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Our teaching and research team
Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences
Department of
Economy and Business Organization
Quality and Innovation for Service Excellence (QISE)
Academic training
Doctor per la Universitat de Girona
- Escuela Politécnica Superior. Universidad de Girona.
Master en Economía y Dirección de Empresas
- IESE. Universidad de Navarra.
An Introduction to Operations Management
- University of Pennsylvania
Ingeniero Industrial, especialidad Organización Industrial, con calificación de NOTABLE,
- Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de Tarrasa. Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña.
Beques de mobilitat en recerca 2019
Definition of a general approach for measuring the quality of a generic Product Service System (PSS), 2019 -
Outsanding paper "Management Decision" 2018
Best Paper in "Management Decision", 2018 -
Best Award in Quality Engineering and Management
EQUASS Assurance Certification: The View of Pioneer Adopters Proceedings book of the 2nd International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management Publisher: International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management ISBN 978-989-20-6814-5 pp: 615-632, 2016 -
Best Presented Paper Award on QMOD−ICQSS Conference on Quality
The Revitalizing Role of ISO 9001 on Dissatisfied Customers, 2013 -
I Edición de los Premios R sobre iniciativas innovadoras en reciclaje y sostenibilidad
La comunicación ambiental en reciclado de envases de aluminio por parte de los adolescentes: talleres educativos y mensajes SMS, 2013 -
IADIS International Conference e-Commerce
e-retailing management: analysing the spanish e-consumers behaviour, 2006
Research lines
Frederic Marimon holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration and is a tenured professor at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. He received a degree in Industrial Engineering from Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona, and earned a Master in Business and Administration from IESE in Barcelona. He is focused on operations management and in service companies. His research is mainly in quality management, e-quality measurement, particularly in services. Recently is paying attention to sharing economy business model, and how quality in this setting drives to satisfaction and loyalty. He published several articles in international academic journals, most of which are in the quality management area. At the same time is involved in several international projects devoted to quality management.Projects
Mesurar l’impacte positiu de les accions fetes per mitigar el canvi climàtic. Educació climàtica a la Universitat i des de la Universitat
PI: Albareda Tiana, S Start date: 29/01/2024 End date: 29/01/2026Financing entity: Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca AGAUR Financing entity code: AGAUR -
Quality & Innovation for Service Excellence (QISE)
PI: Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Amat, N.; Gil-Doménech, D.; Magomedova, N.; Manresa, A.; Occhiocupo, N.; Pierrakis, Y.; Tanganelli, D.; Vila-Brunet, N. Start date: 01/01/2023 End date: 31/12/2025Financing entity: AGAUR -
Assessing and evaluating remote learning practices in STEM
PI: Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Start date: 01/11/2022 End date: 01/11/2025Financing entity: European Comission -
Projecte Economia Social per al foment de l’economia social i del cooperativisme, per al foment de l’economia social i del cooperativisme
PI: Magomedova, N.; Mas-Machuca, M. Start date: 16/12/2024 End date: 31/05/2025Financing entity: Generalitat de Catalunya -
The use of GenAI in Small Businesses
PI: Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M. Start date: 01/07/2024 End date: 31/03/2025Financing entity: University of Birkbeck -
Stay rural and successful in the digital era
PI: Tsvetkova, N. Start date: 01/11/2021 End date: 01/11/2023Financing entity: European Comission Financing entity code: Erasmus + -
2022 World Class Professor Program
PI: Marimon, Frederic; Hendrayati, H. Start date: 01/07/2022 End date: 31/12/2022Financing entity: Ministry of Education -
Halal consumer behaviour analysis of young generation consuming foreign-branded food
PI: Marimon, Frederic Start date: 01/09/2021 End date: 31/12/2022Financing entity: Telkom University -
SMART-QUAL: Structured indicators to manage HEI Quality System
PI: Alonso, M. Start date: 01/09/2020 End date: 31/12/2022Financing entity: Programa ERASMUS + Financing entity code: 2020-1-BE01-KA203-074900 -
SMART-QUAL: Structured indicators to manage HEI Quality System
PI: Marimon, Frederic Start date: 01/09/2020 End date: 31/12/2022Financing entity: Framework Program of the European Union
Quality on Innovation, Innovation for Quality (QIIQ) – Assessing quality on social enterprises
PI: Marimon, Frederic Start date: 01/10/2015 End date: 31/07/2017Financing entity: Universitat Internacional de Catalunya -
Anàlisis multifactorial de la qualitat dels serveis
PI: Marimon, Frederic Start date: 01/09/2013 End date: 01/01/2017Financing entity: Universitat Internacional de Catalunya -
Projecte d’anàlisi de la satisfacció dels graduats de les universitats catalanes
PI: Marimon, Frederic Start date: 01/12/2015 End date: 31/12/2016Financing entity: Universitat Internacional de Catalunya -
IFSINDEX Intergenerational Family Solidarity Index
PI: Cavallotti, Rita Start date: 26/02/2015 End date: 26/02/2016Financing entity: Santander Universidades -
Proyecto de arranque del Gobierno de las TI en el Sistema Universitario Español (promovido por CRUE)
PI: Marimon, Frederic Start date: 02/12/2013 End date: 31/01/2014Financing entity: Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Emerging science Journal, The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Digital Marketing: Leveraging Potential in a Competitive Business Landscape
Name: Hendrayati, H.; Achyarsyah, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Hartono, U.; Putit , L. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Start page: 2343 End page: 2359 Vol.: 8 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 2610-9182 -
Revista de investigación en educación, Perspectivas sobre la Sostenibilidad en la Educación Superior: un análisis comparativo entre Argentina, España y Perú
Name: Arias-Valle, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Coria-Augusto, C.; Apaza- Canquín, A. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Start page: 604 End page: 620 Vol.: 22 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 1697-5200 -
Revista Andina de Educación, Las instituciones argentinas de educación superior, ¿impulsan la sostenibilidad?
Name: Arias, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Vol.: 8 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 2631-2816 -
International journal of human-computer interacction, Trusting in Generative AI: Catalyst for Employee Performance and Engagement in the Workplace
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M.; Akhmedova, A. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024DOI: ISSN or title: 1044-7318 -
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATION AND LEARNING, Model of active innovation resistance in the automotive industry of Iran
Name: Shabany, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Tarí, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Start page: 156 End page: 178 Vol.: 36 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1471-8197 -
International Journal for Quality Research, A quality model for social collaborative companies with a validation based on gioia methodology.
Name: Moreno, P.; Salvam, R.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Start page: 335 End page: 352 Vol.: 18 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1800-6450 -
International Journal for Quality Research, A quality model for social collaborative companies with a validation based on gioia methodology
Name: Moreno, P.; Selvam, R.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Start page: 335 End page: 352 Vol.: 18 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1800-6450 -
Intangible capital, A systematic literature review: ESG criteria implementation in the insurance industry
Name: Marti, A.; Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Start page: 193 End page: 214 Vol.: 20 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1697-9818 -
HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMUNICATIONS, Measuring Indonesian young consumers’ halal purchase intention of foreign-branded food products.
Name: Pradana, M.; Rubiyanti , N.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Vol.: 11DOI: ISSN or title: 2662-9992 -
Review of managerial science, The social mission works: internalizing the mission to achieve organizational performance in social enterprises
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Akhmedova, A.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Start page: 965 End page: 989 Vol.: 18 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 1863-6683 -
JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, National Cultural Dimensions and Their Impact on Construction Project Management in Developing Countries: The Case of Ghana
Name: Amoah, A.; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023Start page: 163 End page: 187 Vol.: 28 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1823-6499 -
Transportation letters: the international journal of transportation research, Sustainable development goals and quality practices: a winning combination for customer loyalty in ride-hailing companies
Name: Boar, A.; Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023Start page: 1230 End page: 1241 Vol.: 15 No.: 9DOI: ISSN or title: 1942-7875 -
JOURNAL OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT, Direct and configurational paths of servant leadership to career and life satisfaction in higher education: Cross-cultural study of Spain, China, and Pakistan
Name: Fawad Latif, K.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Farooq, U. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023DOI: ISSN or title: 1540-3556 -
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR QUALITY RESEARCH, Effect of COVID on the sharing economy: Delphi analysis confirms that quality plays a key role in customers’ satisfaction
Name: Cueva, A.; Akhmedova, A.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023Start page: 209 End page: 226 Vol.: 17 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1800-7473 -
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Exploring driver and user perspectives of service quality in sharing economy transport platforms
Name: Amat, N.; Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023Start page: 1315 End page: 1333 Vol.: 34 No.: 11DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3371 -
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, SMART-QUAL: a dashboard for quality measurement in higher education institutions
Name: Adot, E.; Akhmedova, A.; Alvelos, H.; Barbosa-Pereira, S.; Berbegal-Mirabent, J.; Cardoso, S.; Domingues, P.; Franceschini, F.; Gil-Doménech, D.; Machado, R.; Maisano, D.; Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M.; Mastrogiacomo, L.; Melo, A.; Miguéis, V.; Rosa, M.; Sampaio, P.; Torrents, D.; Xambre, A. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023Start page: 1518 End page: 1539 Vol.: 40 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 0265-671X -
Academy of Management Proceedings, Social mission internalization: a path to achieve social and economic goals in social enterprises
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Akhmedova, A.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022Vol.: 2022 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 0065-0668 -
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, ‘I get my income from sharing.’ Modelling satisfaction of peer service providers on capital and labour sharing economy platforms
Name: Akhmedova, A.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022Start page: 452 End page: 461 Vol.: 51DOI: ISSN or title: 1447-6770 -
European Accounting and Management Review, A two-way satisfaction model for sharing economy
Name: Cueva, A.; Akhmedova, A.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022Start page: 1 End page: 23 Vol.: 9 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 2385-3921 -
Tec Empresarial, What drives project management success in developing countries? The case of Ghana ¿Qué favorece el éxito en la gestión de proyectos en los países en desarrollo? El caso de Ghana
Name: Amoah, A.; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022Start page: 55 End page: 55 Vol.: 16DOI: ISSN or title: 1659-3359 -
Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism, Guest and Host Perspectives of Service Quality and Satisfaction in Digital Home-sharing Platforms
Name: Amat, N.; Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022DOI: ISSN or title: 1528-0098 1528008X -
Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, Measuring Overall Customer Experience in a Hospitality Collaborative Consumption Context: Evidence from Airbnb Users
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Cheikhrouhou, S.; Bélisle, D.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022Start page: 126 End page: 146 Vol.: 10 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 2203-1693 -
HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY REPORT, Thinking clearly about dignity: relationships between cognitive processes underlying perceived dignity as determinants of psychological adjustment
Name: Pergolizzi, D.; Marimon, Frederic; Monforte-Royo, C.; Crespo, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 249 End page: 256 Vol.: 10 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 2353-4184 -
Journal of construction engineering and management (ASCE), Making the Management of a Project Successful: Case of Construction Projects in Developing Countries
Name: Amoah, A.; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Vol.: 147 No.: 12 (04021166)DOI: ISSN or title: 0733-9364 -
Research in Transportation Business and Management, The unexplored potential of trust to boost customer loyalty for transport platforms
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Jaca, C. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Vol.: 41DOI: ISSN or title: 2210-5395 -
Administrative Sciences, Project managers as knowledge workers: competencies for effective project management in developing countries
Name: Amoah, A.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 131 End page: 143 Vol.: 11 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 2076-3387 -
Tec Empresarial, How do socially responsible universities perform? The case of spanish universities
Name: Arias-Valle, M.; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 64 End page: 82 Vol.: 15 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 1659-3359 -
International journal of quality and service sciences, How should a team be rewarded to improve quality performance of NPD?
Name: Bello, A.; Marimon, Frederic; Merino, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 177 End page: 197 Vol.: 13 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1756-669X -
Sustainability, On the convergence of collaborative and social economy: a quality model for the combined effects
Name: Moreno, P.; Selvam, R. M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Vol.: 13 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 2071-1050 -
Journal of information and knowledge management, Unveiling the mechanisms to rescue the unknown knowledge
Name: Manresa, A.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Vol.: 20 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 0219-6492 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Quality management: a compulsory requirement to achieve effectiveness
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Akhmedova, A.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 220 End page: 239 Vol.: 32 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Quality engineering, Mining quality determinants of product-service systems from user-generated contents
Name: Mastrogiacomo, L.; Barravecchia, F.; Franceschini, F.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 425 End page: 442 Vol.: 33 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 0898-2112 -
Education policy analysis archives, ¿Son las universidades socialmente responsables?
Name: Arias Valle, M.; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 1 End page: 27 Vol.: 29 No.: 54DOI: ISSN or title: 1068-2341 -
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, Comparison between experimental digital image processing and numerical methods for stress analysis in dental implants with different restorative materials
Name: Cantó-Navés, O.; Marimon, Frederic; Ferrer, M.; Cabratosa-Termes, Josep Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Vol.: 113DOI: ISSN or title: 1751-6161 -
Current issues in tourism, Muslim tourists’ purchase intention of halal food in Spain
Name: Pradana, M.; Huertas, R.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 1814 End page: 1818 Vol.: 24 No.: 13DOI: ISSN or title: 1368-3500 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Making the long and adventurous journey from quality to loyalty
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M.; Llach, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 1713 End page: 1731 Vol.: 32 No.: 15-16DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Applied Research in Quality of Life, Servant leadership, career, and life satisfaction in higher education: a cross-country study of Spain, China, and Pakistan
Name: Fawad Latif, K.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Umar Farooq , S. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 1221 End page: 1247 Vol.: 16DOI: ISSN or title: 1871-2584 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Motivations and benefits of quality management systems in social services: mediation of the implementation process
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Melão, N.; Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 693 End page: 718 Vol.: 32 No.: (7-8)DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
European Accounting and Management Review, Does an internship in Business Administration enhance professional competences?
