Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Clinic I

Clinic I
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English,

Teaching staff

Dra. Laura Muñoz / lauramunoz@uic.es


This matter involves own clinical care activities of a pediatric dentist . The student will become familiar with the history pediatric dentistry . You will learn about dental materials and clinical sequence to follow the different preventive treatments , restorers and pulp common in everyday clinical practice.

Pre-course requirements

Overcoming preclininicas practices carried out in the laboratory.


Improving clinical practice of students in conducting proper patient history and clinical examination, as well as the use of different complementary examinations . 

The student will know pick an orderly manner all information on the history, knowing discern the more relevant information than what is not.

 Prepare students to treat dental emergencies and in prescribing appropriate drugs

Learning outcomes of the subject

The student communicates with patients and their families to explain scientific criteria but accessible language , diagnosis, treatment plan and prognosis in relation to scientific evidence. This " dentist / patient / family " relationship allows the latter to establish the best treatment plan and a reliable prognosis as possible.


Treatments to be performed on each patient

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Clinical practice monitored by a professor. 

Clinical seminars .

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Continuous assessment throughout the course .

Bibliography and resources

1. J.R. Boj, M. Català, C. García Ballesta, A. Mendoza y P. Planells. Odontopediatría. La evolución del niño al adulto joven. 1ª Edición (Madrid); Ripano S.A., 2011.

2. MC.DONALD R.,AVERY D., Odontología Pediátrica y del Adolescente. Ed. Mosby/Doyma Libros, 1995.

3. BARBERIA, E.; BOJ, J.R.; CATALA, M.; GARCIA, M.; MENDOZA, A. , Odontopediatría,

Ed. Masson. Barcelona, 1995.

4. PINKHAM, J.R., Odontología pediátrica, Ed. Interamericana,1996.

5. SNAWDER, K.D., Manual de odontopediatría clínica,Ed. Labor. Barcelona, 1995.

6. ANDREASEN, J.O. ,Lesiones dentarias traumáticas., Ed. Panamericana. Madrid, 1990.