Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Specific Techniques of Physiotherapy Applied to Sport

Specific Techniques of Physiotherapy Applied to Sport
First semester
Physiotherapy in clinical specialties
Optativas de especialización
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: Spanish,

Teaching staff

Titular de l'assignatura

 Ivet FARRIOLS - ivetfarriols@uic.es




The subject of Specific Physiotherapeutic Techniques Applied to Sports intends to give the future physiotherapist the theoretical and practical bases of two of the main techniques used in sports. 

Sports massage

The massage applied in sport has own characteristics of intensity, pace and depth depending on the phases of training or competition and its objective, which is already intended for prevention, recovery efforts, treatment of injuries or competition. 

Functional bandaging

Different techniques of bandaging are an essential tool in the developmental work of the physiotherapist. Learning this technique opens up a range of possibilities in preventive and therapeutic approaches in the athletes.

Pre-course requirements

Not established.


Sports massage

- Introduce students to the different massage techniques and go into palpation and location of muscles more in depth, in order to recognize, evaluate and implement the most appropriate technique according to the need of the moment.

- Learn dosing parameters with speed, intensity and depth of the technique.

- Relate massage with other interventions that can be applied to achieve a physiotherapeutic goal.  

Functional bandaging

- Introduce the theoretical bases underlying bandage techniques. 

- Acquire the skills to properly handle the material.

- Provide the criteria for the application of appropriate dressing of the patient in the athletic situation.  

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - The ability to analysis and synthesis.
  • 09 - Demonstrate critical thinking skills.
  • 15 - Demonstrate a concern for quality.
  • 37.4 - adhere to professional competencies and standards in health care
  • 43 - Knowledge of physiotherapeutic procedures based on techniques and methods specific to physiotherapy interventions applied to the various disorders of all systems and medical and surgical specialisations, as well as health promotion and disease prevention.
  • 47 - Ability to assess the patient's/client's functional status, taking into account his/her physical, psychological and social aspects.
  • 51 - Ability to assess the outcomes of the physiotherapy treatment against the initial goals set and the established outcome criteria.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The student knows, understands and applies the fundamental principles of the clinical specialty.


 Sports massage

1.  Theoretical bases of massage applied to sport.

2.  The healthy athlete. Measures for the preparation of strain and effort. Heat massage.

3.  The healthy athlete. Measures for the recuperation of strain and effort. Massage in primary restitution.

4.  The healthy athlete. Measures for the recuperation of strain and effort. Massage in high restitution.

5.  The injured athlete. Main lesions of the soft tissues. Application of therapeutic massage.

6.  The injured athlete. Introduction to deep transverse massage (cyriax).  

Functional bandaging

1.  Theoretical bases of functional bandaging applied to sport.

2.  Dressing the upper extremities.

3.  Dressing the lower extremities.  

Teaching and learning activities

In person



Materia 7

Optativas de especialización


















In the theoretical and practical seminars the teacher will present theoretical explanations. Subsequently, the teacher will show the corresponding practice. Students will make time to practice the maneuvers demonstrated by the teacher.



Basic procedures

· Punctuality is essential for the correct development of the classes at the start and completion of the subjects.

- Students must attend class in the appropriate dress code: UIC tracksuit.

- It is necessary that at the end of the class, students work together to restore the correct order of the gym: correct placement of chairs, stools, cushions, rollers, pads … Students should note that gyms are common spaces for different degree courses, postgraduate courses and other training sessions which are required by the University. It should be noted the need to integrate order habits essential for teamwork. If the teacher is in breach of these regulations, it will be necessary to communicate so with the module coordinator.

In relation to teaching

Regarding the development of teaching in gyms, students will have to take into account that the theoretical and practical seminars contain educational activities that involve the application of techniques, under the supervision of the teacher, carried out by students and distributed to in pairs. This often requires revealing certain areas of the body. These circumstances can lead to uncomfortable situations or hurt the sensitivity or sense of modesty of students as well as comments or interpretations that, outside the professional environment or in the field of families, could cause negative results ethically or morally.

Therefore, it is the professor's responsibility to make sure the following rules are honored:

- Students should be informed regarding the dress code necessary for the completion of the workshops (bikini, shorts, ...).

- Under no circumstances will students be allowed to change in gyms 

- The student will take off the piece of clothing necessary for the completion of the practical activity only during the determined time of the activity. If before, during or after the activity, a theoretical explanation occurs, the uniform or tracksuit will have to be worn.  

- It is necessary to instill in students a professional mentality related to respect for privacy and patient (student) values towards those who are cared for, by cutting out any kind of joke, derogatory comment or trivialization on the subject.