Name: Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 66 End page: 77 Vol.: 7 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 2385-3921 -
European Accounting and Management Review, How the Mission Internalization Works? An Empirical Research
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 1 End page: 27 Vol.: 7 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 2385-3921 -
Sustainability, A systematic literature review. Relationships between the sharing economy, sustainability and sustainable development goals
Name: Boar, A.; Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Vol.: 12 No.: 17DOI: ISSN or title: 2071-1050 -
Journal of cleaner production, Value co-creation in the sharing economy: The role of quality of service provided by peer
Name: Akhmedova, A.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 1 End page: 12 Vol.: 266DOI: ISSN or title: 0959-6526 -
Journal of cleaner production, Towards a new model to understand quality in collaborative consumption services
Name: Amat, N.; Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Vol.: 266DOI: ISSN or title: 0959-6526 -
Journal of Family Business Strategy, Daughters’ careers in family business: motivation types and family-specific barriers
Name: Akhmedova, A.; Cavallotti, Rita; Marimon, Frederic; Campopiano, G. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Vol.: 11 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 1877-8585 -
Journal of business research, Winning strategies to retain customers in the sharing economy: understanding loyalty antecedents
Name: Akhmedova, A.; Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 33 End page: 44 Vol.: 112DOI: ISSN or title: 0148-2963 -
Tec Empresarial, To recommend or to regret the choice? Factors explaining student loyalty: Evidence from the Catalan university system
Name: Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Llach, J.; Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 2 End page: 17 Vol.: 14 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1659-3359 -
International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Spanish Muslims’ halal food purchase intention
Name: Pradana, M.; Huertas, R.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 189 End page: 201 Vol.: 23 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1559-2448 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Fulfilment of expectations on students’ perceived quality in the Catalan higher education system
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M.; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 483 End page: 502 Vol.: 31 No.: 5-6DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
International food research journal, Purchase intention of halal food products in Spain: The moderating effect of religious involvement
Name: Pradana, M.; Huertas, R.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 735 End page: 744 Vol.: 27 No.: 4ISSN or title: 1985-4668 -
International Journal for Quality Research, Levering up performance through quality and knowledge creation
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Malbasic, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 601 End page: 622 Vol.: 14 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1800 - 6450 -
International Journal for Quality Research, City characteristics that attract Airbnb travellers: evidence from Europe
Name: Güçlü, B.; Roche, D.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 271 End page: 290 Vol.: 14 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1800 - 6450 -
International journal of information management, CC-Qual: A holistic scale to assess customer perceptions of service quality of collaborative consumption services
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Llach, J.; Alonso-Almeida, M.; Mas-Machuca, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 130 End page: 141 Vol.: 49DOI: ISSN or title: 0268-4012 -
Management Research Review, Fighting organizational decline: a risk-based approach to organizational anti-aging
Name: Gotteiner, S.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 1259 End page: 1277 Vol.: 42 No.: 11DOI: ISSN or title: 2040-8269 -
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Use of quality tools and techniques and their integration into ISO 9001: A wind power supply chain case
Name: Castelló, J.; de Castro, R.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 68 End page: 89 Vol.: 37 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 0265-671X -
Leadership & organization development journal, Development and validation of servant leadership scale in Spanish higher education
Name: Latif, F.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 499 End page: 519 Vol.: 40 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 0143-7739 -
European Accounting and Management Review, Turnaround Types, Stages, Strategies, and Tactics: Putting Things in Order
Name: Gotteiner, S.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 12 End page: 37 Vol.: 5 No.: 2ISSN or title: 2385-3921 -
International journal of organization theory and behavior, Holistic spiritual capital: definition and its measurement
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 96 End page: 110 Vol.: 22 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1093-4537 -
Journal of management development, From sense-making to perceived organizational performance: looking for the best way
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 105 End page: 117 Vol.: 38 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 0262-1711 -
Journal of Enterprise Information Management, From knowledge management to organizational performance: Modelling the mediating role of innovation and intellectual capital in higher education
Name: Iqbal, A.; Latif, F.; Marimon, Frederic; Umar Farooq , S.; Hussain, S. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 36 End page: 59 Vol.: 32 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1741-0398 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Assessing a quality model for the social sector: an empirical study of the EQUASS model
Name: Melão, N.; Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 221 End page: 243 Vol.: 30 No.: 1-2DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Fulfilment of expectations mediating quality and satisfaction: The case of hospital service
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Gil-Doménech, Dolors; Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 201 End page: 220 Vol.: 30 No.: 1-2DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, UnivQual: a holistic scale to assess student perceptions of service quality at universities
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M.; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Llach, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 184 End page: 200 Vol.: 30 No.: 1-2DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
European Accounting and Management Review, A Simplified Balanced ‘Balanced Scorecard’
Name: Malbašić, I.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 38 End page: 60 Vol.: 5 No.: 2ISSN or title: 2385-3921 -
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, Supply chain management strategies in project and absorptive capacity to implementation partnership strategy in new product development
Name: Gheshmi, R.; Zarco, H.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 759 End page: 770 Vol.: 8 No.: 2ISSN or title: 2050-7399 20513771 -
International Journal for Quality Research, Still implementing ISO 14000 for the same reasons?
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 115 End page: 130 Vol.: 13 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1800 - 6450 -
Thin-walled structures, Analytical study of flat and curved trapezoidal cold formed steel sheets by means of the yield line theory. Part 2: Curved sheets with transverse corrugations
Name: Casariego, P.; Casafont, M.; Ferrer, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018DOI: ISSN or title: 0263-8231 -
Psycho-oncology, The role of perceived dignity and control in the wish to hasten death among advanced cancer patients: A mediation model
Name: Monforte-Royo, C.; Crespo, I.; Rodríguez-Prat, A.; Marimon, Frederic; Porta, J.; Balaguer, Albert Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 2840 End page: 2846 Vol.: 27 No.: 12DOI: ISSN or title: 1057-9249 -
European Accounting and Management Review, Mission climate measurement: a new validated scale
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 1 End page: 20 Vol.: 5 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 2385-3921 -
Journal of media business studies, Assessing the consumer-based brand equity of news media firms: a new validated scale
Name: Victoria Mas, M; Lacasa-Mas, I; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 214 End page: 235 Vol.: 15 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 1652-2354 -
Journal of human values, Through the decreased values gap to increased organizational effectiveness: The mediating role of organizational commitment
Name: Malbašić, I.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 101 End page: 115 Vol.: 24 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 0971-6858 -
European Journal of Family Business, Barriers or motivation? Career progress in the family firm: daughters' perspective
Name: Akhmedova, A.; Cavallotti, Rita; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 103 End page: 116 Vol.: 8 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 2444-877X -
European Accounting and Management Review, Supplier–customer negotiation model: the vendor receives a bonus for holding the inventory
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 94 End page: 108 Vol.: 5 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 2385-3921 -
International Journal for Quality Research, Behavioral profiles of consumers of online travel agencies
Name: Martínez-Costa, C.; Pladevall, J.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 703 End page: 721 Vol.: 12 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 18006450 -
International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE), Complexity as an Antecedent for External Collaboration in New Product Development Projects
Name: Gheshmi, R.; Zarco-Jasso, H.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 97 End page: 105 Vol.: 7 No.: 4.7DOI: ISSN or title: 2227-524X -
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Human resource management practices and employee job satisfaction in nonprofit organizations
Name: Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon; Marimon, Frederic; Carreras, L. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 323 End page: 338 Vol.: 89 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1370-4788 -
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Quality management systems in European social service organizations: A survey of EQUASS Assurance pioneer adopters
Name: Melão, N.; Amorim, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Alegre, Inés Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 354 End page: 372 Vol.: 35 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 0265-671X -
Studies in higher education, Is research mediating the relationship between teaching experience and student satisfaction?
Name: Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 973 End page: 988 Vol.: 43 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 0307-5079 -
Journal of pain and symptom management, Meaning in life as a mediator between physical impairment and the wish to hasten death in patients with advanced cancer
Name: Guerrero-Torrelles, M.; Monforte-Royo, C.; Tomás Sábado, J; Marimon, Frederic; Porta, J.; Balaguer, Albert Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 826 End page: 834 Vol.: 54 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 0885-3924 -
Sustainability, Reasons to Adopt ISO 50001 Energy Management System
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 1740 End page: 1754 Vol.: 9 No.: 10DOI: ISSN or title: 2071-1050 -
TPM - Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, Design and validation of a measurement scale of intergenerational family solidarity
Name: Cavallotti, Rita; Grau-Grau, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Gas-Aixendri, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 107 End page: 125 Vol.: 24 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1972-6325 -
Universal Access in the Information Society, Critical factors in the evaluation of online media: creation and implementation of a measurement scale (e-SQ-Media)
Name: Cristóbal-Fransi, E.; Hernández Soriano, F.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 235 End page: 246 Vol.: 16 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1615-5289 -
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Analysis of training programs related to Quality Management System: the Spanish case
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Llach, J.; Bernardo, M.; Casadesus, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 216 End page: 230 Vol.: 34 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 0265-671X -
Management decision, Creating value through the Balanced Scorecard: How does it work?
Name: Llach, J.; Bagur, L.; Perramon, J.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 2181 End page: 2199 Vol.: 55 No.: 10DOI: ISSN or title: 0025-1747 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, The expert experience in adopting the E-S-QUAL scale
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesus, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 1307 End page: 1321 Vol.: 28 No.: 11-12DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management, Cross learning synergies between Operation Management content and the use of generic analytic tools
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 13 End page: 14 Vol.: 8 No.: 17DOI: ISSN or title: 1989-9068 -
Management decision-esborrar, Alliance success factors and performance in social economy enterprises.
Name: Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon; Marimon, Frederic; Tanganelli, D. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 1065 End page: 1080 Vol.: 55 No.: 5 -
Innovations in education and teaching international, Assessing learner satisfaction by simultaneously measuring learner attitude, motivation, loyalty and service quality in English academies
Name: Huong, V.; Casadesus, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 301 End page: 3012 Vol.: 54 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 1470-3297 -
Information systems and e-business management, Benefits of ISO 20000 IT service management certification
Name: Cots, S.; Casadesus, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 1 End page: 18 Vol.: 14 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1617-9846 -
Management decision, Is it Worth Having Focused Values?
Name: Malbašić, I.; Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 2370 End page: 2392 Vol.: 54 No.: 10ISSN or title: 0025-1747 -
Industrial Management & Data System, Assessing the internalization of the mission
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M.; Rey, C. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 170 End page: 187 Vol.: 116 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 0263-5577 -
Industrial Management & Data System, Antecedents of online purchasing behaviour in the tourism sector
Name: Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 87 End page: 102 Vol.: 116 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 0263-5577 -
Public Transport, Service quality assessment of public transport and the implication role of demographic characteristics
Name: Petnji, L.; Frigola, M.; Saurina, C.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 409 End page: 428 Vol.: 7 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 1613-7159 -
Journal of cleaner production, Diffusion of sustainability reporting in universities: current situation and future perspectives
Name: Alonso-Almeida, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Casini, F.; Rodríguez-Pomeda, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 144 End page: 154 Vol.: 106DOI: ISSN or title: 0959-6526 -
Journal of cleaner production, Social Accountability 8000 standard certification: analysis of worldwide diffusion
Name: Llach, J.; Marimon, Frederic; Alonso-Almeida, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 288 End page: 298 Vol.: 93DOI: ISSN or title: 0959-6526 -
European Accounting and Management Review, What Makes a Woman to Choose to Work in a Family Company Instead of a Looking for a Position in the Work Market or Creating Her Own Company?: a Literature Review
Name: Akhmedova, A.; Cavallotti, Rita; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 85 End page: 106 Vol.: 2 No.: 1ISSN or title: 2385-3921 -
Estudios Gerenciales, Difusión de las memorias de sostenibilidad en Latinoamérica: análisis territorial y sectorial
Name: Alonso-Almeida, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Llach, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 139 End page: 149 Vol.: 31 No.: 135DOI: ISSN or title: 0123-5923 -
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, The mechanisms through which certain variables influence customer loyalty: the mediating roles of perceived value and satisfaction
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 627 End page: 637 Vol.: 25 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 1090-8471 -
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, Is it possible to retain customer loyalty when a service has failed?
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Alonso-Almeida, M.; Bernardo, M.; Llach, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 599 End page: 613 Vol.: 25 No.: 5DOI: ISSN or title: 1090-8471 -
Journal of Applied Economics and Business, UK and Spanish banks performances before, during and after the financial crisis: consumer behavior and attitudes to personal risk
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesus, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 5 End page: 27 Vol.: 2 No.: 4ISSN or title: 1857- 8721 -
TMQ - Techniques, Methodologies and Quality, Diffusion of the UNE166002 innovation management standard: a forecast model approach towards internationalization
Name: Mir, M.; Llach, J.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 106 End page: 125 No.: 5ISSN or title: 2183-0940 -
B-UIC. Your business magazine, Is it still worth buying on line?
