
The Doctoral School celebrates the conferral of some thirty new doctors

Accompanied by academics, family members and friends, a total of thirty-one new doctors have received their doctoral tams, a symbol of “highest degree that a university can grant” according to  Alfonso Méndiz, rector of UIC Barcelona. The event took place on 19 July in the Aula Magna of the University

The new doctors were received by Núria Casals, director of the Doctoral School of UIC Barcelona, who welcomed them to this new academic phase. Casals gave words of thanks to friends and family for the support given to the new doctors in their research stage. “There are very hard times,” she said, “when all kinds of obstacles must be overcome, but they are worth it because each thesis is a small grain of sand in the vast scientific knowledge of our society.”

The patron of this class of new doctors was Conrado Aparicio, vice-rector for Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer. Aparicio stressed the responsibility of academic researchers. “Your work,” he reminded them, “can have a great social impact. You are the future leaders of research, and you will have to guide the next generation of researchers, demonstrating scientific rigour and that the search for truth is done with personal and social responsibility.”

For his part, the vice-rector spoke of the importance of the interdisciplinary nature of any research work. “Knowing about only one thing restricts us. We have to investigate from many perspectives,” he explained.

Finally, the rector of UIC Barcelona, Alfonso Méndiz reminded the new doctors that they are already able to investigate on their own, thanks to “this degree, the highest that the university can grant”. In the words of Núria Casals, “through this doctoral degree, with your work you expand your knowledge, and above all, you contribute to a wiser society.”