Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Spanish Language

Spanish Language
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Prof. Rocío Montuenga Ríos rmontuenga@uic.es

Office: Campus de Terrè 11-19, first floor.

Tutoring hours: Tuesdays from 11 am to 12 pm.


The purpose of this zero spelling course is to improve the student's ability to express him/herself appropriately in writing. For this reason, three essential aspects of spelling are studied: accentuation, punctuation marks and some important uses of Spanish.

It is also intended to inculcate reading habits, self-correction and care for the language.


Pre-course requirements

Students are required to have prior knowledge of Spanish.


That the student is able to:

1. Recognize the importance of writing in the field of Communication.

2. Know the orthographic and syntactic rules of the Spanish language and identify errors.

That the student is able to:

1. Acquire habits of self-correction and care for the language.

2. Develop the habit of reading and reading comprehension.

3. Assume a constant, professional and responsible work, with seriousness in meeting deadlines.


Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - The ability to adapt to varying circumstances
  • 02 - The ability to understand, accept criticism and correct errors
  • 03 - The ability to administer and manage human and technical resources
  • 04 - The ability to work in a team and autonomously
  • 05 - The ability to organise time and workspace
  • 06 - The ability to develop academic rigour, responsibility, ethics and professionalism
  • 07 - The ability to apply the deontology and respect for the audiovisual sector
  • 08 - The ability of critical analysis, synthesis, concretion and abstraction
  • 09 - The ability to objectify, quantify and interpret (data, statistics, empirical evidence…)
  • 10 - The ability to confront difficulties and resolve problems
  • 11 - The ability to generate debate and reflection
  • 12 - The ability to meet deadlines, develop the ability to be punctual and respect for human, technical and material resources
  • 13 - The ability to create spoken and written communication
  • 14 - Knowledge and mastery of rhetoric and oratory to communicate own ideas
  • 16 - The ability to manage, analysis and reflect on content
  • 17 - The ability to contextualize and critically analyze the events of social reality and to represent Contemporary History
  • 18 - The capacity and development of general culture and interest in social events
  • 19 - The ability of informative documentation
  • 20 - Knowledge and mastery of bibliographic media
  • 21 - Knowledge and mastery of the digital culture
  • 22 - Knowledge and mastery of the distinction between opinion and information / colloquial and cultured register
  • 23 - The ability to prioritize newsworthy events and contrast information
  • 24 - The ability to plan and organize both short term and long term projects
  • 25 - The ability to maximize creative development
  • 26 - The ability to develop a sense of taste and perfection in the aesthetics and finalization of projects
  • 37 - The ability to contextualize and critically analyze the organizational structure of global communication
  • 42 - The ability to distinguish, analyze and dominate the distinct genres and formats of television, film and radio
  • 44 - The ability to adapt to new audiovisual formats
  • 45 - The ability to know and dominate the techniques of audiovisual narrative.
  • 50 - The ability to adapt, understand and apply the expressive possibilities of new technologies and future changes
  • 53 - Lingustic ability in Catalan, Spanish and English
  • 54 - The ability to skillfully manage the literature, terminology and linguistic structures of the English language related to the field of communication.

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. Spell correctly.

2. Acquire more language and creative skills and effectively use a text according to the objectives and purposes of each communicative situation.




1. Accentuation

Difference between accent and stress

Tonic and unstressed syllables

Tonic and unstressed words

Acute, flat and sdruff words

General rules of accentuation

Diacritical stress

Accentuation of diphthongs and hiatuses


2. Punctuation marks


Punctuation marks




Suspension points

Auxiliary signs


3. Some outstanding uses of the Spanish language

Sino, si no

Whys and wherefores

Use of some verbs

Use of some nouns

Grammatical gender and number

Uses of some determiners

Uses of adjectives

Uses of pronouns

Uses of some adverbs and adverbial locutions

Uses of conjunctions

Uses of prepositions


Teaching and learning activities

In person

Lectures. In lectures, lecturers/professors not only transmit content or knowledge, but also, and above all else, attitudes, motivation, skills and values, etc. They also ensure that participants can express their opinions and arguments to the other students. 0.3
Focused Praxis. Handing in occasional exercises to learn theory through practice. 0,2
Coaching. Monitoring how students learn the content of the subject, either individually or in groups. In the coaching sessions, mistakes will be corrected, queries answered, and exercises and activities to achieve the established objectives will be suggested. 0.2
E-learning. Virtual learning based on ICT. 0.2
Seminar. This activity will consist of taking an in-depth look at specific up-to-date topics in a monographic manner-in some cases these topics will have been debated socially-, via active work in small groups. 0.1

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Attendance: 10%.

Final exam: 90% In case the student does not pass the exam in the 1st call (November), the student will take it in the 2nd call (June).

In case of 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th call, the same guidelines as in the 1st call must be followed.

Bibliography and resources


Jiménez-Yáñez, R.M. (2021). Comunicar en la Universidad y en la vida profesional. Eunsa. (Localízalo en Librerías TROA o en La Casa del Libro). 



Casado, M. (2012). El castellano actual: usos y normas (10ª ed. revisada). Eunsa. (Localízalo en Librerías TROA o en La Casa del Libro). 

REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA. (2010). Ortografía de la Lengua Española. Espasa Calpe. (Localízalo en Librerías TROA o en La Casa del Libro). 

Cassany, D. (1995). La cocina de la escritura. Anagrama. (Localízalo en La Casa del Libro). 






Teaching and learning material