Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Radio Communication

Radio Communication
First semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

by appointment


 The course Radiophonic Communication aims to ensure that the student is able to produce informative radio products with skill, speed and with a sufficiently high degree of professionalism to be broadcasted. It is for this reason that, despite having a theoretical part, the academic weight of the course focuses on strengthening the student's practical skills such as daily monitoring of current affairs, the habit of listening to the radio, voice-over, working with documentation and information sources, writing, teamwork and sound recording and editing.

The aim is, therefore, for the student to acquire the appropriate skills and attitudes to become a radio journalist.




  • Refine the quality of listening and knowledge of current radio programming.
  • Improve the identification of newsworthy facts and statements.
  • To learn to use with skill the sound resources of radio language: music, words, ambient sound, sound effects and silence.
  • To deepen in the conscience of the particularities of the own oral expression to improve the locution and to adapt it to the different radio registers.
  • To acquire verbal fluency and improvisation skills in front of the microphone.
  • To know the main informative genres in radio and to be able to write efficiently and quickly the script of a news item, chronicle, report and interview.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 04 CG - The ability to organise time and workspace
  • 15 CE - Lingustic ability in Catalan, Spanish and English
  • 20 CE - The ability to plan and carry out journalistic projects
  • 29 CE - The ability to understand and apply different journalistic genres and formats
  • 31 CE - The ability to understand and apply various types of radio and television scripts
  • 32 CE - Knowledge and mastery of the image and its communicative abilities
  • 38 CE - Knowledge and mastery of concepts, data, statistics and economic graphs
  • 45 CE - The ability and capacity to give a creative form to a journalistic message

Learning outcomes of the subject

When the student finishes the course he/she must be able to:

  • identify the different news genres as well as the sources and sound resources of radio language that have taken part in a radio program.
  • fluently voice an informative text and improvise when faced with a breaking news item or any other unforeseen event.
  • conceive, structure and write news, chronicles, reports and interviews for radio.
  • to elaborate a rundown of a news program and contact the various guests and sources who have to take part in the program.
  • work in a team and produce a news program of sufficient quality to be broadcast on a professional radio station.



1. Introduction to the radio medium.

1.1 The five stages in the evolution of the medium.

1.2 Radio programming today.

1.3 Professional profiles in a radio station.


2. Creativity and expression in radio

2.1 The four elements of the radio language: words, music, sounds and silence

2.2 Radio editing

2.3 The radio script


3. Informative radio

3.1 News genres

3.1.1 The radio news

3.1.2 The radio chronicle

3.1.3 The radio news report

3.1.4 Radio interviews


3.2 Formats

3.2.1 The hourly bulletin

3.2.2 News programs

3.2.3 Live broadcasts of events 3.2.4 The all-news format

3.2.4 The All-News format

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Coaching. Monitoring how students learn the content of the subject, either individually or in groups. In the coaching sessions, mistakes will be corrected, queries answered, and exercises and activities to achieve the established objectives will be suggested. 0,6
Focused Praxis. Handing in occasional exercises to learn theory through practice. 1,8
E-learning. Virtual learning based on ICT. 0,2
Practical workshop. A highly practical working activity, where students can acquire skills that are practical or also theoretical (intellectual skills, logical skills, critical skills, intellectual learning skills, study skills, quoting skills, etc). 0,6
Lab. Working groups that combine theory and practice. The aim of these is not to undertake already known techniques, but instead to make progress that is both theoretical and technical. These Lab sessions will culminate in the creation of a professional or semi-professional product. 1,0
Lectures. In lectures, lecturers/professors not only transmit content or knowledge, but also, and above all else, attitudes, motivation, skills and values, etc. They also ensure that participants can express their opinions and arguments to the other students. 1,8

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person


Group work (75%)

Final exam (25%)

The student will not be able to take the exam if, at least, he/she has not presented 80% of the course practices.
Participation and initiative in classes and practical sessions will be valued.
In order to pass the course it is necessary to pass both the practical part and the final exam.
If in the first call the student fails the exam but passes the practical work, he/she will have to repeat the exam in the second call and the grade of the exercises will be kept.
If, on the other hand, in the first exam, the student passes the exam but fails the practical exercises, in the second exam he/she will have to repeat the practical exercises indicated by the teacher and the grade of the exam will be kept.
Finally, if the student fails both parts of the exam in the first round, he/she will have to make up both parts in the second round.
If the student does not pass the second exam, he/she will have to re-register for the course and will have to repeat both the practical and theoretical parts.