Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Ethics and Law in Physiotherapy

Ethics and Law in Physiotherapy
First semester
Legislation, Public Health and Health Administration
Ethics and law in Physiotherapy
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff


Dr. Ignacio MACPHERSON: imacpherson@uic.es

Dr. Mauricio PACHECO: mpacheco@uic.es


The subject is presented as an introductory course on ethics and its importance in the professional practice of the physiotherapist.  Previous knowledge of philosophical anthropology is required. Ethics as philosophical knowledge allows us to reflect on free human action, ie on its moral dimension. Wisdom that is not limited to knowing what a person should do or should not do under certain circumstances but to helping us to discover and learn how to live so we can reach our full development as a person.

Pre-course requirements

Have knowledge of Philosophical Anthropology


  1. Develop the ability to think and argue about ethical issues based on the analysis of the present situation.
  2. Provide conceptual tools to understand the importance of acquiring the principles and fundamental virtues: compassion, competence, confidence, trust.
  3. Discover the meaning and value of the fundamental principle of the dignity of the human person, particularly in areas related to illness or other vulnerable situations taking into consideration both the physical and mental limitations of the person
  4. Demonstrate the importance of interpersonal communication in the context of the therapeutic relationship.
  5. Make known the basics of professional legislation.
  6. Analyze the important implications of the social and cultural diversity for understanding disease and health.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - The ability to analysis and synthesis.
  • 02 - The ability to organise and synthesize
  • 05 - The ability to manage information.
  • 06 - To have comprehensive problem-solving skills.
  • 07 - Demonstrate decision-making skills.
  • 10 - Develop autonomous learning skills.
  • 11 - The ability to adapt to new situations.
  • 13 - Knowledge of other cultures and customs.
  • 17 - The ability to work responsibly and autonomously, so as to handle job-related activities without the need for strict supervision.
  • 18 - Demonstrate a patient-centered approach by showing respect for the central role of the individual and his/her needs in decision-making.
  • 28.2 - Demonstrate Interpersonal skills.
  • 28.3 - Show respect, appreciation and sensitivity towards the work of others.
  • 30.1 - Teamwork skills.
  • 37 - Knowledge of ethics, legal and professional issues in physiotherapy practice.
  • 37.5 - knowledge of the profession's deontological ethics codes
  • 38 - Ability to incorporate ethical and legal principles into the professional culture.
  • 55 - Capacity to incorporate scientific research and an evidence-based practice within the professional culture.

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. Recognize ethical issues that arise in professional practice and identify the possible ethical conflicts and values presented in the light of the exercises performed in class.

2.  Raise and solve issues regarding moral and professional ethics using the knowledge acquired in during the course.

3. Develop a critical thinking regarding the most common proposals and moral actions of the profession.

4. Know and respect the applicable law and ethical and deontological code of Physiotherapy



The rational foundation of ethics      

            The moral phenomenon

            Freedom and autonomy

            Good and dignity

            Ethical rationality and moral judgments

 Human conscience    

            Modalities of conscience

            Principles to follow one's conscience.

Human action 

            Underlying principles of human acts

            The lesser evil

            Double effect

            Cooperation to evil

The virtues and values           

            Nature and acquisition of virtue.

            The fundamental virtues

Methodological principles of ethical decisions         

            Ethical components of human acts

            Analysis of the moral decision of the health professional

            Stages in the decision making process

Ethics of social life    

            Physical integrity and violence

            Racial / sexual discrimination

            Respect for privacy



The law and the rights

            The moral Law. Characteristics and contents

            Distinction morality-legality

            Human rights

Legislation of clinical practice           

            Principles of action

            Medical records

            Informed Consent (CI)

            Professional secrecy

            Legal responsibility

            Judicial accountability and contracts

            Conscientious objection

            Assistance Ethics Committees

            Limits in procedures

            Ethical-deontological codes

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The course is usually taught through theoretical sessions (lectures) and practice sessions. The content of the lectures will consist of the main topics and concepts of the units which are detailed in the course syllabus. The classes will be based mainly on the analysis of texts, audiovisual documents and case studies that are intended to illustrate and deepen the concepts explained above.

1. Lecture: presentation of the contents of the program.

2. Study and resolution of cases.

3. Performing practices: critical reading of texts, audiovisual (individual and group presentations).

4. Implementation of a project: teamwork. Cooperative practices among peers.

5. Documents review: books, essays, articles, texts

6. Academic tutoring.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The course is approved with a 5. The overall score is obtained by making the weighted average of activities:

a) Exercises in class, attendance, communications, cases, text comments, practical exercise (30%).

b) Final exam (70%)

For these percentages to be applied, the student must score a minimum of 5 in each item.

Copying, forgery or fraud in individual written assignments or in teams, in attendance to classes, and/or in written or oral exams is a serious offense that carries the immediate failure of the course. If a course is repeated, disciplinary proceedings will be open to the author. DISCIPLINARY RULES FOR THE STUDENTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF CATALUÑA. CHAPTER I. OF THE DISCIPLINARY OFFENCES. Article 2. ((g) h) 

Honors qualifications will not be awarded during retakes.

Bibliography and resources


ALVIRA, R., Lo común y lo específico de la crisis moral actual. Cuadernos de Empresa y Humanismo. 1995, Cuaderno 57, Pág.2-16. http://hdl.handle.net/10171/3942.

AYLLON, J. R., Desfile de modelos. Análisis de la conducta ética, Rialp, Madrid 1998.

FERNÁNDEZ A., "La dimensión ética de la persona humana". Scripta Theologica. Año 1998, vol. 30 (1), p. 137-155.           http://hdl.handle.net/10171/13308

D'AGOSTINO, F., Ética y Derecho entre lo moderno y lo postmoderno. Persona y Derecho, 42 (2000): 17-31.    http://hdl.handle.net/10171/14122

LÉONARD, A., El fundamento de la moral: ensayo de ética  filosófica general, Madrid, BAC, 1997.

LLANO, A., La vida lograda, Barcelona, Ariel, 2008.

LUÑO, A., Ética general, Eunsa, Pamplona 2001

PALACIOS, Juan Miguel , Bondad moral e inteligencia ética. Nueve ensayos de la ética de los valores. Encuentro, Madrid, 2008

RODRÍGUEZ LUÑO, Á., Ética general, Pamplona, EUNSA, 2010

SÁNCHEZ-MIGALLÓN, S., Ética filosófica: un curso introductorio, Pamplona, EUNSA, 2010.

SPAEMANN, R., Ética: cuestiones fundamentales, Pamplona, EUNSA, 2010 / Basic moral concepts, London, Routledge, 1989.

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 13/11/2023 I3 08:00h
  • E1 13/11/2023 I1 08:00h
  • E1 13/11/2023 I2 08:00h
  • E2 03/07/2024 A08 12:00h