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 26 End page: 29 Vol.: 2ISSN or title: 2339-7640 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, The revitalising effect of ISO 9001 on dissatisfied customers
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 856 End page: 864 Vol.: 25 No.: 7-8DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Comunicación y sociedad, The impact of SMS messages on young people’s participation in recycling campaigns
Name: Buil, P.; Roger Loppacher, M; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 161 End page: 182 Vol.: 27 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 0214-0039 -
Industrial Management & Data System, Building loyalty through functional and hedonic quality
Name: Alonso-Almeida, M.; Bernardo, M.; Llach, J.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 387 End page: 404 Vol.: 114 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 0263-5577 -
Corporate social responsibility and environmental management, A Closer Look at the 'Global Reporting Initiative' Sustainability Reporting as a Tool to Implement Environmental and Social Policies: A Worldwide Sector Analysis
Name: Alonso-Almeida, M.; Llach, J.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 318 End page: 335 Vol.: 21 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 1535-3958 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, The contest determinant of delight and disappointment: a case study of online banking
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 1376 End page: 1389 Vol.: 24 No.: 11-12DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, EOQ model: The case in which the placing of orders is rewarded
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Llach, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 573 End page: 581 Vol.: 23 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 1090-8471 -
Review of International Comparative Management, Relationship between Internationalization and Quality of University Research
Name: Aparicio, P.; Triadó, X.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 328 End page: 341 Vol.: 14 No.: 2ISSN or title: 1582-3458 -
International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Diffusion of quality standards in the hospitality sector
Name: Alonso-Almeida, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Bernardo, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 504 End page: 527 Vol.: 33 No.: 5DOI: ISSN or title: 0144-3577 -
Tourism management, Determinants of online booking loyalties for the purchasing of airline tickets
Name: Llach, J.; Marimon, Frederic; Alonso-Almeida, M.; Bernardo, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 23 End page: 31 Vol.: 35DOI: ISSN or title: 0261-5177 -
International Journal for Quality Research, Quality management systems: one step forward on the paper industry
Name: Alcalà, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesus, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 231 End page: 238 Vol.: 7 No.: 2ISSN or title: 1800 - 6450 -
Industrial Management & Data System, Can ISO 9001 improve customers’ perception of service recovery?
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 1206 End page: 1221 Vol.: 113 No.: 8ISSN or title: 0263-5577 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, The balance of the impact of quality and recovery on satisfaction: the case of e-travel
Name: Bernardo, M.; Llach, J.; Marimon, Frederic; Alonso-Almeida, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 1390 End page: 1404 Vol.: 24 No.: 12DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Industrial Management & Data System, Can ISO 9001 improve service recovery?
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 1206 End page: 1221 Vol.: 113 No.: 8ISSN or title: 0263-5577 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Assessing e-service quality: the current state of E-S-QUAL
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 1363 End page: 1378 Vol.: 23 No.: 12DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Revista de Estudios Empresariales. Segunda época, La influencia de la calidad percibida en el sector de la distribución alimentaria por internet: perspectiva ‎multidimensional aplicada a un supermercado online.‎
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Cristobal, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 131 End page: 148 Vol.: 1ISSN or title: 1988/9046 -
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, The relationship between environmental management systems and organizational innovations
Name: Llach, J.; de Castro, R.; Bikfalvi, A.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 307 End page: 316 Vol.: 22 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 1090-8471 -
Information and management, Functional quality and hedonic quality: A study of the dimensions of e-service quality in online travel agencies
Name: Bernardo, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Alonso-Almeida, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 342 End page: 347 Vol.: 49 No.: 7-8DOI: ISSN or title: 0378-7206 -
Economic Quality Control, Measuring E-Service Quality: Reviewing E-S-QUAL
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 19 End page: 41 Vol.: 27 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1869-6147 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Impact of e-Quality and service recovery on loyalty: A study of e-banking in Spain
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Petnji, L.; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 769 End page: 787 Vol.: 23 No.: 7-8DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Recupera, Promover el reciclado de envases de aluminio entre adolescentes
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Roger Loppacher, M; Buil, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 50 End page: 54 Vol.: febISSN or title: B-23446-97 -
Journal of cleaner production, The worldwide diffusion of the global reporting initiative: what is the point?
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Alonso-Almeida, M.; Rodríguez, M.; Klender, A. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 132 End page: 144 Vol.: 33DOI: ISSN or title: 0959-6526 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, An empirical study of the relationships within the categories of the EFQM model
Name: Heras, I.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 523 End page: 540 Vol.: 23 No.: 5-6DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
International Journal of Business and Management, The Singularity of Agrarian Cooperatives Management: Cooperatives Positioning in the Olive Oil Sector in Spain
Name: Montegut Salla, Y.; Marimon, Frederic; Cristobal, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 16 End page: 30 Vol.: 6 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 1833-3850 -
Working papers. Universitat de Lleida, Competitive positioning of Spanish Agricultural Cooperatives
Name: Montegut Salla, Y.; Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 1 End page: 27 Vol.: 2011 No.: 4ISSN or title: 2013-4916 -
Innovar, Impact of quality improvement tools on the performance of firms using different quality management systems
Name: Heras, I.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 161 End page: 173 Vol.: 21 No.: 42DOI: ISSN or title: 0121-5051 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, The impact of ISO 9001 standard and the EFQM model: The view of the assessors
Name: Heras, I.; Casadesús, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 197 End page: 218 Vol.: 22 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, Relationship between Quality-Management Systems and Organisational Innovations
Name: Llach, J.; Casadesús, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 52 End page: 66 Vol.: 21 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1090-8471 -
International Journal of Marketing Studies, Spanish E-Consumer Segmentation and Positioning in Virtual Supermarkets Sector
Name: Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic; Daries, N.; Montegut Salla, Y. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 16 End page: 31 Vol.: 3 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1918-719X -
Investigaciones europeas de dirección y economía de la empresa, La gestión del supermercado virtual: tipificación del comportamiento del cliente online
Name: Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 93 End page: 112 Vol.: 17 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1135-2523 -
Journal of cleaner production, Comparative analysis of diffusion of the iso 14001 standard by sector of activity
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Llach, J.; Bernardo, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 1734 End page: 1744 Vol.: 19 No.: 15ISSN or title: 0959-6526 -
Review of International Comparative Management, Impact of Service Recovery on Customer Loyalty: A Study of E-Banking in Spain
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Petnji, L.; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 49 End page: 60 Vol.: 12 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1582-3458 -
Industrial Management & Data System, ISO 9001 diffusion analysis according to activity sectors
Name: Llach, J.; Marimon, Frederic; Bernardo, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 298 End page: 316 Vol.: 111 No.: 2ISSN or title: 0263-5577 -
International Journal for Quality Research, Investigating discrepancies between e-services implementing or not ISO 9001: customers' outlook in the backdrop of e-services in Catalonia (Spain)
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 297 End page: 308 Vol.: 5 No.: 4ISSN or title: 1800 - 6450 -
Industrial Management & Data System, Customer's loyalty and perception of ISO 9001 in online banking
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 1194 End page: 1213 Vol.: 111 No.: 8ISSN or title: 0263-5577 -
Forum Calidad, ISO 9000. Final de ciclo en la expansión de certificaciones ISO 9000. Un ejemplo práctico: el sector del papel en España
Name: Alcalà, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 32 End page: 35 Vol.: 220ISSN or title: 1139-5567 -
Review of International Comparative Management, The Spanish E-retailing Customers Segmentation
Name: Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic; Daries, N.; Montegut Salla, Y. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010Start page: 779 End page: 798 Vol.: 11 No.: 5ISSN or title: 1582-3458 -
Review of International Comparative Management, The Management of Agrarian Cooperatives: Cooperatives' Typologies in the Olive Oil Sector in Spain
Name: Montegut Salla, Y.; Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010Start page: 719 End page: 732 Vol.: 11 No.: 4ISSN or title: 1582-3458 -
International Journal of Market Research, Purchasing behaviour in an online supermarket: the applicability of E-S-QUAL
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Vidgen, R.; Barnes, S.; Cristobal, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010Start page: 111 End page: 129 Vol.: 52 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1470-7853 -
The Service Industries Journal, The Future of Standardised Quality Management in Tourism: Evidence from the Spanish Tourist Sector
Name: Casadesús, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Alonso-Almeida, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010Start page: 2457 End page: 2474 Vol.: 30 No.: 14DOI: ISSN or title: 0264-2069 -
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Certification Intensity Level of the leading nations in ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 standards
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M.; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010Start page: 1002 End page: 1020 Vol.: 27 No.: 9DOI: ISSN or title: 0265-671X -
International Journal of Management in Education, Profile and performance of the university research groups
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Aparicio, P.; Triadó, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010Start page: 279 End page: 297 Vol.: 4 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 1750-385X -
Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa., Impacto competitivo de las herramientas para la gestión de la calidad
Name: Heras, I.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2009Start page: 7 End page: 35 Vol.: 41DOI: ISSN or title: 1138-5758 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 standards: a projection model for the decline phase
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Heras, I.; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2009Start page: 1 End page: 21 Vol.: 20 No.: 1:PII 908230165DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Working Papers 2009/02. Ref. LB-02-2009, Modelo EFQM de autoevaluación: un estudio de su validez interna
Name: Heras, I.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2009 -
Journal of cleaner production, ISO 14001 diffusion after the success of the ISO 9001 model
Name: Casadesús, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008Start page: 1741 End page: 1754 Vol.: 16 No.: 16DOI: ISSN or title: 0959-6526 -
Capital Humano, Perfil de los grupos excelentes en investigación y características que les hacen mejores en el trabajo de equipo
Name: Triadó, X.; Aparicio, P.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008Start page: 100 End page: 106 Vol.: 220ISSN or title: 1130-8117 -
International Journal for Quality Research, The Uncertainties of Environment's Parameters Measurements as Tools of the Measurements Quality Improvement
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Heras, I.; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008Start page: 135 End page: 143 Vol.: 2 No.: 2ISSN or title: 1800 - 6450 -
Forum Calidad, Cómo medir la e-Calidad. El caso de un supermercado online
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Cristobal, E.; Viladrich, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008Start page: 44 End page: 49 Vol.: 190ISSN or title: 1139-5567 -
Ciriec-España, La gestión de las cooperativas agrarias: tipificación de las cooperativas del sector oleícola de Catalunya
Name: Cristobal, E.; Montegut Salla, Y.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 203 End page: 236 Vol.: 59ISSN or title: 0213-8093 -
Revista de Estudios Cooperativos (REVESCO), Caracterización de las almazaras cooperativas catalanas
Name: Montegut Salla, Y.; Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 68 End page: 97 Vol.: 93, 3er trim.ISSN or title: 1885-8031 -
La sociedad cooperativa, Orientación al mercado de las almazaras cooperativas. El caso de Cataluña
Name: Montegut Salla, Y.; Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 29 End page: 34 Vol.: 34ISSN or title: 1137-4748 -
Revista de Estudios Empresariales. Segunda época, La calidad de la consultoría especializada en ISO 9000: un modelo de evaluación
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Cristobal, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 90 End page: 109 Vol.: 1ISSN or title: 0213-8964 -
International Journal of Consumer Studies, A study of e-retailing management: analysing the expectations and perceptions of Spanish consumers
Name: Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 613 End page: 622 Vol.: 31 No.: 6ISSN or title: 1470-6423 -
IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet, E-retailing management: Analysing the spanish e-consumers behaviour
Name: Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 98 End page: 112 Vol.: 5 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1645 - 7641 -
Revista Econòmica de Catalunya, Incubadores d'empreses: un instrument de suport a l'emprenedoria amb bona salut a Catalunya
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Alonso, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 13 End page: 31 Vol.: 55ISSN or title: 135-819X -
International Journal of Operations and Production Management, ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 standards: an international diffusion model
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M.; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 141 End page: 165 Vol.: 26 No.: 2ISSN or title: 0144-3577 -
Universia Business Review, La consultoría en España: ¿Consulta o inculcación de principios?
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M.; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 74 End page: 87 Vol.: 9ISSN or title: 1698-5117 -
Dyna, La ISO 9000: ¿Seguirá siendo válida en la nueva era de la gestión de la calidad?
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 11 End page: 14 Vol.: 81ISSN or title: 0012-7361 -
International Journal of Services Technology and Management, Relationship between the principles transmitted by consultants implementing the ISO 9000 Standard and the loyalty of their clients
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Cristobal, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 320 End page: 331 Vol.: 7 No.: 4ISSN or title: 1460-6720 -
Investigaciones europeas de dirección y economía de la empresa, Tipologías de viveros de empresas : tradicionales y especializados
Name: Alonso, J.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 133 End page: 152 Vol.: 12 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1135-2523 -
Boletín Económico de Información Comerial Española, Viveros de empresas en Cataluña: tradicionales y especializados
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Alonso, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2005Start page: 31 End page: 46 Vol.: 2860ISSN or title: 0214-8307 -
Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, Análisis y un modelo de la difusión internacional de las normas ISO 9000 e ISO 14000
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M.; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2005Start page: 81 End page: 100 Vol.: 14ISSN or title: 1019-6838 -
Managing Service Quality, A study of the ISO 9000 certification process: consultant profiles and company behaviour.
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Cristobal, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2005Start page: 290 End page: 305 Vol.: 15 No.: 3ISSN or title: 0960-4529 -
Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa., Percepción de los servicios ofrecidos por las empresas de consultoría de calidad: ¿Resulta efectivo el asesoramiento relacionado con la ISO 9000?.
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M.; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004Start page: 5 End page: 31 Vol.: 19ISSN or title: 1138-5758 -
Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa., Incidencia de la certificación ISO 9000 en el rendimiento económico empresarial.
Name: Heras, I.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004Start page: 173 End page: 190 Vol.: 18ISSN or title: 1138-5758 -
Investigaciones europeas de dirección y economía de la empresa, ¿Ofrecen calidad las Consultorías en Calidad?.
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M.; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004Start page: 189 End page: 208 Vol.: 10 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1135-2523 -
Revista Econòmica de Catalunya, Els serveis oferts per les consultores especialitzades en ISO 9000 a Catalunya.
Name: Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004Start page: 52 End page: 63 Vol.: 48ISSN or title: 135-819X -
Quality Management Journal., The quality of Quality Consultants: An empirical study.
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M.; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2003Start page: 20 End page: 31 Vol.: 10 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1068-6967 -
Boletín Económico de Información Comerial Española, La situación de la consultoría de calidad especializada en ISO 9000 en España.
