Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Personnel Management

Personnel Management
First semester
Main language of instruction: English

Teaching staff


  • The aim of this subject is to give an overview of the strategic relevance of talent in organisations and human resources management.
  • The aim is also to be aware of the reality of a company from the point of view of personal relationships. To know about the power of relationships, management leadership, the importance of negotiation in any professional environment and to learn how a human resources department works in different areas.
  • The course will be taught in English.

Pre-course requirements



  1. Acquire basic knowledge of the management of leadership in business and develop negotiation and leadership competencies
  2. Understand the role of the HR function within the company and the integration with company strategy.
  3. Know and develop the necessary skills to perform the HR function.
  4. Learn how HR can be a key partner in every business decision.
  5. Understand  -from both a strategic and operational point of view-  processes in the area of HR management plus the techniques and management tools applied to the following areas:
  • Recruiting and hiring.
  • HR Administration (Contracts, Benefits).
  • Compensation and Rewards.
  • Training and Development.
  • Performance Management.
  • Labour Relations, Cross Cultural Management, Motivation, Leadership and People Management skills.  

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 02 - The ability to plan human resources
  • 03 - The ability to plan personal resources (personnel, materials, seasonal...)
  • 04 - The ability of self assessment and professional self management
  • 05 - The ability to learn autonomously
  • 06 - The ability to act autonomously and responsibly
  • 07 - The ability to work in a group
  • 08 - The ability to organise time and workspace
  • 10 - The ability to develop an ethical attitude
  • 11 - The ability to make judgments and well-argued critical assessments
  • 22 - The ability to generate debate and reflection
  • 79 - The ability and capacity for independent practice of the profession
  • 86 - The ability and capacity to identify, value, manage and protect the intangible assets of a company
  • 88 - The ability to relate to people and the environment without losing autonomy
  • 89 - The ability to create synergy in a working team
  • 90 - The ability of insight, ingenuity and creativity
  • 91 - Preparation to assume risks
  • 92 - The ability for analysis, synthesis and critical judgment
  • 93 - To know how to manage time
  • 94 - The ability to act freely and responsibly
  • 96 - The ability to objectively analysis reality and the extraction of valid considerations
  • 98 - To skillfully manage terminology in English related to Communication
  • 99 - To be able to understand the principal ideas in a conference in the English language

Learning outcomes of the subject

  1. Acquire basic knowledge of the management of leadership in business and develop negotiation and leadership competencies
  2. Understand the role of the HR function within the company and the integration with company strategy.
  3. Know and develop the necessary skills to perform the HR function.
  4. Learn how HR can be a key partner in every business decision.


1. Introduction to HR function

  • Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage.
  • Human Resource Management Practices (HR administration, development, labour relations).
  • Talent relevance evolution (agricultural/ industrial/ talent).
  • Common Responsibilities HR department.
  • HRM current evolution and trends.
  • HR as strategic role in the business.
  • The Sustainability Challenge (stakeholders).
  • Concerns with Employee Engagement.
  • HR Management and Technology Challenge.
  • Summary HR function.

2. Talent relevance for business

  • Talent concept and components.
  • Environment for talent development: leadership, culture, compensation systems, labour environment, relations, management styles.
  • Organisational talent diagram.

3. Company structure. Which managerial profile is required?

  • Functional and hierarchical relationships.
  • Learning labour market (sectors, positions, kind of companies).
  • Ownership structure. The power (formal/ informal) of the company.
  • Organisational chart.
  • Functional/Matrix structure.

4. XXI Century leaders

  • Present/ future versus past.
  • Leader relevant skills.
  • Become versus born leaders. How to achieve leadership skills.
  • Six Leadership styles. The dissonant styles.
  • Primal and resonant leadership. Becoming a resonant leader.
  • Intelligent Organisations. The emotional reality of teams.
  • Leadership competencies.

5. Negotiation skills

  • The key components of Negotiation.
  • The New Deal Economy.
  • Negotiating attitude. Bargaining Power. How to change your negotiating attitude.
  • Negotiating process. Managing the stages of success.
  • Negotiating behaviour. Choices of behaviour. Changing your behaviour.
  • Negotiating in different countries.

6. Recruiting and selection process

  • Job description/ job specification.
  • Recruiting sources.
  • curriculum vitae function and models.
  • Job interviews types. Examples.
  • Interview targets: can do? Will do? How fit?
  • Job interviews questions. Examples. Behavioral questions.
  • Job interview relevant mistakes.

7. Salaries. Payroll. Legislation

  • Payroll definition.
  • Payroll structure: gross/net income, payroll taxes (income tax, social security quote).
  • Basic pay/ supplementary payments/ extraordinary payments/ extra hour.
  • Calculate salary increases (CPI/ productivity index).
  • Compensation package components: base salary, short/long term incentives, employee social benefits.
  • Negotiate a compensation package.

8. Spanish labor law overview

  • Contracts overview (formal aspects to be included, probationary period).
  • Types of contracts (indefinite, temporary, training, part-time).
  • Labour law, collective labor agreements.
  • Employee representation, senior executive contracts.
  • Change of duties, geographic mobility.
  • Labor contract termination (justified/ unjustified).
  • Trade unions relevance.
  • Global considerations to Spanish labour law.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The following activities will be considered:

1st. Lecture

  • The course is composed of several sessions. Every session is 2 hours. 
  • The main aim of these sessions is to provide the theoretical ground which will be crucial to acquire a general understanding of Human Resources. Although the subject has a very pragmatic approach, it is basic to understand the theory in order to develop a different mindset. This mindset will equip the student to interpret practices and behaviors in the HR world (whatever the business environment will be)
  • Within the 2 hour session, there will be a mix of lecture style and practical activities. 

Individual work (guided by the professor)

  • Students must fulfill two requisites:
  1. Read the material that the professor will provide.
  2. Review, analyse and study the material presented during the lectures in order to acquire the knowledge to apply it.


  • Students will be selected randomly and they will have to answer a set of questions. The purpose of these quizzes is double: to assure that material has been understood properly, to keep track of individual follow up of the discipline.

Individual work (managed by every student autonomously)

  • Every student has to prepare for the final exam.
  • The final exam will consist on a few questions, so, reading the material provided by the professor, doing the exercises and participating actively is basic to get a thorough understanding of the discipline and to be ready to get a good grade in the final written exam.  
Meeting Point. Meetings will be organised with notable people from the professional and scientific fields or the international field, and students. These sessions will take the form of conferences, work sessions, discussions, or interviews, etc. 1.0
Lab. Working groups that combine theory and practice. The aim of these is not to undertake already known techniques, but instead to make progress that is both theoretical and technical. These Lab sessions will culminate in the creation of a professional or semi-professional product. 1.0
Lectures. In lectures, lecturers/professors not only transmit content or knowledge, but also, and above all else, attitudes, motivation, skills and values, etc. They also ensure that participants can express their opinions and arguments to the other students. 1.0

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The final grade is calculated as follows:

  1. Active attendance to class plus continuous assessment tests and exercises, make 25% of the grade.
  2. partial test or excercise: 25%
  3. Final written exam: 50%

Next rounds only count the final exam.

Bibliography and resources

Emotional Inteligence. Daniel Goleman.

On Leadership. James March, Thierry Weil. Ed: Black well Publishing

Drive, (the surprising truth about what motivates us). Daniel Pink. Ed: New York

The new leaders. D.Goleman, R. Boyatzis, A. Mckee. Sphere. (The study of this book is compulsory)

The Yes Book, the art of better negotiation. Clive Rich. Virgin. 

Man's search for meaning. Viktor E. Frankl

Teaching and learning material