Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Practicum in Intensive Care Unit Nursing

Practicum in Intensive Care Unit Nursing
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish

Teaching staff

By e-mail:ramonpedrosa@uic.es; anamedinap@uic.es


The internships comply with the provisions of Royal Decree 1707/2011, of November 18, which regulates the external academic practices of university students, as well as with the provisions of the Internal Regulation that regulates internships in companies and institutions approved by the Executive Committee of the Governing Board of the International University of Catalonia (UIC) on 14.10.2013.


  • Integrate and implement the theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom
  • Acquire and improve specific technical skills

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CP03RA - Design advanced research projects on clinical aspects capable of generating new and specific knowledge for disciplinary, professional and institutional development, considering the differences in the expression of diseases in men and women and the consequent health care and treatment needs.
  • CP04RA - Evaluate clinical findings that indicate vital risk or serious functional threat to a patient to establish a priority of actions, adapting available resources and ensuring quality in their care.
  • CP05RA - Readjust care and modify care planning through continuous evaluation of the patient in urgent and emergency situations.
  • CP07RA - Apply in an agile and decisive manner the action protocols and clinical practice guides in the most serious or prevalent processes in urgent care and emergencies.
  • CP08RA - Intervene decisively, precisely and effectively in the application of invasive and non-invasive therapeutic techniques used in emergencies.
  • CP09RA - Develop the necessary skills to adequately care for any patient, respecting the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, and the promotion of human rights as well as the values ​​of a culture of peace and democratic values ​​that include the promotion of inclusive, non-discriminatory language free of stereotypes.
  • HB01RA - Formulate judgments based on incomplete or limited information that adjust to the reality of the clinical case to establish the necessary parameters of action.
  • HB02RA - Discuss judgments taking into account the area of ​​study (urgency and emergency), including reflections on ethical and social responsibilities.
  • HB07RA - Apply the rules of ethics and law that govern healthcare and the relationship with the patient in urgent and emergency situations, being prepared to communicate the fundamental aspects of these rules when required.
  • HB08RA - Identify, through anamnesis and physical examination, the symptoms and signs of the main acute pathological processes and the acute complications of chronic ones, interpreting them correctly.


This subject consists of a rotating in the intensive care service with the following temporary load:

  • Intensive Care Unit: 3 ECTS

Teaching and learning activities

In person

On site modality through rotation in health services.

The teaching methodology combines:

  • Problem-based learning
  • Hands-on learning by doing,
  • Practical learning by model observation.
  • The individual effort of the student

The rotations are developed following an individual program in a network of health centers specifically selected for their care and research activity and their potential for the training of professionals.

This individual program is communicated to the student at the beginning of the academic year, and changes can be made at the request of the student under certain conditions and requirements.

In each practical rotation the student is tutored by a Internship Tutor, who will be a health professional adequately qualified for clinical practice and teaching, who will be responsible for guiding the student in their practical learning.

The Internship Coordinator will carry out an individualized and continuous follow-up of the student during the development of the practices to guarantee the student's learning and satisfaction during practical experience, as well as consulting doubts and/or resolving conflicts.

Daily attendance at the practices is mandatory. If for justified reasons it is not possible to go to the practices one day, the student must notify the Internship Coordinator, who will evaluate if the lack is justified and if it is necessary and it is possible to reschedule it.

In any case, a maximum of 10% absences will be tolerated in Practicum rotations. Exceeding this percentage will entail a penalty determined by the Academic Commission.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

In general terms, the practices will be evaluated taking into account the individual activity of the student, the evaluation in the workplace by the tutors / professionals, as well as the preparation by the student of the Internship Report.

During the practices the student must prepare the Practice Report that will be delivered the day they finish them. The delivery will be telematic through the virtual classroom.

The student must prepare and submit a Practice Report, which must contain the following information regarding the different types of service through which he has rotated (hospital emergency services, intensive care unit and anesthesia):

  • Description of the tasks developed in each service throughout the rotation time.
  • Evaluation of the tasks carried out with the knowledge and skills acquired.
  • List of the problems raised and the procedures followed to solve them.

On the other hand, each tutor of the student's practices will carry out the evaluation of the students tutored by him according to evaluative criteria adapted to each specific rotation, aligned with the objectives and learning criteria established in the academic memory.

The final grade will be determined by:

  • 60%: Average grade of all the evaluations carried out by the Internship Tutors in each of the rotations.
  • 30%: Average grade of the Practices Report.
  • 10%: Individual assistance and effort.

Bibliography and resources

They will be found on the Moodle Virtual Platform, including specific instructions for each rotation regarding calendar, schedules, location, instructions, uniformity, contact person, etc.