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From cell metabolism to metabolic diseases (METADIS)
5220, 2576
Academic training
Doctor en Biologia Molecular
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Llicenciat en Ciències Biològiques
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Premio de Investigación "Cátedra Johnson & Johnson de Promoción de la Salud Oral", 2010
Por el trabajo titulado: "New associations between chronic periodontitis and atherosclerosis", 2010 -
Premio Mª Luisa Gozalvo a la mejor comunicación oral presentada en la SEOP
“Evaluación cuantitativa de RANKL en niños con retraso de la erupción dental.”, 2009
PI: Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J. Start date: 01/09/2022 End date: 31/08/2025Financing entity: MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA E INNOVACION -
Caracterización de las ciclinas atipicas en la biologia del cáncer
PI: Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J. Start date: 01/01/2019 End date: 31/12/2021Financing entity: MINE - MINECO. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad -
Bacterias de la piel, una aproximación metagenómica para curar el acné
PI: Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J. Start date: 01/04/2021 End date: 31/10/2021Financing entity: Universitat Internacional de Catalunya -
Evaluación de la NIcotina como inhibidor del receptor ACE2 para uso profiláctico en profesionales sanitarios y contactos del COVID-19 (Estudio NICOVID)
PI: Martínez-Sánchez, JM; Bru, S. Start date: 01/10/2020 End date: 01/10/2021Financing entity: Banco Santander Financing entity code: NICOVID -
Bactèries per curar l'acné; un problema d'equilibri
PI: Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J.; Grimalt, R. Start date: 01/06/2019 End date: 01/12/2019Financing entity: AGAUR -
Noves ciclines: emplenant un buit en la Biologia del Càncer.
PI: Clotet, J. Start date: 15/04/2014 End date: 14/04/2017Financing entity: Fundació la Marató de TV3 Financing entity code: 961/U/2013 -
Caracterización de sustratos y mecanismos de regulación específicos de los complejos CDK y ciclinas del tipo Pcl en S. cerevisiae y células humanas
PI: Clotet, J. Start date: 06/01/2014 End date: 31/12/2016Financing entity: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Financing entity code: REF BFU2013-44189-P -
New Cyclins: filling a gap in cancer biology
PI: Clotet, J. Start date: 01/01/2014 End date: 31/12/2016Financing entity: Fundació la Marató de TV3 -
Nuevas funciones en el control del ciclo cel·lular
PI: Clotet, J. Start date: 01/01/2010 End date: 31/12/2012Financing entity: MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA E INNOVACION Financing entity code: BFU 2009-09278 -
Identificación y caracterización de proteínas reguladas por la MAP quinasa Hog1 de levadura
PI: Posas, F. Start date: 01/01/2007 End date: 01/01/2009Financing entity: Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica
Bacteriocina de la microbiota humana para curar el acné y aliviar el uso de antibióticos
PI: Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J. Start date: 01/02/2024 End date: 30/11/2024Financing entity: UIC -
Polyphosphate and Probiotic mechanism of action Program
PI: Bru, S. Start date: 09/06/2021 End date: 09/06/2024Financing entity: AB-Biotics, S.A. -
Polyphosphate and Probiotic mechanism of action
PI: Bru, S. Start date: 01/07/2018 End date: 01/07/2021Financing entity: AB-Biotics, S.A. -
Susceptibilitat a la COVID-19 en l'edat pediàtrica: estudi de casos i contactes en els domicilis
PI: Bru, S. Start date: 18/09/2020 End date: 18/05/2021Financing entity: Fundació Sant Joan de Deu -
Estudio de la relacion de Propionobacterium acnes con el resto de la microbiota de la piel en la aparición del acné
PI: Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J.; Grimalt, R. Start date: 01/09/2016 End date: 31/08/2017Financing entity: Almiralll -
Càtedra cultura, ciència i religió
PI: Corcó, Josep Start date: 01/09/2013 End date: 31/08/2016Financing entity: FUNDACIÓ BARCELONA I FAMÍLIA
bioRxiv, Nuclear speckle dynamics are controlled by polyphosphate inhibition of CLK proteins
Name: Lázaro, B.; Tadeo, F.; Rodríguez, A.; Ayuso, L.; Martínez, J.; Quandt, E.; Bernard, M.; Borghi, F.; Saiardi, A.; Juan-Mateu, J.; Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J.; Bru, S. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2025 -
Methods, Optimized biochemical method for human Polyphosphate quantification
Name: Lázaro, B.; Sarrias, A.; Tadeo, F.; Martínez, J.; Fernández, A.; Quandt, E.; Jessen, H.J.; Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J.; Bru, S. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2025DOI: ISSN or title: 1046-2023 -
Molecular Oncology, CDK6 is activated by the atypical cyclin I to promote E2F-mediated gene expression and cancer cell proliferation
Name: Quandt, E.; Masip, N.; Hernandez-Ortega, S.; SÁNCHEZ-BOTET, A.; Gasa, L.; Fernández, A.; Plutta, S.; Martínez-Láinez, JM.; Bru, S.; Munoz-Torres, PM.; Floor, M.; Villà-Freixa, J.; Morris, M.; Vidal, A.; Villanueva, A.; Clotet, J.; Ribeiro, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023Start page: 1228 End page: 1245 Vol.: 17 No.: 7DOI: ISSN or title: 1878-0261 -
Scientific Reports, Association between soluble angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in saliva and SARS-CoV-2 infection: a cross-sectional study
Name: Bru, S.; Brotons, P.; Jordan, I.; Alsina, L.; Henares, D.; Carballar, R.; FERNANDEZ, M.; Barrabeig, I.; Fumado, V.; Baro, B.; Martínez-Láinez, JM.; Garcia, J.; Bassat, Q.; Balaguer, Albert; Clotet, J.; Launes, C.; Muñoz-Almagro, C. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023Vol.: 13 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 2045-2322 -
Environmental Research, Determination of soluble angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in saliva samples and its association with nicotine
Name: Bru, S.; González-Marrón, A.; Lidón-Moyano, C.; Carballar, R.; Martínez-Láinez, J.; Pérez, H.; Fu, M.; Pérez-Ortuño, P.; Ballbe, M.; Pascuali, J.; Fernández, E.; Clotet, J.; Martínez, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023Vol.: 216 No.: Pt 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1096-0953 -
STAR protocol, Protocol to quantify polyphosphate in human cell lines using a tagged PPBD peptide
Name: Jiménez, J.; Lázaro, B.; Sarrias, A.; Tadeo, F.; Pérez-Montero, M.; Clotet, J.; Bru, S. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022Vol.: 3 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 2666-1667 -