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Cristobal, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2003Start page: 53 End page: 61 Vol.: 2777ISSN or title: 0214-8307 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Do quality consultants offer a quality service?
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M.; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2002Start page: 797 End page: 811 Vol.: 13 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management-esborrar, Quality Service of ISO 9000 consultants.
Name: Casadesús, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2002Start page: 998 End page: 1013 Vol.: 19 No.: 8/9ISSN or title: 0256-671X -
Forum Calidad, Calidad en la calidad. La calidad de las consultorías.
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M.; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2001Start page: 38 End page: 42 Vol.: 122 No.: junioISSN or title: 1139-5567 -
CEAM, Montaje de una lámpara de pie mediante robot dotado de capacidad decisoria.
Name: Garriga, F.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 1986Start page: 29 End page: 52 Vol.: 197ISSN or title: 0007-8085 -
Anales de Ingeniería Mecánica., Planificación y control de trayectorias para robots inteligentes. Aplicación al montaje de una válvula de seguridad.
Name: Garriga, F.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 1986Start page: 123 End page: 128 Vol.: 4 No.: 1ISSN or title: 84-7484-052-X -
TecnoCiencia. Etsiit., Sistemas basados en producciones.
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Garriga, F. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1986Start page: 18 End page: 29 Vol.: 11 No.: 3ISSN or title: 0210-3087
Percepció de la Ciutadania de la Responsabilitat Social Corporativa de les Empreses a Catalunya
Publishing date: 2016 -
La gestión de las Cooperativas Agrarias: Estudio del sector oleico de Cataluña
Publishing date: 2009 Isbn: 978-84-926922 -
La consultoría especializada en ISO 9000 en Cataluña: calidad del servicio y beneficios.
Publishing date: 2004 Isbn: 84-688-6435-8
Talent or not talent: unclothing a competence. Educational challenges for comprehensive human development
Name: Riera, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022Start page: 36 End page: 46ISBN: 978-84-124511-3-9 -
Capítulo 7. Dirección de operaciones. B-SMART. Connecting University & Business
Name: Manresa, A.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 89 End page: 100ISBN: 978-84-122028-2-3 -
Key Factors in Purpose Internalization. Purpose-driven organizations: management ideas for a better world
Name: Rey, C.; Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 87 End page: 98ISBN: 978-3-030-17673-0 -
Marc teòric i formulació d’hipòtesis i proposicions. Com fer recerca - Treball Fi de Grau, Tesi de Màster, Tesi Doctoral i altres projectes de recerca
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon; Gil-Doménech, Dolors; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 91 End page: 102ISBN: 978-84-16904-677-9 -
Formulant la pregunta de recerca i la proposta de recerca. Com fer recerca - Treball Fi de Grau, Tesi de Màster, Tesi Doctoral i altres projectes de recerca
Name: Gil-Doménech, Dolors; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M.; Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 75 End page: 90ISBN: 978-84-16904-677-9 -
Hoshin Planning. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Quality and the Service Economy
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 281 End page: 283ISBN: 978-1-4522-5672-6 -
Experience in Adapting E-S-QUAL to Different Sectors or Settings. Achieving Competitive Advantage through Quality Management
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesus, M.; Llach, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 233 End page: 252ISBN: 978-3-319-17250-7 -
Customer Satisfaction and the Role of Demographic Characteristics in Online Banking. Evaluating Websites and Web Services: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on User Satisfaction
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 138 End page: 154ISBN: 978-1-4666-5129-6 -
Validity of TQM Self‐Assessment Model: Opening the EFQM White‐box. Shedding light on TQM: Some research findings
Name: Heras, I.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 22 End page: 46ISBN: 978-84-9860-851-9 -
Methodology proposal: assessing service quality in multichannel environment. Quality management and beyond: the current situation and future perspectives
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 53 End page: 62ISBN: 978-84-9984-142-7 -
Chapter 5: Antecedents of satisfaction in online travel agency services. Quality management and beyond: the current situation and future perspectives
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Bernardo, M.; Alonso-Almeida, M.; Llach, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 63 End page: 72ISBN: 978-84-9984-142-7 -
Chapter 4: Methodology proposal: assessing service quality in a multi-channel environment. Quality management and beyond: the current situation and future perspectives
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 53 End page: 62ISBN: 978-84-9984-142-7 -
Chapter 5: Antecedents of satisfaction in online travel agency services. Quality management and beyond: the current situation and future perspectives
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 63 End page: 72ISBN: 978-84-9984-142-7 -
Chapter 4: Methodology proposal: assessing service quality in a multi-channel environment. Quality management and beyond: the current situation and future perspectives
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 53 End page: 62ISBN: 978-84-9984-142-7 -
ISO 9001 Vs. EFQM: A comparative analisys based on external independent data. ISO 9001 Vs. EFQM: A comparative analisys based on external independent data
Name: Heras, I.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010Start page: 1575 End page: 1582ISBN: 978-84-95809-79-7 -
ISO 9001 Vs. EFQM: A comparative analisys based on external independent data. ISO 9001 Vs. EFQM: A comparative analisys based on external independent data
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010Start page: 1575 End page: 1582ISBN: 978-84-95809-79-7 -
La formación y la búsqueda de personas comprometidas con el cambio, primeras medidas esenciales en la implantación de Lean Manufacturing. El caso de una empresa del sector eléctrico. Insights on Current Organization Engineering
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008Start page: 1057 End page: 1067ISBN: 9788496394865 -
Un modelo de evaluación del servicio de consultoría especializada en ISO 9000. Insights on Current Organization Engineering
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008Start page: 1413 End page: 1422ISBN: 9788496394865 -
Difusión internacional de las normas ISO 9000: ¿el final de un ciclo?. Insights on Current Organization Engineering
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008Start page: 1371 End page: 1382ISBN: 9788496394865 -
Modelo de sistema de inventario con premio por emisión de pedidos. Insights on Current Organization Engineering
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008Start page: 1121 End page: 1130ISBN: 9788496394865 -
Assessing e-commerce quality. E-COMMERCE AND V-BUSINESS
Name: Barnes, S.; Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic; Vidgen, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 99 End page: 123ISBN: 9780750664936 -
Assessing e-commerce quality. E-COMMERCE AND V-BUSINESS
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 99 End page: 123ISBN: 9780750664936 -
¿Es el modelo de difusión de las normas ISO 14000 análogo al de las normas ISO 9000? Un análisis de su difusión internacional. ISO 9000, ISO 14001 y otros estándares de gestión: pasado, presente y futuro. Reflexiones teóricas y conclusiones empíricas desde el ámbito académico
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M.; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 243 End page: 267ISBN: 84-470-2686-8 -
El sector de la consultoría especializada en ISO 9000: un estudio del comportamiento de las empresas certificadas. ISO 9000, ISO 14001 y otros estándares de gestión: pasado, presente y futuro. Reflexiones teóricas y conclusiones empíricas desde el ámbito académico
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Cristobal, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 175 End page: 197ISBN: 84-470-2686-8 -
"e-Retailing management: analysing the spanish e-consumers behaviour". Proceedings IADIS International Congerence: e-commerce. Chapter: "e-Retailing management: analysing the spanish e-consumers behaviour"
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 255 End page: 261ISBN: 972-8924-23-2 -
¿Es el modelo de difusión de las normas ISO 14000 análogo al de las normas ISO 9000? Un análisis de su difusión internacional. ISO 9000, ISO 14001 y otros estándares de gestión: pasado, presente y futuro. Reflexiones teóricas y conclusiones empíricas desde el ámbito académico
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 243 End page: 267ISBN: 84-470-2686-8 -
El sector de la consultoría especializada en ISO 9000: un estudio del comportamiento de las empresas certificadas. ISO 9000, ISO 14001 y otros estándares de gestión: pasado, presente y futuro. Reflexiones teóricas y conclusiones empíricas desde el ámbito académico
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 175 End page: 197ISBN: 84-470-2686-8 -
A Dynamic Model for the Diffusion os ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 Standards. Decision & Simulation in Engineering and Management Science. Cahapter: "A dynamic model for the diffusion of ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 standards.
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004Start page: 119 End page: 120ISBN: 84-688-7867-7 -
Capítulo 6: El sector eléctrico en España y ENHER en 1988.. Incentivos y control de la empresa pública
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 1988ISBN: 84-344-2059-7 -
Falta títol capítol. Incentivos y control de la empresa pública. Capítulo 6: El sector eléctrico en España y ENHER en 1988.
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 1988ISBN: 84-344-2059-7
Subjects taught
Course 2024-2025 - Period: 01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Final Degree Project
- - Operations Management
- - Marketing Research
- - Cultural Foundations: Managerial Learning Through Art History
Course 2023-2024 - Period: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2024
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Operations Management
- - Final Degree Project
Course 2022-2023 - Period: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2023
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Operations Management
- - Final Degree Project
Master's Degree in Industrial Technology and Production- - Productions and Operations Management 2
Course 2021-2022 - Period: 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2022
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Operations Management
- - Final Degree Project
Course 2020-2021 - Period: 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2021
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Operations Management
- - Final Degree Project
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems por la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya- - Final Master's Degree Project
Course 2019-2020 - Period: 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2020
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Operations Management
- - Final Degree Project
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems por la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya- - Final Master's Degree Project
Course 2018-2019 - Period: 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2019
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Operations Management
- - Final Degree Project
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems por la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya- - Final Master's Degree Project
Master's Degree in Industrial Technology and Production- - Logistics and Materials Management
Course 2017-2018 - Period: 01/09/2017 - 31/08/2018
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Logistics and Distribution
- - Operations Management
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems por la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya- - Final Master's Degree Project
Master in Entrepreneurship, Venture Capital and Private Equity- - Final Master's Degree Project
- - Módulo 3 Investigación e Innovación
Course 2016-2017 - Period: 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2017
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Logistics and Distribution
- - Operations Management
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems- - Final Master's Degree Project
Course 2015-2016 - Period: 01/09/2015 - 31/08/2016
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Logistics and Distribution
- - Operations Management
- - Operations Management 2
Master's Degree in Industrial Technology and Production- - Tesis Final Master
Course 2014-2015 - Period: 01/09/2014 - 31/08/2015
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Operations Management
- - Operations Management 2
- - Logistics and Distribution
Course 2013-2014 - Period: 01/09/2013 - 31/08/2014
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Operations Management
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems- - Logistic Management
Course 2012-2013 - Period: 01/09/2012 - 31/08/2013
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Operations Management 1
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems- - Marketing, Innovation and Product Development
- - Logistic Management
Course 2011-2012 - Period: 01/09/2011 - 31/08/2012
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Operations Management 1
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems- - Logistic Management
- - Marketing, Innovation and Product Development
- - Proyecto de Investigación II.(fase Elaboración)
Doctorat en Aparell Locomotor i Esport (RD 778/98)- - Treball de Recerca
Degree in Business Management- - Production Management
Bachelor in Tecnology and Business- - Direcció de la Producció 1
Course 2010-2011 - Period: 01/09/2010 - 31/08/2011
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems- - Logistic Management
- - Marketing, Innovation and Product Development
Degree in Business Management- - Logistics and Distribution
Bachelor in Tecnology and Business- - Direcció de la Producció 1
- - Direcció de la Producció 2
Course 2009-2010 - Period: 01/09/2009 - 31/08/2010
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Créditos por Gestión
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems- - Marketing, Innovation and Product Development
- - Logistic Management
Degree in Business Management- - Logistics and Distribution
- - Production Management
Bachelor in Tecnology and Business- - Direcció de la Producció 1
- - Direcció de la Producció 2
Course 2008-2009 - Period: 01/09/2008 - 31/08/2009
Official Master
University Master's degree in Business Administration and Production Systems- - Logistic Management
- - Marketing, Innovation and Product Development
- - Project Management
- - Proyecto de Investigación II.(fase Elaboración)
Degree in Business Management- - Production Management
- - Logistics and Distribution
Bachelor in Tecnology and Business- - Direcció de la Producció 1
- - Direcció de la Producció 2
Course 2007-2008 - Period: 01/09/2007 - 31/08/2008
Official Master
University Master's degree in Business Administration and Production Systems- - Logistic Management
Degree in Business Management- - Logistics and Distribution
- - Production Management
Bachelor in Tecnology and Business- - Direcció de la Producció 1
- - Direcció de la Producció 2
Course 2006-2007 - Period: 01/09/2006 - 31/08/2007
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems- - Logistic Management
Degree in Business Management- - Production Management
- - Logistics and Distribution
- - Operations Research
- - Juego de Empresa
Bachelor in Tecnology and Business- - Direcció de la Producció 1
- - Direcció de la Producció 2
Course 2005-2006 - Period: 01/09/2005 - 31/08/2006
Degree in Business Management- - Logistics and Distribution
- - Management of Service Companies
- - Production Management
- - Operations Research
- - Juego de Empresa
Bachelor in Tecnology and Business- - Dirección de la Producción
- - Tirocinio
Course 2004-2005 - Period: 01/09/2004 - 31/08/2005
Degree in Business Management- - Operations Research
- - Practicum I
- - Production Management
- - Management of Service Companies
- - Practicum II
- - Logistics and Distribution
Bachelor in Tecnology and Business- - Controllo Della Produzione
Course 2003-2004 - Period: 01/09/2003 - 31/08/2004
Degree in Business Management- - Production Management
- - Management of Service Companies
- - Practicum I
- - Practicum II
- - Operations Research
Course 2002-2003 - Period: 01/09/2002 - 31/08/2003
Degree in Business Management- - Production Management
- - Management of Service Companies
Course 2001-2002 - Period: 01/09/2001 - 31/08/2002
Degree in Business Management- - Production Management
- - Calidad
Doctor per la Universitat de Girona
- Escuela Politécnica Superior. Universidad de Girona.
