are published by the state universities, there will be little movement on the waiting lists.

If I am accepted, what is the next step?
You will receive a letter of admission containing information about the next steps to take in order to reserve a place on the course. This corresponds to 20% of the fee for the first year.

If in the end I choose not to study at UIC Barcelona after having reserved a place, will the reservation fee be refunded to me?
The reservation fee will only be refunded if you do not pass your upper secondary school or PAU (national Spanish university entrance examinations) exams. This clause is laid out in our General Terms and Conditions.

International mobility

Study abroad temporarily

Spend a semester or a full academic year at one of your Faculty’s partner universities or find an institution abroad to do an internship.

If you want to know the specific requirements of outgoing mobility of the Degree in Medicine, download the document

Check out the "Study abroad" section to access all the information you need to know before, during, and after studying abroad.

In addition, you may:

Study with us temporarily

If you are studying at another Spanish or foreign university, you can come to UIC Barcelona to study temporarily for one semester or a full academic year.

"If you want to know the specific requirements of outgoing mobility of the Degree in Medicine, download the document