Science advances, Mad3 modulates the G1 Cdk and acts as a timer in the Start network
Name: Pérez-Paredes, A.; Artés, M.H.; Moreno, D.; Clotet, J.; Aldea, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022Vol.: 8 No.: 18DOI: ISSN or title: 2375-2548 -
Cell Reports, Polyphosphate degradation by Nudt3-Zn2+ mediates oxidative stress response
Name: Samper-Martín, B.; Sarrias, A.; Lázaro, B.; Perez-Montero, M.; Rodriguez-Rodriguez, R.; Ribeiro, MP; Banon, A.; Wolfgeher, D.; Jessen, H.J.; Alsina, B.; Clotet, J.; Kron, S.; Saiardi, A.; Jiménez, J.; Bru, S. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Vol.: 37 No.: 7DOI: ISSN or title: 2211-1247 -
CELLULAR ONCOLOGY, Atypical cyclin P regulates cancer cell stemness through activation of the WNT pathway
Name: Sánchez-Botet, A.; Quandt, E.; Masip, N.; Escribá, R.; Novellasdemunt, L.; Gasa, L.; Li, V.S.W.; Raya, A.; Clotet, J.; Ribeiro, MP Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 1273 End page: 1286 Vol.: 44 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 2211-3428 -
Revista Española de Educación Médica, Covid-19, an opportunity to compare in-person and online teaching
Name: Bru, S.; Ribeiro, MP; Quandt, E.; Clotet, J.; Jiménez, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 72 End page: 83 Vol.: 2 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 2660-8529 -
Journal of molecular biology, CDK-mediated Yku80 Phosphorylation Regulates the Balance Between Non-homologous End Joining (NHEJ) and Homologous Directed Recombination (HDR)
Name: Carballar, R.; Martínez-Láinez, JM.; Samper-Martín, B.; Bru, S.; Bállega, E.; Mirallas Vinas, O; Ricco, N.; Clotet, J.; Jiménez, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Vol.: 432 No.: 24DOI: ISSN or title: 0022-2836 -
Seminars in cell and developmental biology, Introduction
Name: Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Vol.: 107DOI: ISSN or title: 1084-9521 -
Seminars in cell and developmental biology, Atypical cyclins in cancer: New kids on the block?
Name: Quandt, E.; Ribeiro, MP; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 46 End page: 53 Vol.: 107DOI: ISSN or title: 1084-9521 -
Cellular and molecular life sciences, Atypical cyclins: the extended family portrait
Name: Quandt, E.; Ribeiro, MP; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 231 End page: 242 Vol.: 77 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1420-682X -
Aula, Museos y Colecciones, Análisis del empleo de sistemas de respuestas de audiencia (clickers) en clases magistrales de microbiología en una Facultad de Medicina
Name: Soria, G.; Quandt, E.; Bru, S.; Ribeiro, MP; Ricco, N.; Clotet, J.; Jiménez, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 159 End page: 165 Vol.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 2605-2091 -
PLoS One, Comprehensive and quantitative analysis of G1 cyclins. A tool for studying the cell cycle
Name: Bállega, E.; Carballar, R.; Samper-Martín, B.; Ricco, N.; Ribeiro, MP; Bru, S.; Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 1 End page: 24 Vol.: 14 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 1932-6203 -
Experimental and molecular medicine, Phosphoregulation of the oncogenic protein regulator of cytokinesis 1 (PRC1) by the atypical CDK16/CCNY complex
Name: Hernández-Ortega, S; Sánchez-Botet, A.; Quandt, E.; Masip, N.; Gasa, L.; Verde, G.; Jiménez, J.; Levin, R.; Rugatanira, F.; Burlingame, A.; Ribeiro, MP; Shokat, K.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 1 End page: 17 Vol.: 51 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 1226-3613 -
Scientific Reports, The atypical cyclin CNTD2 promotes colon cancer cell proliferation and migration
Name: Sánchez-Botet, A.; Gasa, L.; Quandt, E.; Hernández-Ortega, S; Jiménez, J.; Mezquita, Pau; Carrasco, M.; Kron, S.; Vidal, A.; Villanueva, A.; Ribeiro, MP; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Vol.: 8 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 2045-2322 -
PLOS biology, Centromeric signaling proteins boost G1 cyclin degradation and modulate cell size in budding yeast
Name: Martínez-Láinez, JM.; Moreno, D.; Parisi, E.; Clotet, J.; Aldea, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Vol.: 16 No.: 8DOI: ISSN or title: 1544-9173 -
Microbiological research, Intertwined control of the cell cycle and nucleocytoplasmic transport by the cyclin-dependent kinase Pho85 and RanGTPase Gsp1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Name: Mirallas, O.; Bállega, E.; Samper-Martín, B.; García-Marquez, S.; Carballar, R.; Ricco, N.; Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 168 End page: 176 Vol.: 206DOI: ISSN or title: 0944-5013 -
DNA repair, Polyphosphate is a key factor for cell survival after DNA damage in eukaryotic cells
Name: Bru, S.; Samper-Martín, B.; Quandt, E.; Hernández-Ortega, S; Martínez-Láinez, JM.; Garí, E.; Rafel, M.; Torres-Torronteras, J.; Martí, R.; Ribeiro, MP; Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 171 End page: 178 Vol.: 57DOI: ISSN or title: 1568-7864 -
Scientific Reports, A systematic analysis of orphan cyclins reveals CNTD2 as a new oncogenic driver in lung cancer
Name: Gasa, L.; Sánchez-Botet, A.; Quandt, E.; Hernández-Ortega, S; Jiménez, J.; Carrasco, M.; Simonetti, S.; Kron, S.; Ribeiro, MP; Nadal, E.; Villanueva, A.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Vol.: 7 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 2045-2322 -
Microbial Cell, Improvement of biochemical methods of polyP quantification
Name: Bru, S.; Jiménez, J.; Canadell, D.; Ariño, J.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 6 End page: 15 Vol.: 4 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 2311-2638 -
Bio-protocol, Extraction and Quantification of polyphosphate in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Name: Canadell, D.; Bru, S.; Clotet, J.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 1 End page: 11 Vol.: 6 No.: 14DOI: ISSN or title: 2331-8325 -
Current genetics, Polyphosphate: popping up from oblivion
Name: Jiménez, J.; Bru, S.; Ribeiro, MP; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 15 End page: 18 Vol.: 63 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 0172-8083 -
