

Department of Basic Areas



Teacher profile

Basic Areas, DEPARTMENT OF BASIC SCIENCIES. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


Graduated in Biological Sciences, UNIVERSITAT AUTÒNOMA DE BARCELONA
Postgraduate in Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, 2003 Universitat de Barcelona
Master in Genetics, University of Barcelona

Professional experience

Dr. Gloria Garrabou, professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the UB, leads the activity of a highly translational biomedical research laboratory, oriented to the patient, in close relationship with the care and teaching activity of the team. The research group, accredited by the Generalitat of Catalonia, is affiliated with institutions of excellence such as IDIBAPS, CIBERER and the UB (Clinical Campus). It directs its interest in the study of minority diseases, most of the metabolic or muscular type, combining the use of ÒMIQUES tools with high screening capacity, with functional tests and state-of-the-art disease models. He participates in 6 clinical trials and in the writing of clinical guidelines, he is a member of societies such as the SSIEM and the eMIT, and collaborates
Publicaciones destacadas
• Unravelling inclusion body myositis using a patient-*derived fibroblast modelo
Autores: Lado-Santos J; Valls-Roca L; Tobías E; García-García FJ; Guitart-*Mampel M; Esteve-Codina A; Martín-Mur B; Casado M; Artuch R; Solsona-Vilarrasa E; Fernandez-Checa J.C.; García-Ruiz C; Rentero C; Enrich C; Moreno-Lozano PJ; Milisenda J.C.; Cardellach F; Grau-Junyent JM; Garrabou G.
Referencia: Journal Of Cachexia Sarcopenia And Hombro 2023.
• Multicentric Standardization of Protocolos for the Diagnosis of Human Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Defects
Autores: Bujan N, Morén C, García-García FJ, Blázquez A, Carnicer C, Cortés AB, González C, López-Gallardo E, Lozano E, Moliner S, Gort L, Tobías E, Delmiro A, Martin MÁ, Fernández-Moreno MÁ, Ruiz-Pesini E, Garcia-Arumí E, Rodríguez-Aguilera J.C., Garrabou G .
Referencia: Antioxidantes 2022.
• Disrupted Mitochondrial and Metabolic Plasticity Underlie Comorbidity between Age-*Related and Degenerative Disorders as Parkinson Disease and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Autores: Juarez-Flores, DL; Ezquerra, M; Gonzalez-Casacuberta, I; Ormazabal, A; Mueren, C; Tolosa, E; Fucho, R; Guitart-*Mampel, M; Casado, M; Valldeoriola, F; de la Torre-Lara, J; Munoz, E; Tobias, E; Cuenta, Y; Garcia-Garcia, FJ; Garcia-Ruiz, C; Fernandez-Checa, J.C.; Marti, MJ; Grado, JM; Cardellach, F; Artuch, R; Fernandez-Santiago, R; Garrabou, G.
Referencia: Antioxidantes 2020.
• The impact of mitochondrial deficiencies in neuromuscular diseases
Autores: Lado-Santos J; Grau-Junyent JM; Garrabou G.
Referencia: Antioxidantes 2020.
• Mitochondrial Toxicogenomics for Antirretroviral Management: HIV Puesto-exposure Prophylaxis in Uninfected Patients
Autores: Bano, Maria; Mueren, Constanza; Barroso, Sergio; Juarez, Diana Luz; Guitart-*Mampel, Mariona; Gonzalez-Casacuberta, Ingrid; Canto-Santos, Judith; Lozano, Ester; Leon, Agathe; Pedrol, Enric; Miro, Oscar; Tobias, Ester; Mallolas, Josep; Rojas, Jhon F.; Cardellach, Francesc; Martinez, Esteban; Garrabou, Gloria;.
Referencia: Frontiers In Genetics 2020.
• Bioenergetics and Autophagic Imbalance in Patients-*Derived Cell Modelos of Parkinson Disease Supports Systemic Dysfunction in Neurodegeneration
Autores: González-Casacuberta I; Juárez-Flores D; Morén C; Garrabou G.
Referencia: Frontiers In Neuroscience 2019.
• Mitochondrial implications in human pregnancies with intrauterine growth restriction and associated cardiac remodelling
Autores: Guitart-*Mampel M, Juarez-Flores DL, Youssef L, Mueren C, Garcia-Otero L, Roca-Agujetas V, Catalan-Garcia M, Gonzalez-Casacuberta Y, Tobias E, Milisenda J.C., Grau JM, Crispe F, Gratacos E, Cardellach F, Garrabou G .
Referencia: Journal Of Cellular And Molecular Medicine 2019.
• Exhaustion of mitochondrial and autophagic reservo may contribute tono the development of LRRK2 G2019S -Parkinson's disease
Autores: Juárez-Flores DL, González-Casacuberta Y, Ezquerra M, Bañó M, Carmona-Pontaque F, Catalán-García M, Guitart-*Mampel M, Rivero JJ, Tobias E, Milisenda J.C., Tolosa E, Marti MJ, Fernández-Santiago R, Cardellach F, Morén C, Garrabou G .
Referencia: Journal Of Translational Medicine 2018.
• Transcriptional alterations in skin fibroblasts from Parkinson's disease patients with parkin mutations
Autores: González-Casacuberta Y, Morén C, Juárez-Flores DL, Esteve-Codina A, Sierra C, Catalán-García M, Guitart-*Mampel M, Tobías E, Milisenda J.C., Pont-Sunyer C, Martí MJ, Cardellach F, Tolosa E, Artuch R, Ezquerra M, Fernández-Santiago R, Garrabou G .
Referencia: Neurobiology Of Aging 2018.
Proyectos destacados
• Miositis miedo cuerpos de inclusión esporádica: desarrollo de nuevos modelos celulares para la identificación de biomarcadores y estrategias terapéuticas.
Investigador/a principal: Josep Maria Grau
Codi: PI1800498
Duración: 01/01/2019 - 30/12/2021
• Implementación de la medicina personalizada basada en la genómica en casos de enfermedades minoritarias no diagnosticadas
Código: PI044859
Duración: 01/01/2017 - 01/01/2019
• Role of the novel cardiomyokines FGF21 and Mtrnl donde cardiac damage induced by alcoholism and arterial hypertension
Investigador/a principal: Constanza Morén Núñez
Codi: 87/C/2015
Duración: 01/01/2016 - 01/01/2018