Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Manual Therapy 3

Manual Therapy 3
First semester
Specific methods of intervention in Physiotherapy
Manual Therapy
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish

Teaching staff

For any queries students can arrange a visit by sending an email to:

Dr. Carlos López de Celis carlesldc@uic.es

Dr. Pere Ramon Rodríguez Rubio prodriguez@uic.es

Dr. Andoni Carrasco Uribarren acarrasco@uic.es 


Manual therapy techniques are the most commonly used techniques among physiotherapists in clinical practice, being one of the most important presentation methods for its application of knowledge as well as an increase in the scientific rigor of its application.

The use of manual therapy for the purpose of diagnosis in Physiotherapy and also to address the treatment of a pathology or harmful process is becoming increasingly more relevant for professionals in Physiotherapeuty for the benefits it has in the overall health that is provided to patients .

In manual therapy, we can find the direct techniques or more structurally oriented techniques for joint mobilization and are the most commonly used in clinical practice as well as are part of the training in the degree of Physiotherapy. On the other hand, we also find indirect techniques or more functional techniques which seek to restore the function of structure or anatomic region mainly with independent movement. That's why this subject is taught. It allows students to comprehensively address both structural and functional techniques applied in musculoskeletal system.

Pre-course requirements

Not specified.


- Improve manual hability, treating the patient at the same time as applying manual therapy and improving knowledge in the use of manual therapy techniques.

- Be able to deal with a patient who has a restriction of overall or segmental joint movement or at a musculoskeletal system level.

- Introduce students to the High Speed joint techniques at vertebral and peripheral levels.

- Introduce students to the clinical reasoning for the manual therapy.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - The ability to analysis and synthesis.
  • 02 - The ability to organise and synthesize
  • 09 - Demonstrate critical thinking skills.
  • 10 - Develop autonomous learning skills.
  • 15 - Demonstrate a concern for quality.
  • 29.1 - Demonstrate a committment to ongoing learning and self-improvement.
  • 43 - Knowledge of physiotherapeutic procedures based on techniques and methods specific to physiotherapy interventions applied to the various disorders of all systems and medical and surgical specialisations, as well as health promotion and disease prevention.
  • 48 - Ability to establish a physiotherapeutic diagnosis according to international norms and using internationally validated assessment tools.
  • 48.2 - Ability to assess the patient's/client's needs in order to give priority to the ones that could compromise the rehabilitation process.
  • 49 - Ability to design a physiotherapy treatment plan.
  • 50 - Ability to execute, direct and coordinate a physiotherapy treatment plan while attending to the client's individual needs and using therapeutic tools specific to the physiotherapy profession.
  • 50.1 - Ability to establish and implement physical therapy in treatments provided by all other medical and surgical specialties whenever it is deemed necessary.
  • 50.6 - Ability to design and apply the various modalities of therapeutic techniques and reflex methods as well as other specific, alternative or complementary manual therapies that are used within the physiotherapy field.

Learning outcomes of the subject

El estudiante aplica las tecnicas de la terapia manual a nivel de la pelvis y tronco.

El estudiante aplica las técnicas de la terapia manual a nivel del sistema músculo esquelético periférico.


Teaching and learning activities

In person

theoretical and practical seminars cooperative learning learning contract presentation method / lecture problem-solving exercises 01 02 09 30.1 37.4 43 47 49 50 51 53 3,6
autonomous learning activities learning contract 10 15 29.1 1,8
independent study 43 53 3,6

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

This subject will be assessed by conducting a continuous assessment (10%) and a final exam (Practical exam 50% and Teorical exam 40%). It's imperative to approve the three sections to overcome the subject.


Attendance Regulations

The subjects included in the Degree in Physiotherapy present theoretical and practical content with the main objectives being the acquisition and development of procedures and technical skills directly related to the practical exercise of the profession. This determines the structure of these classes, in small groups with direct and continuous supervision of the teacher. Thus, attendance to seminars is considered essential and necessary to ensure the acquisition of these skills. Based on the above, absences can only be excused due to major causes and in all circumstances, if they exceed 30% of the training load, the students will be obliged to re-enroll in this subject in the next academic year, without the discussion of the possibility of a resit.The consequences derived from non-compliance with this regulation can have very negative effects directly related to the registration process (overlapping and / or academic incompatibilities), as well as the corresponding expectations in the completion of the Degree.

Bibliography and resources

CHAITOW, L. Técnicas de liberación posicional. 3a ed. Elsevier. 2009.

DVORAK, J.; DVORAK, V. Medicina manual: Diagnóstico (vol.1) Tratamiento (vol.2). Ed. Scriba. 1993.

HÉMATY-VASSEUR, F. Le T.O.G du traitment ostéopathique général à l’ajustemnt du corps. Sully. 2009.

KALTENBORN, F.M.. Fisioterapia manual columna. Mc Graw-Hill Inteamericana. Madrid, 2000.

KALTENBORN, F.M.. Fisioterapia manual extremidades. Mc Graw-Hill Inteamericana, Madrid, 1999.

KALTENBORN, F.M..Physiotherapy Manual Volume III. Handling-Pulling limbs and vertebral column (Spanish version by Prof.Dr.JMTricás) 1st edition in Spanish, 2009. OMT España.

K.HAINAUT. Introducción a la biomecánica. Jims, Barcelona 1976

KAPANDJI, I. A. Cuadernos de fisiología articular I, II y III. Barcelona: Masson, 1973

LEWIT, K. Terapia manipulativa para la rehabilitación del aparato locomotor.  Paidotribo. Barcelona, 2002.

MYERS, T. Vias anatómicas. 2a Edición. Elsevier. 2010.

NORDIN, M. Biomecánica del sistema musculoesquelético. 3a Ed. Mc Graw Hill. Madrid, 2004.

PAOLETTI, S. Las fascias. El papel de los tejidos en la mecànica humana. Paidotribo. 2004.

RODRIGO, C. MIRALLES, M. Biomecánica clínica del aparato locomotor. Masson. Barcelona, 1998.

TIXA, S. Atlas de anatomía palpatoria de cuello, tronco y extremidad superior. Investigación manual de superficie. Masson. Barcelona, 2000.

TIXA, S. Atlas de anatomía palpatoria de la extremidad inferior. Investigación manual de superficie. Masson. Barcelona, 1999.

TIXA, S. Atlas de Técnicas articulares. Tomo 1, 2 y 3.: Elsevier. Barcelona, 2008.

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 17/01/2024 G2 08:00h
  • E1 17/01/2024 G1 08:00h
  • E1 17/01/2024 A14 08:00h
  • E1 17/01/2024 A08 08:00h
  • E2 19/06/2024 G2 08:00h
  • E2 19/06/2024 A09 08:00h