Molecular microbiology, Polyphosphate is Involved in Cell Cycle Progression and Genomic Stability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Name: Bru, S.; Martínez-Láinez, JM.; Hernández-Ortega, S; Quandt, E.; Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 367 End page: 380 Vol.: 101 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 0950-382X -
International microbiology, Phosphate: from stardust to eukaryotic cell cycle control
Name: Jiménez, J.; Bru, S.; Ribeiro, MP; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 133 End page: 141 Vol.: 19 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 1139-6709 -
Journal of Oral health research, Microbiological, periodontal and blood biochemistry profile of periodontal patients with atherosclerosis
Name: Violant, D.; Hernández-Santamaría, J.; Lapiedra, O.; Santos Alemany, A; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Vol.: 6 No.: 3ISSN or title: 2229-6018 -
Molecular and cellular biology, Hog1 Targets Whi5 and Msa1 Transcription Factors To Downregulate Cyclin Expression upon Stress
Name: González, A.; Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J.; Nadal, M.; Cavero, S.; de Nadal, E.; Posas, F. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 1606 End page: 1618 Vol.: 35 No.: 9DOI: ISSN or title: 0270-7306 -
Microbial Cell, Live Fast, Die Soon: Cell Cycle Progression and Lifespan in Yeast Cells
Name: Jiménez, J.; Bru, S.; Ribeiro, MP; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 62 End page: 67 Vol.: 2 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 2311-2638 -
Data in Brief, The quantitative changes in the yeast Hsp70 and Hsp90 interactomes upon DNA damage
Name: Truman, A.; Kristjánsdóttir, K.; Wolfgeher, D.; Ricco, N.; Mayampurath, A.; Volchenboum, S.; Clotet, J.; Kron, S. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 12 End page: 15 Vol.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 2352-3409 -
Journal of Proteomics, Quantitative proteomics of the yeast Hsp70/Hsp90 interactomes during DNA damage reveal chaperone-dependent regulation of ribonucleotide reductase
Name: Truman, A.; Kristjansdottir, K.; Wolfgeher, D.; Ricco, N.; Mayampurath, A.; Volchenboum, S.; Clotet, J.; Kron, S. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 285 End page: 300 Vol.: 112DOI: ISSN or title: 1874-3919 -
International Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Redundancy or specificity? The role of the CDK Pho85 in cell cycle control
Name: Jiménez, J.; Ricco, N.; Grijota-Martinez,C.; Fadó, R.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 140 End page: 149 Vol.: 4 No.: 3ISSN or title: 2152-4114 -
Cell cycle, The yin and yang of cyclin control by nutrients
Name: Jiménez, J.; Truman, A; Menoyo, S.; Kron, S.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 865 End page: 866 Vol.: 12 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 1538-4101 -
The journal of biological chemistry (Versió web), Defective in Mitotic Arrest 1 (Dma1) ubiquitin ligase controls G1 cyclin degradation.
Name: Hernández-Ortega, S; Bru, S.; Ricco, N.; Ramírez, S.; Casals, N; Jiménez, J.; Isasa, M.; Crosas, B.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 4704 End page: 4714 Vol.: 288 No.: 7DOI: ISSN or title: 1083-351X -
Mol Cell Biol., Phosphate-Activated Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Stabilizes G(1) Cyclin To Trigger Cell Cycle Entry
Name: Menoyo, S.; Ricco, N.; Bru, S.; Hernández-Ortega, S; Escoté, X.; Aldea, M.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 1273 End page: 1284 Vol.: 33(7)ISSN or title: 1098-5549 -
Diabetes, hypothalamic ceramide levels regulated by CPTC1C mediate the oxigenic effect of ghrelin
Name: Ramírez, S.; Martins, L.; Jacas Mateu, J; Carrasco, P.; Pozo Ariza, M; Clotet, J.; Serra, D.; Hegardt , FG.; Diéguez, C.; López, M.; Casals, N Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 2329 End page: 2337 Vol.: 62DOI: ISSN or title: 0012-1797 -
Yeast, Resveratrol induces antioxidant defense via transcription factor Yap1p
Name: Escoté, X.; Miranda, M.; Menoyo, S.; Rodríguez-Porrata, B.; Carmona-Gutiérrez, D.; Jungwirth, H.; Madeo, F.; Cordero, RR.; Mas, A.; Tinahones, F.; Clotet, J.; Vendrell, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012ISSN or title: 0749-503X -
Science Signaling, Time-dependent quantitative multicomponent control of the G1-S network by the stress-activated protein kinase Hog1 upon osmostress
Name: Adrover, MÀ; Zi, Z.; Duch, A.; Schaber, J.; González-Novo, A.; Jiménez, J.; Nadal-Ribelles, M.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 1 End page: 11 Vol.: 4 No.: 192DOI: ISSN or title: 1945-0877 -
Molecular biology of the cell, The stress-activated protein kinase Hog1 mediates S phase delay in response to osmostress.
Name: Yaakov, G.; Duch, A.; García-Rubio, M.; Clotet, J.; Jiménez, J.; Aguilera, A. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2009Start page: 3572 End page: 3582 Vol.: 20 No.: 15DOI: ISSN or title: 1059-1524 -
Journal of biological chemistry, CPT1c is localized in endoplasmic reticulum of neurons and has carnitine palmitoyltransferase activity
Name: Sierra, A.; Gratacós, E.; Carrasco, P.; Clotet, J.; Ureña, J.; Serra, D.; Asins, G.; Hegardt, F.; Casals, N Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008Start page: 6878 End page: 6885 Vol.: 283 No.: 11DOI: ISSN or title: 0021-9258 -
Methods in enzymology, Control of cell cycle in response to osmostress: lessons from yeast.
Name: Clotet, J.; Posas, F. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 63 End page: 67 Vol.: 428ISSN or title: 0076-6879 -
Molecular genetics and metabolism, C-Terminal end amd aminoacid Lys48in HMG-CoA lyase are involved in substrate binding and enzyme activity.
Name: Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 120 End page: 127 Vol.: 91ISSN or title: 1096-7192 -
Cell cycle, Control of cell cycle progression by the stress-activated Hog1 MAPK
Name: Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 6 End page: 7 Vol.: 4(1)ISSN or title: 1538-4101 -
Embo journal, Phosphorylation of Hsl1 by Hog1 leads to a G2 arrest essential for cell survival at high osmolarity.
Name: Clotet, J.; Escoté, X.; Adrover, MÀ; Yaakov, G.; Garí, E.; Aldea, M.; De Nadal, E.; Posas, F. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 2338 End page: 2346 Vol.: 25ISSN or title: 0261-4189 -
Cell Cycle, Stress regulated MAP Kinases and the control of cell cycle
Name: Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2005Start page: 6 End page: 7 Vol.: 4 -
Nature cell biology, Hog1 mediates cell-cycle arrest in G1 phase by the dual targeting of Sic1.
