Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Management and Administration in Physiotherapy

Management and Administration in Physiotherapy
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish

Teaching staff

Professor responsible for that subject: Mr. Xavier Oliver (mail: xoliverc@uic.es)

Teaching Team:

Mr. Francesc Pol (mail: fpol@uic.es)

PhD. Xavier Corbella (mail: xcorbella@uic.es)


If being a self-employed physiotherapist has been a job opportunity that has historically chosen a multitude of professionals, the circumstances of the current socio-economic environment makes this possibility more evident than ever. Physiotherapy as such, is a profession that provides mutuality, insurance companies, sports clubs, companies, administration, etc ... with Health Service, and we have to know the systems of the buying and selling services of these customers. That's why the therapist must know the administrative procedures and management systems that can lead to the creation of a center or company of Physiotherapy as a cornerstone of entrepreneurship.

Therefore, it is considered very important to provide Physiotherapy students the basic skills that enable them to initiate and develop an active future economy, from an overall view.  


  • Educate and train future physical therapists to know and understand how to manage a business and to acquire the basic tools that contribute to the proper functioning of the business.
  • Provide students with enough knowledge to start and grow a business, regardless of size, from a legal and administrative management base of his/her own business.
  • Know the necessary procedures to manage the creation of a physiotherapeutic or business center.
  • Know the system of the buying and selling of Physiotherapeutic services to private or public companies, health insurers, benefit societies and other companies in the sector.
  • Know the basic infrastructure of a physiotherapeutic center and the materials necessary for initiating such activity.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 02 - The ability to organise and synthesize
  • 05 - The ability to manage information.
  • 14 - Demonstrate initiative and an entrepreneurial spirit.
  • 16 - Demonstrate a sensitivity towards environmental issues.
  • 31 - Knowledge of health care administration and management procedures—especially those related to physiotherapy—within a diverse and changing context.
  • 32 - Knowledge of organisational arrangements and employment models.
  • 33 - Knowledge of criteria and indicators for quality assurance in physiotherapy care according to guidelines for good clinical practice and professional standards.
  • 34 - Knowledge of basic concepts in health, health systems and levels of care. Epidemiology. Physiotherapy in the health process.
  • 35 - Knowledge of the impact of socio-health policies on professional practice.
  • 36 - Knowledge of factors involved in problems of social inequality and in the health needs of different social groups.
  • 37 - Knowledge of ethics, legal and professional issues in physiotherapy practice.


  1. Management processes applied in Physiotherapeutic service
    1. Process management
    2. Continuous improvement
    3.  The organization processes
    4. The process map
    5. Basic processes
    6. The indicators
  2. Health care management quality
    1. The concept of Total Quality care
    2. Quality policy
    3. Quality of Service
    4. Technical Quality
    5. Corporate Quality
    6. Certifications
  3. Legal forms of the profession
    1. The self-employed physiotherapy practice
    2. Particular Civil Society
    3. Professional society
    4. The Public and Public Limited Liability Company (SA, SL)
    5. Tax regulations
  4. Basic contracts
    1. Labor contracts
    2. Local Lease
    3. Contract of service
    4. Bank negotiation

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Materia 2. Administración y gestión en Fisioterapia.




2, 5, 31, 32, 33,

34, 35, 36, 37




14, 16,




33,34, 37




33, 34, 37


Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Evaluation Systems and Criteria

The subject will be evaluated by completing written tests (70% of the final mark), and group or individual project presentations (30% of the mark obtained).

Attendance Regulations

The subjects in the Physiotherapy Degree present theoretical and practical content in which the main objective is the acquisition and development of procedures and technical skills that are directly related to the professional practice. These classes are structured in small groups where there is direct and continuous supervision of the teacher. Therefore, attendance to seminars is considered essential and necessary to ensure the acquisition of these skills. Based on what has been presented above, absences will only be excused to those who have missed class due to major causes and even under these circumstances, if they miss more than 20% of the training work, students will have to retake the subject in the next academic year, without the possibility of a resit. The consequences derived from non-compliance with this regulation can have very negative effects directly related to the registration process (overlapping and / or academic incompatibilities), as well as the corresponding expectations in the completion of the Degree.

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 23/02/2024 I1 09:00h
  • E1 23/02/2024 I2 09:00h
  • E1 23/02/2024 I3 09:00h
  • E2 25/06/2024 A06 09:00h
  • E2 25/06/2024 09:00h