Master en Economía y Dirección de Empresas
- IESE. Universidad de Navarra.
An Introduction to Operations Management
- University of Pennsylvania
Ingeniero Industrial, especialidad Organización Industrial, con calificación de NOTABLE,
- Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de Tarrasa. Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña.
Beques de mobilitat en recerca 2019
Definition of a general approach for measuring the quality of a generic Product Service System (PSS), 2019 -
Outsanding paper "Management Decision" 2018
Best Paper in "Management Decision", 2018 -
Best Award in Quality Engineering and Management
EQUASS Assurance Certification: The View of Pioneer Adopters Proceedings book of the 2nd International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management Publisher: International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management ISBN 978-989-20-6814-5 pp: 615-632, 2016 -
Best Presented Paper Award on QMOD−ICQSS Conference on Quality
The Revitalizing Role of ISO 9001 on Dissatisfied Customers, 2013 -
I Edición de los Premios R sobre iniciativas innovadoras en reciclaje y sostenibilidad
La comunicación ambiental en reciclado de envases de aluminio por parte de los adolescentes: talleres educativos y mensajes SMS, 2013 -
IADIS International Conference e-Commerce
e-retailing management: analysing the spanish e-consumers behaviour, 2006
Frederic Marimon holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration and is a tenured professor at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. He received a degree in Industrial Engineering from Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona, and earned a Master in Business and Administration from IESE in Barcelona. He is focused on operations management and in service companies. His research is mainly in quality management, e-quality measurement, particularly in services. Recently is paying attention to sharing economy business model, and how quality in this setting drives to satisfaction and loyalty. He published several articles in international academic journals, most of which are in the quality management area. At the same time is involved in several international projects devoted to quality management.
Mesurar l’impacte positiu de les accions fetes per mitigar el canvi climàtic. Educació climàtica a la Universitat i des de la Universitat
PI: Albareda Tiana, S Start date: 29/01/2024 End date: 29/01/2026Financing entity: Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca AGAUR Financing entity code: AGAUR -
Quality & Innovation for Service Excellence (QISE)
PI: Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Amat, N.; Gil-Doménech, D.; Magomedova, N.; Manresa, A.; Occhiocupo, N.; Pierrakis, Y.; Tanganelli, D.; Vila-Brunet, N. Start date: 01/01/2023 End date: 31/12/2025Financing entity: AGAUR -
Assessing and evaluating remote learning practices in STEM
PI: Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Start date: 01/11/2022 End date: 01/11/2025Financing entity: European Comission -
Projecte Economia Social per al foment de l’economia social i del cooperativisme, per al foment de l’economia social i del cooperativisme
PI: Magomedova, N.; Mas-Machuca, M. Start date: 16/12/2024 End date: 31/05/2025Financing entity: Generalitat de Catalunya -
The use of GenAI in Small Businesses
PI: Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M. Start date: 01/07/2024 End date: 31/03/2025Financing entity: University of Birkbeck -
Stay rural and successful in the digital era
PI: Tsvetkova, N. Start date: 01/11/2021 End date: 01/11/2023Financing entity: European Comission Financing entity code: Erasmus + -
2022 World Class Professor Program
PI: Marimon, Frederic; Hendrayati, H. Start date: 01/07/2022 End date: 31/12/2022Financing entity: Ministry of Education -
Halal consumer behaviour analysis of young generation consuming foreign-branded food
PI: Marimon, Frederic Start date: 01/09/2021 End date: 31/12/2022Financing entity: Telkom University -
SMART-QUAL: Structured indicators to manage HEI Quality System
PI: Alonso, M. Start date: 01/09/2020 End date: 31/12/2022Financing entity: Programa ERASMUS + Financing entity code: 2020-1-BE01-KA203-074900 -
SMART-QUAL: Structured indicators to manage HEI Quality System
PI: Marimon, Frederic Start date: 01/09/2020 End date: 31/12/2022Financing entity: Framework Program of the European Union
Quality on Innovation, Innovation for Quality (QIIQ) – Assessing quality on social enterprises
PI: Marimon, Frederic Start date: 01/10/2015 End date: 31/07/2017Financing entity: Universitat Internacional de Catalunya -
Anàlisis multifactorial de la qualitat dels serveis
PI: Marimon, Frederic Start date: 01/09/2013 End date: 01/01/2017Financing entity: Universitat Internacional de Catalunya -
Projecte d’anàlisi de la satisfacció dels graduats de les universitats catalanes
PI: Marimon, Frederic Start date: 01/12/2015 End date: 31/12/2016Financing entity: Universitat Internacional de Catalunya -
IFSINDEX Intergenerational Family Solidarity Index
PI: Cavallotti, Rita Start date: 26/02/2015 End date: 26/02/2016Financing entity: Santander Universidades -
Proyecto de arranque del Gobierno de las TI en el Sistema Universitario Español (promovido por CRUE)
PI: Marimon, Frederic Start date: 02/12/2013 End date: 31/01/2014Financing entity: Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Emerging science Journal, The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Digital Marketing: Leveraging Potential in a Competitive Business Landscape
Name: Hendrayati, H.; Achyarsyah, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Hartono, U.; Putit , L. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Start page: 2343 End page: 2359 Vol.: 8 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 2610-9182 -
Revista de investigación en educación, Perspectivas sobre la Sostenibilidad en la Educación Superior: un análisis comparativo entre Argentina, España y Perú
Name: Arias-Valle, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Coria-Augusto, C.; Apaza- Canquín, A. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Start page: 604 End page: 620 Vol.: 22 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 1697-5200 -
Revista Andina de Educación, Las instituciones argentinas de educación superior, ¿impulsan la sostenibilidad?
Name: Arias, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Vol.: 8 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 2631-2816 -
International journal of human-computer interacction, Trusting in Generative AI: Catalyst for Employee Performance and Engagement in the Workplace
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M.; Akhmedova, A. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024DOI: ISSN or title: 1044-7318 -
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATION AND LEARNING, Model of active innovation resistance in the automotive industry of Iran
Name: Shabany, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Tarí, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Start page: 156 End page: 178 Vol.: 36 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1471-8197 -
International Journal for Quality Research, A quality model for social collaborative companies with a validation based on gioia methodology.
Name: Moreno, P.; Salvam, R.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Start page: 335 End page: 352 Vol.: 18 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1800-6450 -
International Journal for Quality Research, A quality model for social collaborative companies with a validation based on gioia methodology
Name: Moreno, P.; Selvam, R.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Start page: 335 End page: 352 Vol.: 18 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1800-6450 -
Intangible capital, A systematic literature review: ESG criteria implementation in the insurance industry
Name: Marti, A.; Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Start page: 193 End page: 214 Vol.: 20 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1697-9818 -
HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMUNICATIONS, Measuring Indonesian young consumers’ halal purchase intention of foreign-branded food products.
Name: Pradana, M.; Rubiyanti , N.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Vol.: 11DOI: ISSN or title: 2662-9992 -
Review of managerial science, The social mission works: internalizing the mission to achieve organizational performance in social enterprises
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Akhmedova, A.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Start page: 965 End page: 989 Vol.: 18 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 1863-6683 -
JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, National Cultural Dimensions and Their Impact on Construction Project Management in Developing Countries: The Case of Ghana
Name: Amoah, A.; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023Start page: 163 End page: 187 Vol.: 28 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1823-6499 -
Transportation letters: the international journal of transportation research, Sustainable development goals and quality practices: a winning combination for customer loyalty in ride-hailing companies
Name: Boar, A.; Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023Start page: 1230 End page: 1241 Vol.: 15 No.: 9DOI: ISSN or title: 1942-7875 -
JOURNAL OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT, Direct and configurational paths of servant leadership to career and life satisfaction in higher education: Cross-cultural study of Spain, China, and Pakistan
Name: Fawad Latif, K.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Farooq, U. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023DOI: ISSN or title: 1540-3556 -
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR QUALITY RESEARCH, Effect of COVID on the sharing economy: Delphi analysis confirms that quality plays a key role in customers’ satisfaction
Name: Cueva, A.; Akhmedova, A.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023Start page: 209 End page: 226 Vol.: 17 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1800-7473 -
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Exploring driver and user perspectives of service quality in sharing economy transport platforms
Name: Amat, N.; Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023Start page: 1315 End page: 1333 Vol.: 34 No.: 11DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3371 -
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, SMART-QUAL: a dashboard for quality measurement in higher education institutions
Name: Adot, E.; Akhmedova, A.; Alvelos, H.; Barbosa-Pereira, S.; Berbegal-Mirabent, J.; Cardoso, S.; Domingues, P.; Franceschini, F.; Gil-Doménech, D.; Machado, R.; Maisano, D.; Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M.; Mastrogiacomo, L.; Melo, A.; Miguéis, V.; Rosa, M.; Sampaio, P.; Torrents, D.; Xambre, A. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023Start page: 1518 End page: 1539 Vol.: 40 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 0265-671X -
Academy of Management Proceedings, Social mission internalization: a path to achieve social and economic goals in social enterprises
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Akhmedova, A.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022Vol.: 2022 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 0065-0668 -
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, ‘I get my income from sharing.’ Modelling satisfaction of peer service providers on capital and labour sharing economy platforms
Name: Akhmedova, A.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022Start page: 452 End page: 461 Vol.: 51DOI: ISSN or title: 1447-6770 -
European Accounting and Management Review, A two-way satisfaction model for sharing economy
Name: Cueva, A.; Akhmedova, A.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022Start page: 1 End page: 23 Vol.: 9 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 2385-3921 -
Tec Empresarial, What drives project management success in developing countries? The case of Ghana ¿Qué favorece el éxito en la gestión de proyectos en los países en desarrollo? El caso de Ghana
Name: Amoah, A.; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022Start page: 55 End page: 55 Vol.: 16DOI: ISSN or title: 1659-3359 -
Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism, Guest and Host Perspectives of Service Quality and Satisfaction in Digital Home-sharing Platforms
Name: Amat, N.; Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022DOI: ISSN or title: 1528-0098 1528008X -
Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, Measuring Overall Customer Experience in a Hospitality Collaborative Consumption Context: Evidence from Airbnb Users
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Cheikhrouhou, S.; Bélisle, D.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022Start page: 126 End page: 146 Vol.: 10 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 2203-1693 -
HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY REPORT, Thinking clearly about dignity: relationships between cognitive processes underlying perceived dignity as determinants of psychological adjustment
Name: Pergolizzi, D.; Marimon, Frederic; Monforte-Royo, C.; Crespo, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 249 End page: 256 Vol.: 10 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 2353-4184 -
Journal of construction engineering and management (ASCE), Making the Management of a Project Successful: Case of Construction Projects in Developing Countries
Name: Amoah, A.; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Vol.: 147 No.: 12 (04021166)DOI: ISSN or title: 0733-9364 -
Research in Transportation Business and Management, The unexplored potential of trust to boost customer loyalty for transport platforms
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Jaca, C. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Vol.: 41DOI: ISSN or title: 2210-5395 -
Administrative Sciences, Project managers as knowledge workers: competencies for effective project management in developing countries
Name: Amoah, A.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 131 End page: 143 Vol.: 11 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 2076-3387 -
Tec Empresarial, How do socially responsible universities perform? The case of spanish universities
Name: Arias-Valle, M.; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 64 End page: 82 Vol.: 15 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 1659-3359 -
International journal of quality and service sciences, How should a team be rewarded to improve quality performance of NPD?
Name: Bello, A.; Marimon, Frederic; Merino, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 177 End page: 197 Vol.: 13 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1756-669X -
Sustainability, On the convergence of collaborative and social economy: a quality model for the combined effects
Name: Moreno, P.; Selvam, R. M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Vol.: 13 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 2071-1050 -
Journal of information and knowledge management, Unveiling the mechanisms to rescue the unknown knowledge
Name: Manresa, A.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Vol.: 20 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 0219-6492 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Quality management: a compulsory requirement to achieve effectiveness
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Akhmedova, A.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 220 End page: 239 Vol.: 32 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Quality engineering, Mining quality determinants of product-service systems from user-generated contents
Name: Mastrogiacomo, L.; Barravecchia, F.; Franceschini, F.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 425 End page: 442 Vol.: 33 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 0898-2112 -
Education policy analysis archives, ¿Son las universidades socialmente responsables?
Name: Arias Valle, M.; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 1 End page: 27 Vol.: 29 No.: 54DOI: ISSN or title: 1068-2341 -
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, Comparison between experimental digital image processing and numerical methods for stress analysis in dental implants with different restorative materials
Name: Cantó-Navés, O.; Marimon, Frederic; Ferrer, M.; Cabratosa-Termes, Josep Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Vol.: 113DOI: ISSN or title: 1751-6161 -
Current issues in tourism, Muslim tourists’ purchase intention of halal food in Spain
Name: Pradana, M.; Huertas, R.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 1814 End page: 1818 Vol.: 24 No.: 13DOI: ISSN or title: 1368-3500 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Making the long and adventurous journey from quality to loyalty
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M.; Llach, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 1713 End page: 1731 Vol.: 32 No.: 15-16DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Applied Research in Quality of Life, Servant leadership, career, and life satisfaction in higher education: a cross-country study of Spain, China, and Pakistan
Name: Fawad Latif, K.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Umar Farooq , S. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 1221 End page: 1247 Vol.: 16DOI: ISSN or title: 1871-2584 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Motivations and benefits of quality management systems in social services: mediation of the implementation process
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Melão, N.; Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 693 End page: 718 Vol.: 32 No.: (7-8)DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
European Accounting and Management Review, Does an internship in Business Administration enhance professional competences?