Name: Escoté, X.; Zapater, M.; Clotet, J.; Posas, F. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004Start page: 997 End page: 1002 Vol.: 6(10)ISSN or title: 1465-7392 -
Journal of biological chemistry, Structural (beta alpha)(8) TIM barrel model of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A lyase
Name: Casals, N; Gómez-Puertas, P.; Pié, J.; Mir, C.; Roca, R.; Puisac, B.; Aledo, R.; Clotet, J.; Menao, S.; Serra, D.; Asins, G.; Till, J.; Alun, C.; Jones, E.; Cresto, Juan C.; Chamoles, Nestor A; Abdenur, Jose E; Mayatepek, E.; Besley, G.; Valencia, A.; Hegardt , FG. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2003Start page: 29016 End page: 29023 Vol.: 278 No.: 31DOI: ISSN or title: 0021-9258 -
J. Mol Neurosci, CDP-choline prevents glutamate-mediated cell death in cerebellar granule neurons.
Name: Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2003Start page: 53 End page: 60 Vol.: 20 -
Yeast, Identification of multicopy supressors of cell cycle arrest at the G1-S transition in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Name: Muñoz, I.; Simón, E.; Casals, N; Clotet, J.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2003Start page: 157 End page: 169 Vol.: 30ISSN or title: 0749-503X -
Journal of molecular neuroscience, CDP-choline prevents glutamate-mediated cell death in cerebellar granule neurons
Name: Mir, C.; Clotet, J.; Aledo, R.; Durany, N.; Argemí Renom, J; Lozano, R.; Cervós-Navarro, J.; Casals, N Role: Autor Publishing date: 2003Start page: 53 End page: 59 Vol.: 20ISSN or title: 0895-8696 -
Journal of biological chemistry, Structural model of a Malonyl-CoA binding site of carnitine octanoyltransferase and carnitine palmitoyltransferase I. Mutational analysis of a malonyl-CoA affinity domain.
Name: Morillas, M.; Gómez-Puertas, P.; Rubí, B.; Clotet, J.; Ariño, J.; Valencia, A.; Hegardt , FG.; Serra, D.; Asins, G. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2002Start page: 11473 End page: 11480 Vol.: 277ISSN or title: 0021-9258 -
Journal of biological chemistry, A screening for high copy suppressors of the sit4 hal3 synthetically lethal phenotype reveals a role for the yeast Nha1 antiporter in cell cycle regulation.
Name: Simón, E.; Clotet, J.; Calero, F.; Ramos, J.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2001Start page: 29740 End page: 29747 Vol.: 276ISSN or title: 0021-9258 -
Yeast, Functional analysis of the Neurospora Crassa PZL-I protein phosphatase by expression in budding and fission yeast.
Name: Vissi, E.; Clotet, J.; De Nadal, E.; Barceló, A.; Bakó, E.; Gergely, P.; Dombrádi, V.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2001Start page: 115 End page: 124 Vol.: 18ISSN or title: 0749-503X -
Biochemical Journal, Inhibition by etomoxir of rat liver carnitine octanoyltransferase is produced through theco-ordinate interaction with two histidine residues.
Name: Morillas, M.; Clotet, J.; Rubí, B.; Serra, D.; Ariño, J.; Hegardt , FG.; Asins, G. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2000Start page: 495 End page: 502 Vol.: 15 (351)ISSN or title: 0264-6021 -
Febs letters, Identification of the two histidine residues responsible for the inhibition by malonyl-CoA in peroxisomal carnitine octanoyltransferase from rat liver.
Name: Morillas, M.; Clotet, J.; Rubí, B.; Serra, D.; Asins, G.; Ariño, J.; Hegardt , FG. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2000Start page: 183 End page: 186 Vol.: 466ISSN or title: 0014-5793 -
Molecular and cellular biology, The yeast Ser/Thr phosphatases SIT4 and PPZ1 play opposite roles in the regulation of the cell cycle.
Name: Clotet, J.; Garí, E.; Aldea, M.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1999Start page: 2408 End page: 2415 Vol.: 19ISSN or title: 0270-7306 -
Yeast, Disruption and phenotypic analysis of seven ORFs from the left arm of chromosome XV of S. cerevisiae.
Name: Hajji, K.; Clotet, J.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1999Start page: 435 End page: 441 Vol.: 15ISSN or title: 0749-503X -
Methods in molecular and cellular biology, The search for the biological function of novel yeast Ser/Thr phosphatases
Name: Ariño, J.; Posas, F.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1998Start page: 305 End page: 313 Vol.: 93ISSN or title: 0898-7750 -
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Regulation of salt tolerance in yeast by Hal3p is mediated through the Ppz1 Ser/Thr protein phosphatase.
Name: De Nadal, E.; Clotet, J.; Posas, F.; Garrido , R.; Gómez, N.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1998Start page: 7357 End page: 7362 Vol.: 95ISSN or title: 0027-8424 -
European journal of biochemistry, Regulation of salt tolerance in fission yeast by a PPZ-like Ser/Thr protein phosphatase.
Name: Balcells, L.; Gómez, N.; Casamayor, A.; Clotet, J.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1997Start page: 476 End page: 483 Vol.: 250ISSN or title: 0014-2956 -
Journal of biological chemistry, The NH2-terminal extension of protein phosphatase PPZ1 has an essential functional role.
Name: Clotet, J.; Posas, F.; De Nadal, E.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1996Vol.: 271, 26349-26355ISSN or title: 0021-9258 -
European journal of biochemistry, Role of phosphatases 2A in the control of glycogen metabolism in yeast.
Name: Clotet, J.; Posas, F.; Zhu, G.; Ronne, H.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1995Start page: 207 End page: 214 Vol.: 229ISSN or title: 0014-2956 -
Adv. Prot. Phosphatases,, Structure and function of novel forms of ser/thr protein phosphatases in yeast.
Name: Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1994Vol.: vol. 8, 127-141 -
Computer applications in the biosciences, An Excel spreadsheet computer program combining algorithms for prediction of protein structural caracteristics.
Name: Clotet, J.; Cedano, J.; Querol, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1994Start page: 495 End page: 500 Vol.: 10ISSN or title: 0266-7061 -
Journal of biological chemistry, The gene ppg encodes a novel yeast protein phosphatase involved in glycogen accumulation.
Name: Posas, F.; Clotet, J.; Muns, MT; Ferré, J.; Casamayor, A.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1993Start page: 1349 End page: 1354 Vol.: 268ISSN or title: 0021-9258 -
Febs letters, Glycogen metabolism in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae phosphoglucose isomerase pgi1 disruption mutant.
