Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Review of Literature in Endodontics I

Review of Literature in Endodontics I
Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish

Teaching staff

Email fduran@uic.es (Fernando Durán-Sindreu) to request an appointment 


In this subject students will study, by means of a critical analysis of both classic and current literature, the following topics: working length, consequences of apical widening, calcium hydroxide, reconstruction of the endodontic tooth and disinfection of root canals.


Pre-course requirements

No pre-requisites required.


For the subjects of working length, consequences of apical widening in terms of cleaning, calcium hydroxide and the disinfection and reconstruction of the endodontic tooth, the aim is for students to be able to:

Learn to critique articles.

Argue from the basis of quotations from current and classic literature.

List the controlled and uncontrolled variables of the study.

Know if the statistical method supports what the author wants to evaluate.

Point out deficiencies in the methodology.

Suggest possible improvements in the methodology used.

Discuss in a coherent way the different methodological options for assessing the issue under review.

Evaluate if the objectives match the stated scope of the study and if they are achieved.

Critique the introduction and the argument put forward by the authors of the article.

Contribute ideas for future studies to continue the research of the authors.

Assess the clinical contribution of the article.


Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CN01 - Identify with precision the most advanced technical processes related to endodontics.
  • CN02 - Remember the theoretical and practical aspects of the methodology and work system in all fields of endodontics.
  • CN03 - Carry out a critical analysis to rigorously assimilate the different scientific methodologies
  • CN04 - Recognize the origin and development of the different pathologies that affect the oral cavity, based on the transversal interrelation of biomedical sciences.
  • CP01 - Integrate into the endodontic scientific community in the form of publication of articles and participation in national and international conferences.
  • CP02 - Resolve the main endodontic complications through the correct preparation of a treatment plan in the context of daily clinical practice.
  • CP03 - Design treatment strategies for endodontic patients with special needs.
  • CP04 - Generate work synergies with professionals from other areas and disciplines through the design of joint action strategies.
  • CP05 - Apply advanced endodontic treatments appropriately to any patient, respecting the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, and the promotion of human rights and the values ​​of a culture of peace and democratic values; using language that avoids androcentrism and stereotypes.
  • HB03 - Manage the complexity of each endodontic case.
  • HB04 - Classify endodontic cases as easy, moderate or complex.
  • HB20 - Prepare an appropriate endodontic treatment plan based on an exhaustive clinical and radiographic analysis.

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • - Biomedical Sciences - LEARNING OUTCOMES Title – CN01, CN04, HB04, HB16 Subject – Students will be able to: 1. Identify the main anatomical structures of the head and neck. 2. Recognize macro or microscopic anomalies or alterations that cause pathology in the oral cavity. 3. Identify the different pathogenic microorganisms by applying the necessary laboratory techniques. 4. Make a diagnosis of the different pathologies of the oral cavity based on the interpretation of the results obtained. 5. Analyze and interpret the results obtained to determine the impact of other complex systems. 6. Discuss the most appropriate actions or drugs for the treatment of diagnosed pathologies related to the oral cavity.
  • - Scientific Bases in Endodontics - LEARNING OUTCOMES Title – CN02, HB06, HB07, HB11, HB13, HB17 Subject – Students will be able to: 1. Identify the etiology, etiopathogenesis and clinical presentation of pulpo-periapical pathologies in all its variations. 2. Differentiate the patient's pain based on its location, origin, pain and characteristics. 3. Apply a logical sequence of instrumentation, irrigation and obturation of the canal system, regardless of the degree of complexity of the case. 4. Classify the endodontic and restorative prognosis required by the different pulpo-periapical entities. 5. Select the most appropriate emergency treatment for each situation. 6. Design a drug administration plan in relation to pulpo-periapical pathology. 7. Modify your therapeutic strategy depending on the root status of the affected tooth. 8. Schedule the minimum radiographs necessary to perform a successful endodontic treatment without exposing the patient to excessive ionizing radiation.


In vivo studies of apical enlargement.

Irrigation efficiency as a function of apical enlargement.

Deformation of the root canal as a function of apical enlargement.

Characteristics of calcium hydroxide.

Bactericidal ability of calcium hydroxide.

Methods of placement and removal of calcium hydroxide.

In vivo studies on one visit versus two visits.

In vivo studies on the disinfection capacity of the different irrigants.

In vivo studies on the effectiveness of activating the different irrigants.

In vivo studies on the disinfection capacity of intracanal medication.

Characteristics of the posts.

Indications of the posts.

Advantages and disadvantages of the therapeutic options for endodontic tooth reconstruction.

Know indications and contraindications of endodontic microsurgery.

Know the differences between traditional apical surgery and apical microsurgery.

Develop a endodontic microsurgery protocol that fits the needs of each case.

Perform a proper root end preparation according to biological criteria.

Know which instruments to use in endodontic microsurgery.

Know the materials proposed for the retrograde filling of root canals, composition, physical and chemical properties, clinical management and evidence in the literature that supports their use.

Understand the behaviour of retrograde filling materials in contact with periapical tissues.

Know the prognosis of apical microsurgery,

Know the prognosis of the apical surgery in cases with lesions of endodontic origin compared with cases with lesions of combined periodontal–endodontic origin. 

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Discussion of clinical papers during seminars.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Multiple choice exam and/or short question

Bibliography and resources

Articles from JOE, IEJ, Endodontic Topics and OOO relevant to the subject.