Name: Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 66 End page: 77 Vol.: 7 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 2385-3921 -
European Accounting and Management Review, How the Mission Internalization Works? An Empirical Research
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 1 End page: 27 Vol.: 7 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 2385-3921 -
Sustainability, A systematic literature review. Relationships between the sharing economy, sustainability and sustainable development goals
Name: Boar, A.; Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Vol.: 12 No.: 17DOI: ISSN or title: 2071-1050 -
Journal of cleaner production, Value co-creation in the sharing economy: The role of quality of service provided by peer
Name: Akhmedova, A.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 1 End page: 12 Vol.: 266DOI: ISSN or title: 0959-6526 -
Journal of cleaner production, Towards a new model to understand quality in collaborative consumption services
Name: Amat, N.; Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Vol.: 266DOI: ISSN or title: 0959-6526 -
Journal of Family Business Strategy, Daughters’ careers in family business: motivation types and family-specific barriers
Name: Akhmedova, A.; Cavallotti, Rita; Marimon, Frederic; Campopiano, G. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Vol.: 11 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 1877-8585 -
Journal of business research, Winning strategies to retain customers in the sharing economy: understanding loyalty antecedents
Name: Akhmedova, A.; Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 33 End page: 44 Vol.: 112DOI: ISSN or title: 0148-2963 -
Tec Empresarial, To recommend or to regret the choice? Factors explaining student loyalty: Evidence from the Catalan university system
Name: Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Llach, J.; Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 2 End page: 17 Vol.: 14 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1659-3359 -
International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Spanish Muslims’ halal food purchase intention
Name: Pradana, M.; Huertas, R.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 189 End page: 201 Vol.: 23 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1559-2448 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Fulfilment of expectations on students’ perceived quality in the Catalan higher education system
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M.; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 483 End page: 502 Vol.: 31 No.: 5-6DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
International food research journal, Purchase intention of halal food products in Spain: The moderating effect of religious involvement
Name: Pradana, M.; Huertas, R.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 735 End page: 744 Vol.: 27 No.: 4ISSN or title: 1985-4668 -
International Journal for Quality Research, Levering up performance through quality and knowledge creation
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Malbasic, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 601 End page: 622 Vol.: 14 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1800 - 6450 -
International Journal for Quality Research, City characteristics that attract Airbnb travellers: evidence from Europe
Name: Güçlü, B.; Roche, D.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 271 End page: 290 Vol.: 14 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1800 - 6450 -
International journal of information management, CC-Qual: A holistic scale to assess customer perceptions of service quality of collaborative consumption services
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Llach, J.; Alonso-Almeida, M.; Mas-Machuca, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 130 End page: 141 Vol.: 49DOI: ISSN or title: 0268-4012 -
Management Research Review, Fighting organizational decline: a risk-based approach to organizational anti-aging
Name: Gotteiner, S.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 1259 End page: 1277 Vol.: 42 No.: 11DOI: ISSN or title: 2040-8269 -
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Use of quality tools and techniques and their integration into ISO 9001: A wind power supply chain case
Name: Castelló, J.; de Castro, R.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 68 End page: 89 Vol.: 37 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 0265-671X -
Leadership & organization development journal, Development and validation of servant leadership scale in Spanish higher education
Name: Latif, F.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 499 End page: 519 Vol.: 40 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 0143-7739 -
European Accounting and Management Review, Turnaround Types, Stages, Strategies, and Tactics: Putting Things in Order
Name: Gotteiner, S.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 12 End page: 37 Vol.: 5 No.: 2ISSN or title: 2385-3921 -
International journal of organization theory and behavior, Holistic spiritual capital: definition and its measurement
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 96 End page: 110 Vol.: 22 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1093-4537 -
Journal of management development, From sense-making to perceived organizational performance: looking for the best way
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 105 End page: 117 Vol.: 38 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 0262-1711 -
Journal of Enterprise Information Management, From knowledge management to organizational performance: Modelling the mediating role of innovation and intellectual capital in higher education
Name: Iqbal, A.; Latif, F.; Marimon, Frederic; Umar Farooq , S.; Hussain, S. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 36 End page: 59 Vol.: 32 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1741-0398 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Assessing a quality model for the social sector: an empirical study of the EQUASS model
Name: Melão, N.; Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 221 End page: 243 Vol.: 30 No.: 1-2DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Fulfilment of expectations mediating quality and satisfaction: The case of hospital service
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Gil-Doménech, Dolors; Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 201 End page: 220 Vol.: 30 No.: 1-2DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, UnivQual: a holistic scale to assess student perceptions of service quality at universities
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M.; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Llach, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 184 End page: 200 Vol.: 30 No.: 1-2DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
European Accounting and Management Review, A Simplified Balanced ‘Balanced Scorecard’
Name: Malbašić, I.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 38 End page: 60 Vol.: 5 No.: 2ISSN or title: 2385-3921 -
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, Supply chain management strategies in project and absorptive capacity to implementation partnership strategy in new product development
Name: Gheshmi, R.; Zarco, H.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 759 End page: 770 Vol.: 8 No.: 2ISSN or title: 2050-7399 20513771 -
International Journal for Quality Research, Still implementing ISO 14000 for the same reasons?
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 115 End page: 130 Vol.: 13 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1800 - 6450 -
Thin-walled structures, Analytical study of flat and curved trapezoidal cold formed steel sheets by means of the yield line theory. Part 2: Curved sheets with transverse corrugations
Name: Casariego, P.; Casafont, M.; Ferrer, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018DOI: ISSN or title: 0263-8231 -
Psycho-oncology, The role of perceived dignity and control in the wish to hasten death among advanced cancer patients: A mediation model
Name: Monforte-Royo, C.; Crespo, I.; Rodríguez-Prat, A.; Marimon, Frederic; Porta, J.; Balaguer, Albert Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 2840 End page: 2846 Vol.: 27 No.: 12DOI: ISSN or title: 1057-9249 -
European Accounting and Management Review, Mission climate measurement: a new validated scale
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 1 End page: 20 Vol.: 5 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 2385-3921 -
Journal of media business studies, Assessing the consumer-based brand equity of news media firms: a new validated scale
Name: Victoria Mas, M; Lacasa-Mas, I; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 214 End page: 235 Vol.: 15 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 1652-2354 -
Journal of human values, Through the decreased values gap to increased organizational effectiveness: The mediating role of organizational commitment
Name: Malbašić, I.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 101 End page: 115 Vol.: 24 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 0971-6858 -
European Journal of Family Business, Barriers or motivation? Career progress in the family firm: daughters' perspective
Name: Akhmedova, A.; Cavallotti, Rita; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 103 End page: 116 Vol.: 8 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 2444-877X -
European Accounting and Management Review, Supplier–customer negotiation model: the vendor receives a bonus for holding the inventory
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 94 End page: 108 Vol.: 5 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 2385-3921 -
International Journal for Quality Research, Behavioral profiles of consumers of online travel agencies
Name: Martínez-Costa, C.; Pladevall, J.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 703 End page: 721 Vol.: 12 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 18006450 -
International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE), Complexity as an Antecedent for External Collaboration in New Product Development Projects
Name: Gheshmi, R.; Zarco-Jasso, H.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 97 End page: 105 Vol.: 7 No.: 4.7DOI: ISSN or title: 2227-524X -
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Human resource management practices and employee job satisfaction in nonprofit organizations
Name: Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon; Marimon, Frederic; Carreras, L. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 323 End page: 338 Vol.: 89 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1370-4788 -
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Quality management systems in European social service organizations: A survey of EQUASS Assurance pioneer adopters
Name: Melão, N.; Amorim, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Alegre, Inés Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 354 End page: 372 Vol.: 35 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 0265-671X -
Studies in higher education, Is research mediating the relationship between teaching experience and student satisfaction?
Name: Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 973 End page: 988 Vol.: 43 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 0307-5079 -
Journal of pain and symptom management, Meaning in life as a mediator between physical impairment and the wish to hasten death in patients with advanced cancer
Name: Guerrero-Torrelles, M.; Monforte-Royo, C.; Tomás Sábado, J; Marimon, Frederic; Porta, J.; Balaguer, Albert Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 826 End page: 834 Vol.: 54 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 0885-3924 -
Sustainability, Reasons to Adopt ISO 50001 Energy Management System
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 1740 End page: 1754 Vol.: 9 No.: 10DOI: ISSN or title: 2071-1050 -
TPM - Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, Design and validation of a measurement scale of intergenerational family solidarity
Name: Cavallotti, Rita; Grau-Grau, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Gas-Aixendri, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 107 End page: 125 Vol.: 24 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1972-6325 -
Universal Access in the Information Society, Critical factors in the evaluation of online media: creation and implementation of a measurement scale (e-SQ-Media)
Name: Cristóbal-Fransi, E.; Hernández Soriano, F.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 235 End page: 246 Vol.: 16 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1615-5289 -
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Analysis of training programs related to Quality Management System: the Spanish case
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Llach, J.; Bernardo, M.; Casadesus, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 216 End page: 230 Vol.: 34 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 0265-671X -
Management decision, Creating value through the Balanced Scorecard: How does it work?
Name: Llach, J.; Bagur, L.; Perramon, J.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 2181 End page: 2199 Vol.: 55 No.: 10DOI: ISSN or title: 0025-1747 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, The expert experience in adopting the E-S-QUAL scale
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesus, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 1307 End page: 1321 Vol.: 28 No.: 11-12DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management, Cross learning synergies between Operation Management content and the use of generic analytic tools
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 13 End page: 14 Vol.: 8 No.: 17DOI: ISSN or title: 1989-9068 -
Management decision-esborrar, Alliance success factors and performance in social economy enterprises.
Name: Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon; Marimon, Frederic; Tanganelli, D. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 1065 End page: 1080 Vol.: 55 No.: 5 -
Innovations in education and teaching international, Assessing learner satisfaction by simultaneously measuring learner attitude, motivation, loyalty and service quality in English academies
Name: Huong, V.; Casadesus, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 301 End page: 3012 Vol.: 54 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 1470-3297 -
Information systems and e-business management, Benefits of ISO 20000 IT service management certification
Name: Cots, S.; Casadesus, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 1 End page: 18 Vol.: 14 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1617-9846 -
Management decision, Is it Worth Having Focused Values?
Name: Malbašić, I.; Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 2370 End page: 2392 Vol.: 54 No.: 10ISSN or title: 0025-1747 -
Industrial Management & Data System, Assessing the internalization of the mission
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M.; Rey, C. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 170 End page: 187 Vol.: 116 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 0263-5577 -
Industrial Management & Data System, Antecedents of online purchasing behaviour in the tourism sector
Name: Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Mas-Machuca, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 87 End page: 102 Vol.: 116 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 0263-5577 -
Public Transport, Service quality assessment of public transport and the implication role of demographic characteristics
Name: Petnji, L.; Frigola, M.; Saurina, C.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 409 End page: 428 Vol.: 7 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 1613-7159 -
Journal of cleaner production, Diffusion of sustainability reporting in universities: current situation and future perspectives
Name: Alonso-Almeida, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Casini, F.; Rodríguez-Pomeda, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 144 End page: 154 Vol.: 106DOI: ISSN or title: 0959-6526 -
Journal of cleaner production, Social Accountability 8000 standard certification: analysis of worldwide diffusion
Name: Llach, J.; Marimon, Frederic; Alonso-Almeida, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 288 End page: 298 Vol.: 93DOI: ISSN or title: 0959-6526 -
European Accounting and Management Review, What Makes a Woman to Choose to Work in a Family Company Instead of a Looking for a Position in the Work Market or Creating Her Own Company?: a Literature Review
Name: Akhmedova, A.; Cavallotti, Rita; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 85 End page: 106 Vol.: 2 No.: 1ISSN or title: 2385-3921 -
Estudios Gerenciales, Difusión de las memorias de sostenibilidad en Latinoamérica: análisis territorial y sectorial
Name: Alonso-Almeida, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Llach, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 139 End page: 149 Vol.: 31 No.: 135DOI: ISSN or title: 0123-5923 -
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, The mechanisms through which certain variables influence customer loyalty: the mediating roles of perceived value and satisfaction
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 627 End page: 637 Vol.: 25 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 1090-8471 -
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, Is it possible to retain customer loyalty when a service has failed?
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Alonso-Almeida, M.; Bernardo, M.; Llach, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 599 End page: 613 Vol.: 25 No.: 5DOI: ISSN or title: 1090-8471 -
Journal of Applied Economics and Business, UK and Spanish banks performances before, during and after the financial crisis: consumer behavior and attitudes to personal risk
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesus, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 5 End page: 27 Vol.: 2 No.: 4ISSN or title: 1857- 8721 -
TMQ - Techniques, Methodologies and Quality, Diffusion of the UNE166002 innovation management standard: a forecast model approach towards internationalization
Name: Mir, M.; Llach, J.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 106 End page: 125 No.: 5ISSN or title: 2183-0940 -
B-UIC. Your business magazine, Is it still worth buying on line?
