CIS publishes survey on sexual violence against women (February 2023)
Around 3.5 million adult women, 21.7%, in Spain admit to having suffered sexual assault during their live, according to data from the "Current issues survey: sexual violence against women" published Wednesday, 8 February, by the Centre for Sociological Research (CIS). The study also reveals that almost 80% of Spaniards know a woman who has been sexually assaulted: 35.1% of Spaniards in their circle of family or friends; 27.2% in the area where they live, in their neighbourhood; and 17.5% in their place of work or study. In any case, 65.8% of Spaniards believe that because there is more news about sexual assaults, more cases go public. The survey does not include questions about the Law on Sexual Freedom or the Law 'Only yes is yes' on the relevance of consent, the reductions in sentences it has caused, or about the need or not to reform it. The fieldwork, more than 2,500 telephone interviews, was carried out between 20 and 25 January, three months after the law promoted by the Ministry of Equality came into force. Regarding the reason why some men attack women, 12.2% believe that the main cause is that they have mental issues, while 10.6% blame it on lack of education and absence of motives and values; 8.3% to low education level; 8.3% to feelings of power, superiority and rights; 7.2% find no reason; and 5.8% to machismo, misogyny and rejection of gender equality. This is one of the periodic monographic surveys carried out by the CIS on current issues, in this case sexual violence against women. In 2019 and 2014, the CIS conducted two Macro surveys on Violence Against Women, in which sexual violence was also addressed. Likewise, in 2017 it published a survey on "Social Perception of Sexual Violence."