All these measures aim at respecting the fact that gyms are dynamic and organized spaces, facilitating the activity of teachers and the correct use of them by students.

Attendance Regulations

The subjects in the Physiotherapy Degree present theoretical and practical content in which the main objective is the acquisition and development of procedures and technical skills that are directly related to the professional practice These classes are structed in small groups where there is direct and continuous supervision of the teacher. Therefore, attendance to seminars is considered essential and necessary to ensure the acquisition of these skills. Based on what has been presented above, absences will only be excused to those who have missed class due to major causes and even under these circumstances, if they miss more than 30% of the training work, students will have to retake the subject in the next academic year, without the possibility of a resit.The consequences derived from non-compliance with this regulation can have very negative effects directly related to the registration process (overlapping and / or academic incompatibilities), as well as the corresponding expectations in the completion of the Degree.


Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The course consists of two blocks: Sport massage and Functional bandaging. Both blocks must be passed independently with a minimum mark of 5 so that the average between the two, results in a passing mark. Each block counts as 50% of the final mark of the course.  

The evaluation criteria is:

Sports massage

The mark obtained will be the result of the average between:

 - PRACTICAL evaluation which will have a value of 60%.

 - THEORETICAL evaluation which will have a value of 40%.

It is necessary to obtain at least a grade of 5 in the practic evaluation and a grade of 5 in the written evaluation in order to be able to average.

In the second call the evaluation will consist of a practical or theoretical test depending on the part suspended in the first call.

Functional bandages

The mark obtained will be the result of the average between:

 - The practical evaluation, which will have a value of 60%.

 - The theoretical evaluation, which will have a value of 40%.

It is necessary to obtain at least a note of 5 in the practical part and a note of 5 in the theoretical part so that the average can be realized.

In the second call, the evaluation will consist of a theoretical or practical test, depending on the part suspended in the first call.

Attendance Regulations related to evaluation

The theoretical and practical exams of both seminars will be held on the last day of class, according to the annual calendar.

The attendance to the subject is obligatory in 70% of the hours, in each of the blocks that comprise it:

- Sport massage.

- Functional bandaging.

In case of breach of these regulations in any of the 2 blocks, the student will have to taketo the second convocatory.


Bibliography and resources


Bibliografia Basica

- Einsingbach, T., Klümper, A. Biedermann, L. Fisioterapia y rehabilitación en el deporte. Barcelona: Scriba, S.A. 1989. 

- Tixa, Serge. Atlas de Anatomía palpatoria de la extremidad inferior. Barcelona: Masson, S.A. 1999. 

- Tixa, Serge. Atlas de Anatomía palpatoria del cuello, tronco y extremidad superior. Barcelona: Masson, S.A. 2000.

- Vazquez Gallego, J. El Masaje Terapeutico. Madrid: Mandala, 1991.

Bibliografia Complementaria

- Vazquez Gallego, J. Jáuregui Crespo, A. El Masaje Transverso profundo. Madrid: Mandala, 1994. 


Bibliografia basica

- Neiger H. Los vendajes funcionales. Aplicaciones en traumatología del deporte y en reeducación. Barcelona: Masson; 1990. 

  - Kazemi Bayhashemi A. Modificación de la biomecánica a través de los vendajes funcionales. Guadalajara: Gráficas Minaya; 1997. 

  - Fernández de Sousa-Dias P. Manual de vendaje funcional: tobillo y pie. Barcelona: Smith&Nephew; 2003. 

 -  MacDonald R. Taping techniques. Principles and practice. Butterworth Heinemann; 2004. 

 - Bové T. El vendaje funcional. Elsevier; 2005. 

 - Hewetson T. et al. An illustrated guide to taping techniques. Principles and practice. Mosby Elsevier; 2010 

Bibliografia complementaria

 - O.Rouillon. LeStrapping. Ed Vigot. 1987.           

 - Arnheim D. Medicina Deportiva. Fisioterapia y entrenamiento atlético. (3 libros). Ed.Mosby-Doyma ; 1995. 

- Miralles R. Biomecánica clínica del aparato locomotor. Masson; 1998

 - Txema Aguirre, María Achalandabaso. Kinesiology tape manual. Ed. Biocorp Europa 2009.

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 15/01/2024 I1 10:00h
  • E1 15/01/2024 I2 10:00h
  • E1 15/01/2024 I3 10:00h
  • E2 17/06/2024 I1 08:00h
  • E2 17/06/2024 G1 08:00h