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 26 End page: 29 Vol.: 2ISSN or title: 2339-7640 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, The revitalising effect of ISO 9001 on dissatisfied customers
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 856 End page: 864 Vol.: 25 No.: 7-8DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Comunicación y sociedad, The impact of SMS messages on young people’s participation in recycling campaigns
Name: Buil, P.; Roger Loppacher, M; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 161 End page: 182 Vol.: 27 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 0214-0039 -
Industrial Management & Data System, Building loyalty through functional and hedonic quality
Name: Alonso-Almeida, M.; Bernardo, M.; Llach, J.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 387 End page: 404 Vol.: 114 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 0263-5577 -
Corporate social responsibility and environmental management, A Closer Look at the 'Global Reporting Initiative' Sustainability Reporting as a Tool to Implement Environmental and Social Policies: A Worldwide Sector Analysis
Name: Alonso-Almeida, M.; Llach, J.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 318 End page: 335 Vol.: 21 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 1535-3958 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, The contest determinant of delight and disappointment: a case study of online banking
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 1376 End page: 1389 Vol.: 24 No.: 11-12DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, EOQ model: The case in which the placing of orders is rewarded
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Llach, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 573 End page: 581 Vol.: 23 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 1090-8471 -
Review of International Comparative Management, Relationship between Internationalization and Quality of University Research
Name: Aparicio, P.; Triadó, X.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 328 End page: 341 Vol.: 14 No.: 2ISSN or title: 1582-3458 -
International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Diffusion of quality standards in the hospitality sector
Name: Alonso-Almeida, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Bernardo, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 504 End page: 527 Vol.: 33 No.: 5DOI: ISSN or title: 0144-3577 -
Tourism management, Determinants of online booking loyalties for the purchasing of airline tickets
Name: Llach, J.; Marimon, Frederic; Alonso-Almeida, M.; Bernardo, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 23 End page: 31 Vol.: 35DOI: ISSN or title: 0261-5177 -
International Journal for Quality Research, Quality management systems: one step forward on the paper industry
Name: Alcalà, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesus, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 231 End page: 238 Vol.: 7 No.: 2ISSN or title: 1800 - 6450 -
Industrial Management & Data System, Can ISO 9001 improve customers’ perception of service recovery?
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 1206 End page: 1221 Vol.: 113 No.: 8ISSN or title: 0263-5577 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, The balance of the impact of quality and recovery on satisfaction: the case of e-travel
Name: Bernardo, M.; Llach, J.; Marimon, Frederic; Alonso-Almeida, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 1390 End page: 1404 Vol.: 24 No.: 12DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Industrial Management & Data System, Can ISO 9001 improve service recovery?
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 1206 End page: 1221 Vol.: 113 No.: 8ISSN or title: 0263-5577 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Assessing e-service quality: the current state of E-S-QUAL
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 1363 End page: 1378 Vol.: 23 No.: 12DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Revista de Estudios Empresariales. Segunda época, La influencia de la calidad percibida en el sector de la distribución alimentaria por internet: perspectiva ‎multidimensional aplicada a un supermercado online.‎
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Cristobal, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 131 End page: 148 Vol.: 1ISSN or title: 1988/9046 -
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, The relationship between environmental management systems and organizational innovations
Name: Llach, J.; de Castro, R.; Bikfalvi, A.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 307 End page: 316 Vol.: 22 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 1090-8471 -
Information and management, Functional quality and hedonic quality: A study of the dimensions of e-service quality in online travel agencies
Name: Bernardo, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Alonso-Almeida, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 342 End page: 347 Vol.: 49 No.: 7-8DOI: ISSN or title: 0378-7206 -
Economic Quality Control, Measuring E-Service Quality: Reviewing E-S-QUAL
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 19 End page: 41 Vol.: 27 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1869-6147 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Impact of e-Quality and service recovery on loyalty: A study of e-banking in Spain
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Petnji, L.; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 769 End page: 787 Vol.: 23 No.: 7-8DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Recupera, Promover el reciclado de envases de aluminio entre adolescentes
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Roger Loppacher, M; Buil, P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 50 End page: 54 Vol.: febISSN or title: B-23446-97 -
Journal of cleaner production, The worldwide diffusion of the global reporting initiative: what is the point?
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Alonso-Almeida, M.; Rodríguez, M.; Klender, A. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 132 End page: 144 Vol.: 33DOI: ISSN or title: 0959-6526 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, An empirical study of the relationships within the categories of the EFQM model
Name: Heras, I.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 523 End page: 540 Vol.: 23 No.: 5-6DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
International Journal of Business and Management, The Singularity of Agrarian Cooperatives Management: Cooperatives Positioning in the Olive Oil Sector in Spain
Name: Montegut Salla, Y.; Marimon, Frederic; Cristobal, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 16 End page: 30 Vol.: 6 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 1833-3850 -
Working papers. Universitat de Lleida, Competitive positioning of Spanish Agricultural Cooperatives
Name: Montegut Salla, Y.; Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 1 End page: 27 Vol.: 2011 No.: 4ISSN or title: 2013-4916 -
Innovar, Impact of quality improvement tools on the performance of firms using different quality management systems
Name: Heras, I.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 161 End page: 173 Vol.: 21 No.: 42DOI: ISSN or title: 0121-5051 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, The impact of ISO 9001 standard and the EFQM model: The view of the assessors
Name: Heras, I.; Casadesús, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 197 End page: 218 Vol.: 22 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, Relationship between Quality-Management Systems and Organisational Innovations
Name: Llach, J.; Casadesús, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 52 End page: 66 Vol.: 21 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1090-8471 -
International Journal of Marketing Studies, Spanish E-Consumer Segmentation and Positioning in Virtual Supermarkets Sector
Name: Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic; Daries, N.; Montegut Salla, Y. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 16 End page: 31 Vol.: 3 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1918-719X -
Investigaciones europeas de dirección y economía de la empresa, La gestión del supermercado virtual: tipificación del comportamiento del cliente online
Name: Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 93 End page: 112 Vol.: 17 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1135-2523 -
Journal of cleaner production, Comparative analysis of diffusion of the iso 14001 standard by sector of activity
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Llach, J.; Bernardo, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 1734 End page: 1744 Vol.: 19 No.: 15ISSN or title: 0959-6526 -
Review of International Comparative Management, Impact of Service Recovery on Customer Loyalty: A Study of E-Banking in Spain
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Petnji, L.; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 49 End page: 60 Vol.: 12 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1582-3458 -
Industrial Management & Data System, ISO 9001 diffusion analysis according to activity sectors
Name: Llach, J.; Marimon, Frederic; Bernardo, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 298 End page: 316 Vol.: 111 No.: 2ISSN or title: 0263-5577 -
International Journal for Quality Research, Investigating discrepancies between e-services implementing or not ISO 9001: customers' outlook in the backdrop of e-services in Catalonia (Spain)
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 297 End page: 308 Vol.: 5 No.: 4ISSN or title: 1800 - 6450 -
Industrial Management & Data System, Customer's loyalty and perception of ISO 9001 in online banking
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 1194 End page: 1213 Vol.: 111 No.: 8ISSN or title: 0263-5577 -
Forum Calidad, ISO 9000. Final de ciclo en la expansión de certificaciones ISO 9000. Un ejemplo práctico: el sector del papel en España
Name: Alcalà, M.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 32 End page: 35 Vol.: 220ISSN or title: 1139-5567 -
Review of International Comparative Management, The Spanish E-retailing Customers Segmentation
Name: Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic; Daries, N.; Montegut Salla, Y. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010Start page: 779 End page: 798 Vol.: 11 No.: 5ISSN or title: 1582-3458 -
Review of International Comparative Management, The Management of Agrarian Cooperatives: Cooperatives' Typologies in the Olive Oil Sector in Spain
Name: Montegut Salla, Y.; Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010Start page: 719 End page: 732 Vol.: 11 No.: 4ISSN or title: 1582-3458 -
International Journal of Market Research, Purchasing behaviour in an online supermarket: the applicability of E-S-QUAL
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Vidgen, R.; Barnes, S.; Cristobal, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010Start page: 111 End page: 129 Vol.: 52 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1470-7853 -
The Service Industries Journal, The Future of Standardised Quality Management in Tourism: Evidence from the Spanish Tourist Sector
Name: Casadesús, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Alonso-Almeida, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010Start page: 2457 End page: 2474 Vol.: 30 No.: 14DOI: ISSN or title: 0264-2069 -
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Certification Intensity Level of the leading nations in ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 standards
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M.; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010Start page: 1002 End page: 1020 Vol.: 27 No.: 9DOI: ISSN or title: 0265-671X -
International Journal of Management in Education, Profile and performance of the university research groups
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Aparicio, P.; Triadó, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010Start page: 279 End page: 297 Vol.: 4 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 1750-385X -
Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa., Impacto competitivo de las herramientas para la gestión de la calidad
Name: Heras, I.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2009Start page: 7 End page: 35 Vol.: 41DOI: ISSN or title: 1138-5758 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 standards: a projection model for the decline phase
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Heras, I.; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2009Start page: 1 End page: 21 Vol.: 20 No.: 1:PII 908230165DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
Working Papers 2009/02. Ref. LB-02-2009, Modelo EFQM de autoevaluación: un estudio de su validez interna
Name: Heras, I.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2009 -
Journal of cleaner production, ISO 14001 diffusion after the success of the ISO 9001 model
Name: Casadesús, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008Start page: 1741 End page: 1754 Vol.: 16 No.: 16DOI: ISSN or title: 0959-6526 -
Capital Humano, Perfil de los grupos excelentes en investigación y características que les hacen mejores en el trabajo de equipo
Name: Triadó, X.; Aparicio, P.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008Start page: 100 End page: 106 Vol.: 220ISSN or title: 1130-8117 -
International Journal for Quality Research, The Uncertainties of Environment's Parameters Measurements as Tools of the Measurements Quality Improvement
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Heras, I.; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008Start page: 135 End page: 143 Vol.: 2 No.: 2ISSN or title: 1800 - 6450 -
Forum Calidad, Cómo medir la e-Calidad. El caso de un supermercado online
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Cristobal, E.; Viladrich, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008Start page: 44 End page: 49 Vol.: 190ISSN or title: 1139-5567 -
Ciriec-España, La gestión de las cooperativas agrarias: tipificación de las cooperativas del sector oleícola de Catalunya
Name: Cristobal, E.; Montegut Salla, Y.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 203 End page: 236 Vol.: 59ISSN or title: 0213-8093 -
Revista de Estudios Cooperativos (REVESCO), Caracterización de las almazaras cooperativas catalanas
Name: Montegut Salla, Y.; Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 68 End page: 97 Vol.: 93, 3er trim.ISSN or title: 1885-8031 -
La sociedad cooperativa, Orientación al mercado de las almazaras cooperativas. El caso de Cataluña
Name: Montegut Salla, Y.; Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 29 End page: 34 Vol.: 34ISSN or title: 1137-4748 -
Revista de Estudios Empresariales. Segunda época, La calidad de la consultoría especializada en ISO 9000: un modelo de evaluación
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Cristobal, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 90 End page: 109 Vol.: 1ISSN or title: 0213-8964 -
International Journal of Consumer Studies, A study of e-retailing management: analysing the expectations and perceptions of Spanish consumers
Name: Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 613 End page: 622 Vol.: 31 No.: 6ISSN or title: 1470-6423 -
IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet, E-retailing management: Analysing the spanish e-consumers behaviour
Name: Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 98 End page: 112 Vol.: 5 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1645 - 7641 -
Revista Econòmica de Catalunya, Incubadores d'empreses: un instrument de suport a l'emprenedoria amb bona salut a Catalunya
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Alonso, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 13 End page: 31 Vol.: 55ISSN or title: 135-819X -
International Journal of Operations and Production Management, ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 standards: an international diffusion model
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M.; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 141 End page: 165 Vol.: 26 No.: 2ISSN or title: 0144-3577 -
Universia Business Review, La consultoría en España: ¿Consulta o inculcación de principios?
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M.; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 74 End page: 87 Vol.: 9ISSN or title: 1698-5117 -
Dyna, La ISO 9000: ¿Seguirá siendo válida en la nueva era de la gestión de la calidad?
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 11 End page: 14 Vol.: 81ISSN or title: 0012-7361 -
International Journal of Services Technology and Management, Relationship between the principles transmitted by consultants implementing the ISO 9000 Standard and the loyalty of their clients
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Cristobal, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 320 End page: 331 Vol.: 7 No.: 4ISSN or title: 1460-6720 -
Investigaciones europeas de dirección y economía de la empresa, Tipologías de viveros de empresas : tradicionales y especializados
Name: Alonso, J.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 133 End page: 152 Vol.: 12 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1135-2523 -
Boletín Económico de Información Comerial Española, Viveros de empresas en Cataluña: tradicionales y especializados
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Alonso, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2005Start page: 31 End page: 46 Vol.: 2860ISSN or title: 0214-8307 -
Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, Análisis y un modelo de la difusión internacional de las normas ISO 9000 e ISO 14000
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M.; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2005Start page: 81 End page: 100 Vol.: 14ISSN or title: 1019-6838 -
Managing Service Quality, A study of the ISO 9000 certification process: consultant profiles and company behaviour.
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Cristobal, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2005Start page: 290 End page: 305 Vol.: 15 No.: 3ISSN or title: 0960-4529 -
Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa., Percepción de los servicios ofrecidos por las empresas de consultoría de calidad: ¿Resulta efectivo el asesoramiento relacionado con la ISO 9000?.
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M.; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004Start page: 5 End page: 31 Vol.: 19ISSN or title: 1138-5758 -
Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa., Incidencia de la certificación ISO 9000 en el rendimiento económico empresarial.
Name: Heras, I.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004Start page: 173 End page: 190 Vol.: 18ISSN or title: 1138-5758 -
Investigaciones europeas de dirección y economía de la empresa, ¿Ofrecen calidad las Consultorías en Calidad?.
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M.; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004Start page: 189 End page: 208 Vol.: 10 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1135-2523 -
Revista Econòmica de Catalunya, Els serveis oferts per les consultores especialitzades en ISO 9000 a Catalunya.
Name: Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004Start page: 52 End page: 63 Vol.: 48ISSN or title: 135-819X -
Quality Management Journal., The quality of Quality Consultants: An empirical study.
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M.; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2003Start page: 20 End page: 31 Vol.: 10 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1068-6967 -
Boletín Económico de Información Comerial Española, La situación de la consultoría de calidad especializada en ISO 9000 en España.
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Cristobal, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2003Start page: 53 End page: 61 Vol.: 2777ISSN or title: 0214-8307 -
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Do quality consultants offer a quality service?
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M.; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2002Start page: 797 End page: 811 Vol.: 13 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 1478-3363 -
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management-esborrar, Quality Service of ISO 9000 consultants.
