Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Implantology Literature Review I
Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish
Teaching staff
This session tries to focus into the treated topics and was going deeply into advanced technologies contributing to the pupils a high degree of knowledge of the current literature and of the state of art.
Pre-course requirements
For the correct development of the session it is necessary an adequate english level
Acquisition of knowledge of the current literature and the classic articles that correspond to every block that treats itself in the subject so that then they have a base of literature for the treatments of the patients.
Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme
- CN01 - Relate advanced and specialized concepts in oral surgery, implantology and oral rehabilitation.
- CN02 - Define advanced concepts related to surgical anatomy applied to the oral cavity.
- CN03 - Identify the different types of surgical interventions, aseptic techniques and types of healing of hard and soft tissues.
- CN04 - Recognize the origin and development of the different pathologies that affect the oral cavity, based on the transversal interrelation of biomedical sciences.
- CP06 - Critically evaluate research and current advances in oral surgery and implantology, by evaluating methodologies and, if appropriate, proposing new approaches/hypotheses.
Learning outcomes of the subject
- - Oral Surgery and Implantology - LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Perform advanced dissection techniques 2. Make a correct diagnosis of oral medical-surgical pathology and implantology 3. Diagnose oral cavity lesions and the appropriate diagnostic protocols 4. Identify the surgical techniques to place dental implants in different indications 5. Perform dental extractions with different degrees of complexity. 6. Plan surgery, implantology and prosthesis digitally 7. Perform different reconstructive/regenerative techniques in the oral cavity, both hard and soft tissues. 8. Present clinical cases and treatment plans in public and their argued defense
Topic 1. Changes in the alveolus
Topic 2. Anatomical considerations
Topic 3. Distance between implants and tooth - implant
Topic 4. Size and design of the implant
Topic 5. Oseointegracion
Topic 6. Position of the implants
Topic 7. Survival and success of the implants
Topic 8. Types of implants and connections
Teaching and learning activities
In person
They are practical classes. They were effected in some classroom of the faculty of dentistry every Tuesday from 15 to 16 hours and they will be guided by the Dr Oscar Salomó and Dra Aida Lázaro. The pupils prepare the articles and they them will exhibit to the rest of the assistants by means of an oral exhibition supported by a presentation in power point or Keynote. All the presents were realized in English and later they will discuss the methodology and the results of the article to end up by extracting conclusions of the articles checked.
Bibliography and resources
The evaluation of this subject sera continued and we will value the sigueintes parameters: comprehension of the dynamics of the session
active participation in the session
good preparation of the articles to discuss
o pass the course students must attend all classes and exams arobar made. a total of 100 points,
the approved is 70/100 = 5 points (approved)