Name: Ferré, J.; Clotet, J.; Fernández-Bañares, I.; Boles, E.; Zimmerman, FK; Guinovart, J J; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1992Start page: 182 End page: 186 Vol.: 31ISSN or title: 0014-5793 -
Current genetics, The gene DIS2S1 is essential in S. cerevisiae and is involved in glycogen phosphorylase activation.
Name: Clotet, J.; Posas, F.; Casamayor, A.; Schaaff-Gerstenschläger, I.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1991Start page: 339 End page: 342 Vol.: 19ISSN or title: 0172-8083 -
Febs letters, Hyperaccumulation of glycogen in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ras2 mutants: a biochemical study.
Name: Fernández-Bañares, I.; Clotet, J.; Ariño, J.; Guinovart, J J Role: Autor Publishing date: 1991Start page: 38 End page: 42 Vol.: 290ISSN or title: 0014-5793 -
Febs letters, Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene SIT4 is involved in the control of glycogen metabolism.
Name: Posas, F.; Clotet, J.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1991Start page: 341 End page: 345 Vol.: 279ISSN or title: 0014-5793
¿Están relacionadas la aterosclerosis y la periodontitis crónica?
Publishing date: 2011 Isbn: 978-8443-3634-4 -
Guia Didàctica de Biologia
Publishing date: 1999 -
- Biologia 2º de Bachillerato. Llibre de text de Ciències Naturals per a la Reforma del territori M.E.C.
Publishing date: 1998 Isbn: 84-307-5044-4 -
The search for the biological function of novel yeast Ser/Thr phophatases.
Publishing date: 1998 -
- Biologia 2º de Bachillerato. Llibre de text de Ciències Naturals per a la Reforma del territori M.E.C.
Publishing date: 1998 Isbn: 84-307-5044-4 -
- Biologia i Geología 1º de Bachillerato
Publishing date: 1997 Isbn: 84-307-5006-1 -
Proteína fosfatasas en eucariotas: un ejemplo de conservación de estructuras y de diversidad de funciones. Organización y evolución del genoma eucariota. Universidade da Coruña.
Publishing date: 1997 Isbn: 84-89694-26-5 -
- Biologia i Geología 1º de Bachillerato Llibre de text de Ciències Naturals per a la Reforma del territori M.E.C.
Publishing date: 1997 Isbn: 84-307-5006-1
Falta títol capítol. The search for the biological function of novel yeast Ser/Thr phophatases. Methods In Molecular Biology, J.W. Ludlow Ed. Hum. Press, Inc. V 93. 305-313
Name: Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1998 -
Falta títol capítol. Proteína fosfatasas en eucariotas: un ejemplo de conservación de estructuras y de diversidad de funciones. Organización y evolución del genoma eucariota. Universidade da Coruña.
Name: Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1997ISBN: 84-89694-26-5
Subjects taught
Course 2021-2022 - Period: 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2022
Programa Gaudí de Formació del Professorat- - Programa Gaudí de Formació del Professorat
Course 2020-2021 - Period: 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2021
Programa Gaudí de Formació del Professorat- - Programa Gaudí de Formació del Professorat
Course 2019-2020 - Period: 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2020
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Sciences- - Introduction to Biomedicine
Course 2018-2019 - Period: 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2019
Programa Gaudí de Formació del Professorat 18 - 19- - Mòdul 1 Docent
- - Immersion in Biomedicine
Course 2017-2018 - Period: 01/09/2017 - 31/08/2018
Programa Gaudí de Formación del Profesorado Ciencias Sociales- - Módulo 1 Metodológico
Course 2016-2017 - Period: 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2017
Programa Gaudí de Formación del Profesorado- - Módulo 1 Metodológico
Course 2015-2016 - Period: 01/09/2015 - 31/08/2016
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine- - Cell Biology
- - Body Structure and Function: Gastrointestinal System and Metabolism
- - Molecular and Cellular Physiology Applied to Physiotherapy
Course 2014-2015 - Period: 01/09/2014 - 31/08/2015
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine- - Body Structure and Function: Gastrointestinal System and Metabolism
- - Molecular and Cellular Physiology Applied to Physiotherapy
Master's Degree in Comprehensive Paediatric Dentistry- - Microbiologia (TRANSV)
Course 2013-2014 - Period: 01/09/2013 - 31/08/2014
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine- - Body Structure and Function: Gastrointestinal System and Metabolism
- - Molecular and Cellular Physiology Applied to Physiotherapy
Course 2012-2013 - Period: 01/09/2012 - 31/08/2013
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine- - Biochemistry
- - Cell Biology
- - Body Structure and Function: Gastrointestinal System and Metabolism
- - Molecular and Cellular Physiology Applied to Physiotherapy
Official Master
University Master's degree in Basic Dentistry Research and Biomedicine- - Final Master's Project
- - The Philosophy of Science
Course 2011-2012 - Period: 01/09/2011 - 31/08/2012
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine- - Biochemistry
- - Cell Biology
- - Genetics and Human Embriology
- - Estructura y Función: Sistema Endocrinológico y Digestivo
- - Molecular and Cellular Physiology Applied to Physiotherapy
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Basic Dentistry Research and Biomedicine- - Final Master's Project
- - Research Protocol
Course 2010-2011 - Period: 01/09/2010 - 31/08/2011
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine- - Biochemistry
- - Body Structure and Function: Endocrine and Digestive System
- - Coaching/Assessorament
- - Molecular and Cellular Physiology Applied to Physiotherapy
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Basic Dentistry Research and Biomedicine- - Protocol de Recerca
- - Final Master's Degree Project
Course 2009-2010 - Period: 01/09/2009 - 31/08/2010
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Human Biology 1
- - Biochemistry
- - Cell Biology
- - Estructura y Función: Sistema Endocrinológico y Digestivo
- - Molecular and Cellular Physiology Applied to Physiotherapy
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Basic Dentistry Research and Biomedicine- - Patologia Mol·lecular
- - Protocol de Recerca
Diploma in Physical Therapy- - Physiological First Notions Applied to Physical Therapy
Course 2008-2009 - Period: 01/09/2008 - 31/08/2009
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine- - Biochemistry
- - Molecular Biology
Official Master
University Master's degree in Basic Dentistry Research and Biomedicine- - Proyecto de Investigación 3
- - Advaced Techniques in Molecular and Cellular Biology and Hystology
- - Actualidad de la Investigación en Odontología
Diploma in Physical Therapy- - Physiological First Notions Applied to Physical Therapy
Course 2007-2008 - Period: 01/09/2007 - 31/08/2008
Official Master
University Master's degree in Basic Dentistry Research and Biomedicine- - Actualidad de la Investigación en Odontología
- - Proyecto de Investigación 2
- - Advaced Techniques in Molecular and Cellular Biology and Hystology
Degree in Dentistry- - Advanced Molecular Biology
- - Advanced Cell Biology
Diploma in Physical Therapy- - Physiological First Notions Applied to Physical Therapy
Postgrado en Fisioterapia de la Actividad Física y el Deporte. Readaptación al esfuerzo- - Activitat Física y Población Específica.