Name: Casadesús, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2002Start page: 998 End page: 1013 Vol.: 19 No.: 8/9ISSN or title: 0256-671X -
Forum Calidad, Calidad en la calidad. La calidad de las consultorías.
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M.; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2001Start page: 38 End page: 42 Vol.: 122 No.: junioISSN or title: 1139-5567 -
CEAM, Montaje de una lámpara de pie mediante robot dotado de capacidad decisoria.
Name: Garriga, F.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 1986Start page: 29 End page: 52 Vol.: 197ISSN or title: 0007-8085 -
Anales de Ingeniería Mecánica., Planificación y control de trayectorias para robots inteligentes. Aplicación al montaje de una válvula de seguridad.
Name: Garriga, F.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 1986Start page: 123 End page: 128 Vol.: 4 No.: 1ISSN or title: 84-7484-052-X -
TecnoCiencia. Etsiit., Sistemas basados en producciones.
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Garriga, F. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1986Start page: 18 End page: 29 Vol.: 11 No.: 3ISSN or title: 0210-3087
Percepció de la Ciutadania de la Responsabilitat Social Corporativa de les Empreses a Catalunya
Publishing date: 2016 -
La gestión de las Cooperativas Agrarias: Estudio del sector oleico de Cataluña
Publishing date: 2009 Isbn: 978-84-926922 -
La consultoría especializada en ISO 9000 en Cataluña: calidad del servicio y beneficios.
Publishing date: 2004 Isbn: 84-688-6435-8
Talent or not talent: unclothing a competence. Educational challenges for comprehensive human development
Name: Riera, M.; Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022Start page: 36 End page: 46ISBN: 978-84-124511-3-9 -
Capítulo 7. Dirección de operaciones. B-SMART. Connecting University & Business
Name: Manresa, A.; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 89 End page: 100ISBN: 978-84-122028-2-3 -
Key Factors in Purpose Internalization. Purpose-driven organizations: management ideas for a better world
Name: Rey, C.; Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 87 End page: 98ISBN: 978-3-030-17673-0 -
Marc teòric i formulació d’hipòtesis i proposicions. Com fer recerca - Treball Fi de Grau, Tesi de Màster, Tesi Doctoral i altres projectes de recerca
Name: Mas-Machuca, M.; Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon; Gil-Doménech, Dolors; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 91 End page: 102ISBN: 978-84-16904-677-9 -
Formulant la pregunta de recerca i la proposta de recerca. Com fer recerca - Treball Fi de Grau, Tesi de Màster, Tesi Doctoral i altres projectes de recerca
Name: Gil-Doménech, Dolors; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Marimon, Frederic; Mas-Machuca, M.; Bastida-Vialcanet, Ramon Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 75 End page: 90ISBN: 978-84-16904-677-9 -
Hoshin Planning. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Quality and the Service Economy
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 281 End page: 283ISBN: 978-1-4522-5672-6 -
Experience in Adapting E-S-QUAL to Different Sectors or Settings. Achieving Competitive Advantage through Quality Management
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesus, M.; Llach, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 233 End page: 252ISBN: 978-3-319-17250-7 -
Customer Satisfaction and the Role of Demographic Characteristics in Online Banking. Evaluating Websites and Web Services: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on User Satisfaction
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 138 End page: 154ISBN: 978-1-4666-5129-6 -
Validity of TQM Self‐Assessment Model: Opening the EFQM White‐box. Shedding light on TQM: Some research findings
Name: Heras, I.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 22 End page: 46ISBN: 978-84-9860-851-9 -
Methodology proposal: assessing service quality in multichannel environment. Quality management and beyond: the current situation and future perspectives
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 53 End page: 62ISBN: 978-84-9984-142-7 -
Chapter 5: Antecedents of satisfaction in online travel agency services. Quality management and beyond: the current situation and future perspectives
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Bernardo, M.; Alonso-Almeida, M.; Llach, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 63 End page: 72ISBN: 978-84-9984-142-7 -
Chapter 4: Methodology proposal: assessing service quality in a multi-channel environment. Quality management and beyond: the current situation and future perspectives
Name: Petnji, L.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 53 End page: 62ISBN: 978-84-9984-142-7 -
Chapter 5: Antecedents of satisfaction in online travel agency services. Quality management and beyond: the current situation and future perspectives
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 63 End page: 72ISBN: 978-84-9984-142-7 -
Chapter 4: Methodology proposal: assessing service quality in a multi-channel environment. Quality management and beyond: the current situation and future perspectives
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 53 End page: 62ISBN: 978-84-9984-142-7 -
ISO 9001 Vs. EFQM: A comparative analisys based on external independent data. ISO 9001 Vs. EFQM: A comparative analisys based on external independent data
Name: Heras, I.; Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010Start page: 1575 End page: 1582ISBN: 978-84-95809-79-7 -
ISO 9001 Vs. EFQM: A comparative analisys based on external independent data. ISO 9001 Vs. EFQM: A comparative analisys based on external independent data
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010Start page: 1575 End page: 1582ISBN: 978-84-95809-79-7 -
La formación y la búsqueda de personas comprometidas con el cambio, primeras medidas esenciales en la implantación de Lean Manufacturing. El caso de una empresa del sector eléctrico. Insights on Current Organization Engineering
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008Start page: 1057 End page: 1067ISBN: 9788496394865 -
Un modelo de evaluación del servicio de consultoría especializada en ISO 9000. Insights on Current Organization Engineering
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008Start page: 1413 End page: 1422ISBN: 9788496394865 -
Difusión internacional de las normas ISO 9000: ¿el final de un ciclo?. Insights on Current Organization Engineering
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008Start page: 1371 End page: 1382ISBN: 9788496394865 -
Modelo de sistema de inventario con premio por emisión de pedidos. Insights on Current Organization Engineering
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008Start page: 1121 End page: 1130ISBN: 9788496394865 -
Assessing e-commerce quality. E-COMMERCE AND V-BUSINESS
Name: Barnes, S.; Cristobal, E.; Marimon, Frederic; Vidgen, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 99 End page: 123ISBN: 9780750664936 -
Assessing e-commerce quality. E-COMMERCE AND V-BUSINESS
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 99 End page: 123ISBN: 9780750664936 -
¿Es el modelo de difusión de las normas ISO 14000 análogo al de las normas ISO 9000? Un análisis de su difusión internacional. ISO 9000, ISO 14001 y otros estándares de gestión: pasado, presente y futuro. Reflexiones teóricas y conclusiones empíricas desde el ámbito académico
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Casadesús, M.; Heras, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 243 End page: 267ISBN: 84-470-2686-8 -
El sector de la consultoría especializada en ISO 9000: un estudio del comportamiento de las empresas certificadas. ISO 9000, ISO 14001 y otros estándares de gestión: pasado, presente y futuro. Reflexiones teóricas y conclusiones empíricas desde el ámbito académico
Name: Marimon, Frederic; Cristobal, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 175 End page: 197ISBN: 84-470-2686-8 -
"e-Retailing management: analysing the spanish e-consumers behaviour". Proceedings IADIS International Congerence: e-commerce. Chapter: "e-Retailing management: analysing the spanish e-consumers behaviour"
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 255 End page: 261ISBN: 972-8924-23-2 -
¿Es el modelo de difusión de las normas ISO 14000 análogo al de las normas ISO 9000? Un análisis de su difusión internacional. ISO 9000, ISO 14001 y otros estándares de gestión: pasado, presente y futuro. Reflexiones teóricas y conclusiones empíricas desde el ámbito académico
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 243 End page: 267ISBN: 84-470-2686-8 -
El sector de la consultoría especializada en ISO 9000: un estudio del comportamiento de las empresas certificadas. ISO 9000, ISO 14001 y otros estándares de gestión: pasado, presente y futuro. Reflexiones teóricas y conclusiones empíricas desde el ámbito académico
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 175 End page: 197ISBN: 84-470-2686-8 -
A Dynamic Model for the Diffusion os ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 Standards. Decision & Simulation in Engineering and Management Science. Cahapter: "A dynamic model for the diffusion of ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 standards.
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004Start page: 119 End page: 120ISBN: 84-688-7867-7 -
Capítulo 6: El sector eléctrico en España y ENHER en 1988.. Incentivos y control de la empresa pública
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 1988ISBN: 84-344-2059-7 -
Falta títol capítol. Incentivos y control de la empresa pública. Capítulo 6: El sector eléctrico en España y ENHER en 1988.
Name: Marimon, Frederic Role: Autor Publishing date: 1988ISBN: 84-344-2059-7
Course 2024-2025 - Period: 01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Final Degree Project
- - Operations Management
- - Marketing Research
- - Cultural Foundations: Managerial Learning Through Art History
Course 2023-2024 - Period: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2024
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Operations Management
- - Final Degree Project
Course 2022-2023 - Period: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2023
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Operations Management
- - Final Degree Project
Master's Degree in Industrial Technology and Production- - Productions and Operations Management 2
Course 2021-2022 - Period: 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2022
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Operations Management
- - Final Degree Project
Course 2020-2021 - Period: 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2021
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Operations Management
- - Final Degree Project
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems por la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya- - Final Master's Degree Project
Course 2019-2020 - Period: 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2020
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Operations Management
- - Final Degree Project
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems por la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya- - Final Master's Degree Project
Course 2018-2019 - Period: 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2019
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Operations Management
- - Final Degree Project
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems por la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya- - Final Master's Degree Project
Master's Degree in Industrial Technology and Production- - Logistics and Materials Management
Course 2017-2018 - Period: 01/09/2017 - 31/08/2018
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Logistics and Distribution
- - Operations Management
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems por la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya- - Final Master's Degree Project
Master in Entrepreneurship, Venture Capital and Private Equity- - Final Master's Degree Project
- - Módulo 3 Investigación e Innovación
Course 2016-2017 - Period: 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2017
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Logistics and Distribution
- - Operations Management
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems- - Final Master's Degree Project
Course 2015-2016 - Period: 01/09/2015 - 31/08/2016
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Logistics and Distribution
- - Operations Management
- - Operations Management 2
Master's Degree in Industrial Technology and Production- - Tesis Final Master
Course 2014-2015 - Period: 01/09/2014 - 31/08/2015
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Operations Management
- - Operations Management 2
- - Logistics and Distribution
Course 2013-2014 - Period: 01/09/2013 - 31/08/2014
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Operations Management
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems- - Logistic Management
Course 2012-2013 - Period: 01/09/2012 - 31/08/2013
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Operations Management 1
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems- - Marketing, Innovation and Product Development
- - Logistic Management
Course 2011-2012 - Period: 01/09/2011 - 31/08/2012
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Operations Management 1
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems- - Logistic Management
- - Marketing, Innovation and Product Development
- - Proyecto de Investigación II.(fase Elaboración)
Doctorat en Aparell Locomotor i Esport (RD 778/98)- - Treball de Recerca
Degree in Business Management- - Production Management
Bachelor in Tecnology and Business- - Direcció de la Producció 1
Course 2010-2011 - Period: 01/09/2010 - 31/08/2011
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems- - Logistic Management
- - Marketing, Innovation and Product Development
Degree in Business Management- - Logistics and Distribution
Bachelor in Tecnology and Business- - Direcció de la Producció 1
- - Direcció de la Producció 2
Course 2009-2010 - Period: 01/09/2009 - 31/08/2010
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration- - Créditos por Gestión
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems- - Marketing, Innovation and Product Development
- - Logistic Management
Degree in Business Management- - Logistics and Distribution
- - Production Management
Bachelor in Tecnology and Business- - Direcció de la Producció 1
- - Direcció de la Producció 2
Course 2008-2009 - Period: 01/09/2008 - 31/08/2009
Official Master
University Master's degree in Business Administration and Production Systems- - Logistic Management
- - Marketing, Innovation and Product Development
- - Project Management
- - Proyecto de Investigación II.(fase Elaboración)
Degree in Business Management- - Production Management
- - Logistics and Distribution
Bachelor in Tecnology and Business- - Direcció de la Producció 1
- - Direcció de la Producció 2
Course 2007-2008 - Period: 01/09/2007 - 31/08/2008
Official Master
University Master's degree in Business Administration and Production Systems- - Logistic Management
Degree in Business Management- - Logistics and Distribution
- - Production Management
Bachelor in Tecnology and Business- - Direcció de la Producció 1
- - Direcció de la Producció 2
Course 2006-2007 - Period: 01/09/2006 - 31/08/2007
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems- - Logistic Management
Degree in Business Management- - Production Management
- - Logistics and Distribution
- - Operations Research
- - Juego de Empresa
Bachelor in Tecnology and Business- - Direcció de la Producció 1
- - Direcció de la Producció 2
Course 2005-2006 - Period: 01/09/2005 - 31/08/2006
Degree in Business Management- - Logistics and Distribution
- - Management of Service Companies
- - Production Management
- - Operations Research
- - Juego de Empresa
Bachelor in Tecnology and Business- - Dirección de la Producción
- - Tirocinio
Course 2004-2005 - Period: 01/09/2004 - 31/08/2005
Degree in Business Management- - Operations Research
- - Practicum I
- - Production Management
- - Management of Service Companies
- - Practicum II
- - Logistics and Distribution
Bachelor in Tecnology and Business- - Controllo Della Produzione
Course 2003-2004 - Period: 01/09/2003 - 31/08/2004
Degree in Business Management- - Production Management
- - Management of Service Companies
- - Practicum I
- - Practicum II
- - Operations Research
Course 2002-2003 - Period: 01/09/2002 - 31/08/2003
Degree in Business Management- - Production Management
- - Management of Service Companies
Course 2001-2002 - Period: 01/09/2001 - 31/08/2002
Degree in Business Management- - Production Management
- - Calidad