Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Urban Design III
Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English
Teaching staff
Subject to prior appointment.
Design teachers: Marta Benages, Alvaro Cuéllar, Joan Solà, Pere Vall
Theory teachers: Marta Benages, Alvaro Cuéllar, Pere Vall
Pre-course requirements
El alumno deberá haber aprobado Urbanismo 2 para poder matricular esta asignatura.
- To consolidate the structural interpretation of the city and its region.
- To provide the instruments and methodological foundations for regional planning.
- To introduce knowledge of contemporary regional transformations.
- To explore in greater depth the concepts and instruments for urban planning introduced in Urban Planning 2.
Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme
- 35-T - Ability to conceive, put into practice and develop urban projects
- 37 - Ability to develop functional programmes for buildings and urban spaces.
- 42 - Ability to catalogue buildings and urban heritage and plan their protection.
- 45-T - Ability to design and execute roads and urban development, gardening and landscaping projects
- 46 - Ability to apply urban planning ordinances and standards.
- 47-T - Ability to prepare environmental and landscaping surveys and plans to correct environmental impacts.
- 51 - To acquire adequate knowledge of the study methods of social needs, quality of life, habitability and basic housing programmes
- 52 - To acquire adequate knowlege of the environment, sustainability and the principles of conserving energy and environmental resources.
- 53 - To acquire adequate knowledge of architectural, urban development and landscaping traditions of Western culture, as well as their technical, climate, economic, social and ideological foundations
- 55 - To acquire adequate knowledge of the relationship between cultural patterns and the social responsibilities of the architect
- 57 - To acquire adequate knowledge of urban sociology, theory, economy and history.
- 58 - To acquire adequate knowledge of the methodological principles of urban planning and metropolitan and regional development.
- 59 - To acquire adequate knowledge of the mechanisms of preparing and managing urban development plans on any scale.
- 60 - To acquire knowledge of civil, administrative, urban planning, building and professional regulations.
- 61 - To acquire knowledge of feasibility analysis, supervision and coordination of integrated projects.
Learning outcomes of the subject
At the end of this course, students should be capable of:
Interpreting the structure of the city and its region; making an analysis from a well-grounded standpoint and demonstrating the capacity to summarize.
Applying the methods and instruments of urban planning projects at every scale.
Reflecting on contemporary regional transformations and selecting the appropriate techniques for intervention.
Using the appropriate graphic representation techniques on scales of 1:50,000, 1:20,000, 1:10,000 and 1:5,000.
- Introduction to the metropolitan urban project
Guidelines for the morphological diagnosis of the metropolis
- Shape
- Substrate
- Structure
- Types of metropolitan growth
- Central areas
Guidelines for the metropolitan urban project
- Infrastructure
- Residence and landscape
- Open spaces and ecological matrix
- Recycling productive landscapes
- Regenerating intermediate landscapes
Teaching and learning activities
In person
Urbanism 3 teaching is developed in a continuous workshop where theoretical and practical learning is integrated. The workshop includes two parts.
Desing Workshop. Its objective is to project a large-scale area through the following phases:
- Morphological analysis of the area. Interpretive and proposal-oriented reading at 1/25,000 - 1/10,000 - 1/5,000 scales.
- Masterplan. General structure of the area at 1/5,000 - 1/2,000 scales.
- Specific micro-project. Plan at 1/1,000 - 1/500 scales, cross sections at 1/500 - 1/250 scales and volumetry.
Theory Workshop. Its objective is to provide theoretical content, models and instrumental bases to develop the large-scale project of the Design Workshop. Theoretical sessions are supplemented with specific practical exercises to support the theory. The exercises are developed in class.
Class exhibition | 35-T 37 42 45-T 46 47-T 51 52 53 54 57 58 59 60 61 | 0,73 |
Class participation | 35-T 37 42 45-T 46 47-T 51 52 53 54 57 58 59 60 61 | 0,73 |
Clase practice | 35-T 37 42 45-T 46 47-T 51 52 53 54 57 58 59 60 61 | 0,73 |
Tutorials | 34-T 37 42 45-T 46 47-T 51 52 53 54 57 58 59 60 61 | 0,82 |
Individual or group study | 35-T 37 42 45-T 46 47-T 51 52 53 54 57 58 59 60 61 | 3 |
Evaluation systems and criteria
In person
The evaluation will be continuous, and the ability to express in a synthetic and ordered way the contents corresponding to each of the phases of the Design Workshop will be assessed. The assimilation of the theoretical contents, the reference models and the instrumental bases provided by the Theory Workshop, and its application to the large-scale project of the Desing Workshop will be especially considered.
The evaluation of the Design Workshop represents 80% of the final grade.
The evaluation of the Theory Workshop represents 20% of the final grade.
It is considered essential for passing the subject:
- Attendance at workshops. Absences will always have to be justified and can never exceed 15% of the course attendance. If this condition is not met, the student will not be able to continue the course.
- Deliver all the exercises of the Theory Workshop and have a positive assessment of the whole.
- Deliver and approve all the exercises of the Design Workshop.
Bibliography and resources
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AA.VV. Regeneración de territorios intermedios. Repensar Encamp. Barcelona: ESARQ-UIC, 2011.
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BUSQUETS, Joan. Un progetto europeo per Trento.Nicolodi editore. 2004
BUSQUETS, Joan. Six Projects for Den Haag. BAU SL. 2004
BUSQUETS, Joan. Cities X lines: a new lens for the urbanistic project. HarvardUniversity, 2006
COLLOVÀ, Roberto “Una calle hecha de esquinas” En: UR Urbanismo Revista nº 5 pp 28
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SABATÉ, Joaquim. El corredor Sant Llorenç de Munt-Collserola. Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya. UPC. 2000
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