- - Physical Therapy and Wellness.
Course 2006-2007 - Period: 01/09/2006 - 31/08/2007
Doctorat en Aparell Locomotor i Esport- - Bases Moleculares de las Patologías Neuromusculares
Degree in Dentistry- - Molecular and Cell Biology
- - Advanced Molecular Biology
Diploma in Physical Therapy- - Physiological First Notions Applied to Physical Therapy
Course 2005-2006 - Period: 01/09/2005 - 31/08/2006
Degree in Dentistry- - Molecular and Cell Biology
- - Advanced Molecular Biology
Diploma in Physical Therapy- - Physiological First Notions Applied to Physical Therapy
Master Genetic Architectures- - Genomes Structure & Architectonical Design
Course 2004-2005 - Period: 01/09/2004 - 31/08/2005
Doctorado para Profesionales en Atención Primaria- - Bases moleculares del diagnóstico precoz
Degree in Dentistry- - Prácticas de Laboratorio de Investigación Biomédica
- - Molecular and Cell Biology
- - Advanced Molecular Biology
- - Microbiology
Introduction Course in Health Sciences- - Biology 1
Course 2003-2004 - Period: 01/09/2003 - 31/08/2004
Doctorado para Profesionales en Atención Primaria- - Bases moleculares del diagnóstico precoz
Degree in Dentistry- - Advanced Molecular Biology
- - Microbiology
- - Prácticas de Laboratorio de Investigación Biomédica
- - Molecular and Cell Biology
Diploma in Physical Therapy- - Biochemistry applied to Physical Therapy
Introduction Course in Health Sciences- - Biology 1
Course 2002-2003 - Period: 01/09/2002 - 31/08/2003
Doctorado para Profesionales en Atención Primaria- - Bases moleculares del diagnóstico precoz
Degree in Dentistry- - Molecular and Cell Biology
- - Advanced Molecular Biology
- - Microbiology
- - Prácticas de Laboratorio de Investigación Biomédica
Diploma in Nursing- - Community Nursing 1
- - Biochemistry Applied to Physical Therapy
Course 2001-2002 - Period: 01/09/2001 - 31/08/2002
Doctorado para Profesionales de Atención Primaria- - Bases moleculares del diagnóstico y la prevención de la enfermedad
Degree in Dentistry- - Molecular and Cell Biology
- - Advanced Molecular Biology
Diploma in Physical Therapy- - Biochemistry applied to Physical Therapy
Introduction Course in Health Sciences- - Chemistry
Course 2000-2001 - Period: 01/09/2000 - 31/08/2001
Doctorado para Profesionales de Atención Primaria- - Bases moleculares del diagnóstico y la prevención de la enfermedad
Degree in Dentistry- - Molecular and Cell Biology
- - Advanced Cell Biology
Diploma in Physical Therapy- - Bioquimica y farmacologia
- - Bioquimica aplicada a la fisioterapia
Introduction Course in Health Sciences- - Chemistry
Course 1999-2000 - Period: 01/09/1999 - 31/08/2000
Degree in Dentistry- - Advanced Molecular Biology
Diploma in Nursing- - The Human Body 1
- - Anatomy 1
- - Farmacologia, nutrición y dietética
- - Physical Therapy 2
Introduction Course in Health Sciences- - Bioquímica 1
- - Bioquímica 2
- - Bioquimica 3
Course 1998-1999 - Period: 01/09/1998 - 31/08/1999
Degree in Dentistry- - Microbiology
- - Molecular and Cell Biology
- - Advanced Cell Biology
- - Immunology
- - Advanced Molecular Biology
Diploma in Nursing- - Community Nursing 1
- - Anatomy 1
- - Anatomy 2
- - Physical Therapy 2
Introduction Course in Health Sciences- - Bioquímica 2
- - Bioquímica 3
Doctor en Biologia Molecular
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Llicenciat en Ciències Biològiques
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Premio de Investigación "Cátedra Johnson & Johnson de Promoción de la Salud Oral", 2010
Por el trabajo titulado: "New associations between chronic periodontitis and atherosclerosis", 2010 -
Premio Mª Luisa Gozalvo a la mejor comunicación oral presentada en la SEOP
“Evaluación cuantitativa de RANKL en niños con retraso de la erupción dental.”, 2009
PI: Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J. Start date: 01/09/2022 End date: 31/08/2025Financing entity: MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA E INNOVACION -
Caracterización de las ciclinas atipicas en la biologia del cáncer
PI: Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J. Start date: 01/01/2019 End date: 31/12/2021Financing entity: MINE - MINECO. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad -
Bacterias de la piel, una aproximación metagenómica para curar el acné
PI: Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J. Start date: 01/04/2021 End date: 31/10/2021Financing entity: Universitat Internacional de Catalunya -
Evaluación de la NIcotina como inhibidor del receptor ACE2 para uso profiláctico en profesionales sanitarios y contactos del COVID-19 (Estudio NICOVID)
PI: Martínez-Sánchez, JM; Bru, S. Start date: 01/10/2020 End date: 01/10/2021Financing entity: Banco Santander Financing entity code: NICOVID -
Bactèries per curar l'acné; un problema d'equilibri
PI: Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J.; Grimalt, R. Start date: 01/06/2019 End date: 01/12/2019Financing entity: AGAUR -
Noves ciclines: emplenant un buit en la Biologia del Càncer.
