Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Advanced Dentistry Materials

Advanced Dentistry Materials
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

Consultations will be provided upon request via e-mail and will be individual, unless students request a group meeting.



The subject Advanced Dentistry Materials is a continuation of the subject Dentistry Materials. The aim is to review the materials used in our daily practice and introduce newly-emerging materials.

The purpose of the subject is to consolidate knowledge of the materials from an approach more oriented towards their clinical use and research, enabling students to more readily establish links between the theory and practice.

Pre-course requirements

A pass in the subject Dentistry Materials, taken in the 2nd year of the degree programme, is required.



  • To assimilate the theory concepts and be able to distinguish between the different materials that can be used for specific treatments and consequently select the most convenient in each situation.
  • To acquire finesse and the skills required for the oral presentation of the student’s work before an audience, as well as for defending one’s position.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 07 - Promoting new knowledge and techniques being acquired through autonomous learning, as well as the motivation to achieve quality.
  • 11 - Understanding the basic biomedical science Dentistry is based on in order to ensure that adequate dental healthcare is provided.
  • 13 - Understanding and recognising the science behind the essential bio-materials involved in dental practice as well as immediately managing potential allergies to these.
  • 19 - Being aware of scientific methods and having the critical ability to evaluate established knowledge and innovative information. Being able to formulate hypotheses, collect and critically evaluate information in order to resolve problems, in accordance with scientific methods.
  • 35 - Knowing the scientific principles of sterilisation, disinfection and the antiseptics necessary to prevent cross-infection in dental practice
  • 42 - Handling, distinguishing and selecting the tools and materials that are suitable for dentistry
  • 43 - Having knowledge of dental biomaterial: in terms of handling, properties, instructions, allergies, biocompatibility, toxicity and eliminating residues as well as their environmental impact
  • 44 - Knowing about and being able to use the basic tools and equipment for dental practice

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • 2.06 - Develop appropriate research questions
  • 2.08 - Know how to read scientific literature critically and recognize its parts
  • 2.09 - Designing a research protocol
  • 2.12 - Use of specific IT tools
  • 2.13 - Know the general handling of materials and dental instruments
  • 2.14 - Know dental biomaterials, from handling and properties to toxicity and environmental impact
  • 2.15 - Know and use basic instrumentation and equipment for the dental practice
  • 2.16 - Make a correct alginate impression silicone.
  • 2.17 - Make a plaster cast
  • 2.18 - Manipulate correctly recording materials and make individual trays to take impressions of edentulous patients.
  • 2.21 - Handle properly adhesives and etching techniques for composite fillings
  • 2.22 - Perform a composite seal properly and how to manipulate the material and technique
  • 2.23 - Use different types of dental cements, whether provisional or definitive in the cases indicated appropriately
  • 2.26 - Make a provisional of acrylic resin and as and learn how these materials should be handled in the right way
  • 2.39 - Perform an absolute isolation of the operative field


The syllabus of the subject Advanced Dentistry Materials consists of, in basic terms, introducing new developments in dentistry materials which the rest of subjects of the degree have no time to expand on, deepening and reviewing the materials already known to the students.


Teaching and learning activities

In person

The course will be divided into two parts: 1) Lectures which will have duration of two hours and 2) Seminars.

In the seminar part of the course, students will have to prepare a short paper each week and students will be selected who will have to present it in case, in addition they will do a quiz on the topic of the seminar. All the assignments will be related to the topics that have been taught in class and seminars.


Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation of the course will be carried out as follows

Seminars: 60%.

          Presentation: 30%.

           Questionnaires: 30%.

Theoretical exam: 40%.

In this way, there will be a continuous evaluation of the topics worked on each week and at the end of the semester there will be a theoretical exam to evaluate the assimilation of the theoretical concepts explained in the Master Class. In order to pass the course, students must pass the seminars and the theory exam.

Students leaving on Erasmus will have to complete a written assignment, the questionnaires and the theory exam, and pass all parts in order to pass the subject.

In order to obtain an honours degree, the average of the parts must be higher than 9.

Bibliography and resources

 Most literature resources will be sent by e-mail or via the platform Moodle, since students will need to work on the assigned articles.