
Two Humanities and Architecture projects receive the 5th Puig Foundation Grant in Teaching Innovation from UIC Barcelona

Two innovative projects from Humanities and Architecture have won the V Puig Grant in Quality and Innovation Teaching, awarded by the Puig Foundation every two years. The grant recognises the educational work of the University’s lecturers through projects that pursue teaching excellence with the introduction of improvements in student learning processes and teaching quality in the university environment

In this edition, 11 projects involving 56 teachers were presented. The event was held at the University’s Saló de Graus and chaired by Josep Clotet, vice-rector for Planning and Quality; Isabel Villanueva, director of the Quality and Teaching Innovation Classroom, and was attended by Maria Vallés, director of the Puig Foundation. The director of the Foundation highlighted the role played by UIC Barcelona teachers in the development of society.

The first prize went to the work “Active teaching methodologies to develop digital competence for the humanities”, led by Dr Marta Crispí, lecturer at the faculty of Humanities. The jury were impressed by “the quality of the proposal, which is based on a teaching innovation focused on the acquisition of skills and the use of new technologies by both teachers and students”.

The second prize was awarded to the project of the School of Architecture led by Dr Víctor Echarri and Dr Pedro Casariego, “Interdisciplinary Workshop on New Sustainable Construction Solutions through the Recycling of CDW from Wind Farms”. The jury highlighted “the interdisciplinarity within the area of architecture with other areas of knowledge and the character of sustainability in line with the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda”.

During the ceremony, the winners of the IV edition of the Grant awarded in 2022, Dr Marta Benaiges and Dr Diego Navarro of the School of Architecture, and Dr Montserrat Nebrera of the faculty of Law, presented the conclusions of their work.

The event was organised by the UIC Barcelona Quality and Teaching Innovation Classroom, which promotes innovation initiatives and projects in the classroom in favour of continuous improvement of teaching processes.