PI: Clotet, J. Start date: 15/04/2014 End date: 14/04/2017Financing entity: Fundació la Marató de TV3 Financing entity code: 961/U/2013 -
Caracterización de sustratos y mecanismos de regulación específicos de los complejos CDK y ciclinas del tipo Pcl en S. cerevisiae y células humanas
PI: Clotet, J. Start date: 06/01/2014 End date: 31/12/2016Financing entity: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Financing entity code: REF BFU2013-44189-P -
New Cyclins: filling a gap in cancer biology
PI: Clotet, J. Start date: 01/01/2014 End date: 31/12/2016Financing entity: Fundació la Marató de TV3 -
Nuevas funciones en el control del ciclo cel·lular
PI: Clotet, J. Start date: 01/01/2010 End date: 31/12/2012Financing entity: MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA E INNOVACION Financing entity code: BFU 2009-09278 -
Identificación y caracterización de proteínas reguladas por la MAP quinasa Hog1 de levadura
PI: Posas, F. Start date: 01/01/2007 End date: 01/01/2009Financing entity: Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica
Bacteriocina de la microbiota humana para curar el acné y aliviar el uso de antibióticos
PI: Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J. Start date: 01/02/2024 End date: 30/11/2024Financing entity: UIC -
Polyphosphate and Probiotic mechanism of action Program
PI: Bru, S. Start date: 09/06/2021 End date: 09/06/2024Financing entity: AB-Biotics, S.A. -
Polyphosphate and Probiotic mechanism of action
PI: Bru, S. Start date: 01/07/2018 End date: 01/07/2021Financing entity: AB-Biotics, S.A. -
Susceptibilitat a la COVID-19 en l'edat pediàtrica: estudi de casos i contactes en els domicilis
PI: Bru, S. Start date: 18/09/2020 End date: 18/05/2021Financing entity: Fundació Sant Joan de Deu -
Estudio de la relacion de Propionobacterium acnes con el resto de la microbiota de la piel en la aparición del acné
PI: Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J.; Grimalt, R. Start date: 01/09/2016 End date: 31/08/2017Financing entity: Almiralll -
Càtedra cultura, ciència i religió
PI: Corcó, Josep Start date: 01/09/2013 End date: 31/08/2016Financing entity: FUNDACIÓ BARCELONA I FAMÍLIA
bioRxiv, Nuclear speckle dynamics are controlled by polyphosphate inhibition of CLK proteins
Name: Lázaro, B.; Tadeo, F.; Rodríguez, A.; Ayuso, L.; Martínez, J.; Quandt, E.; Bernard, M.; Borghi, F.; Saiardi, A.; Juan-Mateu, J.; Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J.; Bru, S. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2025 -
Methods, Optimized biochemical method for human Polyphosphate quantification
Name: Lázaro, B.; Sarrias, A.; Tadeo, F.; Martínez, J.; Fernández, A.; Quandt, E.; Jessen, H.J.; Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J.; Bru, S. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2025DOI: ISSN or title: 1046-2023 -
Molecular Oncology, CDK6 is activated by the atypical cyclin I to promote E2F-mediated gene expression and cancer cell proliferation
Name: Quandt, E.; Masip, N.; Hernandez-Ortega, S.; SÁNCHEZ-BOTET, A.; Gasa, L.; Fernández, A.; Plutta, S.; Martínez-Láinez, JM.; Bru, S.; Munoz-Torres, PM.; Floor, M.; Villà-Freixa, J.; Morris, M.; Vidal, A.; Villanueva, A.; Clotet, J.; Ribeiro, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023Start page: 1228 End page: 1245 Vol.: 17 No.: 7DOI: ISSN or title: 1878-0261 -
Scientific Reports, Association between soluble angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in saliva and SARS-CoV-2 infection: a cross-sectional study
Name: Bru, S.; Brotons, P.; Jordan, I.; Alsina, L.; Henares, D.; Carballar, R.; FERNANDEZ, M.; Barrabeig, I.; Fumado, V.; Baro, B.; Martínez-Láinez, JM.; Garcia, J.; Bassat, Q.; Balaguer, Albert; Clotet, J.; Launes, C.; Muñoz-Almagro, C. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023Vol.: 13 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 2045-2322 -
Environmental Research, Determination of soluble angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in saliva samples and its association with nicotine
Name: Bru, S.; González-Marrón, A.; Lidón-Moyano, C.; Carballar, R.; Martínez-Láinez, J.; Pérez, H.; Fu, M.; Pérez-Ortuño, P.; Ballbe, M.; Pascuali, J.; Fernández, E.; Clotet, J.; Martínez, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023Vol.: 216 No.: Pt 1DOI: ISSN or title: 1096-0953 -
STAR protocol, Protocol to quantify polyphosphate in human cell lines using a tagged PPBD peptide
Name: Jiménez, J.; Lázaro, B.; Sarrias, A.; Tadeo, F.; Pérez-Montero, M.; Clotet, J.; Bru, S. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022Vol.: 3 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 2666-1667 -
Science advances, Mad3 modulates the G1 Cdk and acts as a timer in the Start network
Name: Pérez-Paredes, A.; Artés, M.H.; Moreno, D.; Clotet, J.; Aldea, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022Vol.: 8 No.: 18DOI: ISSN or title: 2375-2548 -
Cell Reports, Polyphosphate degradation by Nudt3-Zn2+ mediates oxidative stress response
Name: Samper-Martín, B.; Sarrias, A.; Lázaro, B.; Perez-Montero, M.; Rodriguez-Rodriguez, R.; Ribeiro, MP; Banon, A.; Wolfgeher, D.; Jessen, H.J.; Alsina, B.; Clotet, J.; Kron, S.; Saiardi, A.; Jiménez, J.; Bru, S. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Vol.: 37 No.: 7DOI: ISSN or title: 2211-1247 -
CELLULAR ONCOLOGY, Atypical cyclin P regulates cancer cell stemness through activation of the WNT pathway
Name: Sánchez-Botet, A.; Quandt, E.; Masip, N.; Escribá, R.; Novellasdemunt, L.; Gasa, L.; Li, V.S.W.; Raya, A.; Clotet, J.; Ribeiro, MP Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 1273 End page: 1286 Vol.: 44 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 2211-3428 -
Revista Española de Educación Médica, Covid-19, an opportunity to compare in-person and online teaching
Name: Bru, S.; Ribeiro, MP; Quandt, E.; Clotet, J.; Jiménez, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021Start page: 72 End page: 83 Vol.: 2 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 2660-8529 -
Journal of molecular biology, CDK-mediated Yku80 Phosphorylation Regulates the Balance Between Non-homologous End Joining (NHEJ) and Homologous Directed Recombination (HDR)
Name: Carballar, R.; Martínez-Láinez, JM.; Samper-Martín, B.; Bru, S.; Bállega, E.; Mirallas Vinas, O; Ricco, N.; Clotet, J.; Jiménez, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Vol.: 432 No.: 24DOI: ISSN or title: 0022-2836 -
Seminars in cell and developmental biology, Introduction
Name: Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Vol.: 107DOI: ISSN or title: 1084-9521 -
Seminars in cell and developmental biology, Atypical cyclins in cancer: New kids on the block?
Name: Quandt, E.; Ribeiro, MP; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 46 End page: 53 Vol.: 107DOI: ISSN or title: 1084-9521 -
Cellular and molecular life sciences, Atypical cyclins: the extended family portrait
Name: Quandt, E.; Ribeiro, MP; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 231 End page: 242 Vol.: 77 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 1420-682X -
Aula, Museos y Colecciones, Análisis del empleo de sistemas de respuestas de audiencia (clickers) en clases magistrales de microbiología en una Facultad de Medicina
Name: Soria, G.; Quandt, E.; Bru, S.; Ribeiro, MP; Ricco, N.; Clotet, J.; Jiménez, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 159 End page: 165 Vol.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 2605-2091 -
PLoS One, Comprehensive and quantitative analysis of G1 cyclins. A tool for studying the cell cycle
Name: Bállega, E.; Carballar, R.; Samper-Martín, B.; Ricco, N.; Ribeiro, MP; Bru, S.; Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 1 End page: 24 Vol.: 14 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 1932-6203 -
Experimental and molecular medicine, Phosphoregulation of the oncogenic protein regulator of cytokinesis 1 (PRC1) by the atypical CDK16/CCNY complex
Name: Hernández-Ortega, S; Sánchez-Botet, A.; Quandt, E.; Masip, N.; Gasa, L.; Verde, G.; Jiménez, J.; Levin, R.; Rugatanira, F.; Burlingame, A.; Ribeiro, MP; Shokat, K.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019Start page: 1 End page: 17 Vol.: 51 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 1226-3613 -
Scientific Reports, The atypical cyclin CNTD2 promotes colon cancer cell proliferation and migration
Name: Sánchez-Botet, A.; Gasa, L.; Quandt, E.; Hernández-Ortega, S; Jiménez, J.; Mezquita, Pau; Carrasco, M.; Kron, S.; Vidal, A.; Villanueva, A.; Ribeiro, MP; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Vol.: 8 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 2045-2322 -
PLOS biology, Centromeric signaling proteins boost G1 cyclin degradation and modulate cell size in budding yeast
Name: Martínez-Láinez, JM.; Moreno, D.; Parisi, E.; Clotet, J.; Aldea, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Vol.: 16 No.: 8DOI: ISSN or title: 1544-9173 -
Microbiological research, Intertwined control of the cell cycle and nucleocytoplasmic transport by the cyclin-dependent kinase Pho85 and RanGTPase Gsp1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Name: Mirallas, O.; Bállega, E.; Samper-Martín, B.; García-Marquez, S.; Carballar, R.; Ricco, N.; Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 168 End page: 176 Vol.: 206DOI: ISSN or title: 0944-5013 -
DNA repair, Polyphosphate is a key factor for cell survival after DNA damage in eukaryotic cells
Name: Bru, S.; Samper-Martín, B.; Quandt, E.; Hernández-Ortega, S; Martínez-Láinez, JM.; Garí, E.; Rafel, M.; Torres-Torronteras, J.; Martí, R.; Ribeiro, MP; Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 171 End page: 178 Vol.: 57DOI: ISSN or title: 1568-7864 -
Scientific Reports, A systematic analysis of orphan cyclins reveals CNTD2 as a new oncogenic driver in lung cancer
Name: Gasa, L.; Sánchez-Botet, A.; Quandt, E.; Hernández-Ortega, S; Jiménez, J.; Carrasco, M.; Simonetti, S.; Kron, S.; Ribeiro, MP; Nadal, E.; Villanueva, A.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Vol.: 7 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 2045-2322 -
Microbial Cell, Improvement of biochemical methods of polyP quantification
Name: Bru, S.; Jiménez, J.; Canadell, D.; Ariño, J.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 6 End page: 15 Vol.: 4 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 2311-2638 -
Bio-protocol, Extraction and Quantification of polyphosphate in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Name: Canadell, D.; Bru, S.; Clotet, J.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 1 End page: 11 Vol.: 6 No.: 14DOI: ISSN or title: 2331-8325 -
Current genetics, Polyphosphate: popping up from oblivion
Name: Jiménez, J.; Bru, S.; Ribeiro, MP; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 15 End page: 18 Vol.: 63 No.: 1DOI: ISSN or title: 0172-8083 -
Molecular microbiology, Polyphosphate is Involved in Cell Cycle Progression and Genomic Stability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Name: Bru, S.; Martínez-Láinez, JM.; Hernández-Ortega, S; Quandt, E.; Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 367 End page: 380 Vol.: 101 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 0950-382X -
International microbiology, Phosphate: from stardust to eukaryotic cell cycle control
Name: Jiménez, J.; Bru, S.; Ribeiro, MP; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 133 End page: 141 Vol.: 19 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 1139-6709 -
Journal of Oral health research, Microbiological, periodontal and blood biochemistry profile of periodontal patients with atherosclerosis
Name: Violant, D.; Hernández-Santamaría, J.; Lapiedra, O.; Santos Alemany, A; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Vol.: 6 No.: 3ISSN or title: 2229-6018 -
Molecular and cellular biology, Hog1 Targets Whi5 and Msa1 Transcription Factors To Downregulate Cyclin Expression upon Stress
Name: González, A.; Jiménez, J.; Clotet, J.; Nadal, M.; Cavero, S.; de Nadal, E.; Posas, F. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 1606 End page: 1618 Vol.: 35 No.: 9DOI: ISSN or title: 0270-7306 -
Microbial Cell, Live Fast, Die Soon: Cell Cycle Progression and Lifespan in Yeast Cells
Name: Jiménez, J.; Bru, S.; Ribeiro, MP; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 62 End page: 67 Vol.: 2 No.: 3DOI: ISSN or title: 2311-2638 -
Data in Brief, The quantitative changes in the yeast Hsp70 and Hsp90 interactomes upon DNA damage
Name: Truman, A.; Kristjánsdóttir, K.; Wolfgeher, D.; Ricco, N.; Mayampurath, A.; Volchenboum, S.; Clotet, J.; Kron, S. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 12 End page: 15 Vol.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 2352-3409 -
Journal of Proteomics, Quantitative proteomics of the yeast Hsp70/Hsp90 interactomes during DNA damage reveal chaperone-dependent regulation of ribonucleotide reductase
Name: Truman, A.; Kristjansdottir, K.; Wolfgeher, D.; Ricco, N.; Mayampurath, A.; Volchenboum, S.; Clotet, J.; Kron, S. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015Start page: 285 End page: 300 Vol.: 112DOI: ISSN or title: 1874-3919 -
International Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Redundancy or specificity? The role of the CDK Pho85 in cell cycle control
Name: Jiménez, J.; Ricco, N.; Grijota-Martinez,C.; Fadó, R.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 140 End page: 149 Vol.: 4 No.: 3ISSN or title: 2152-4114 -
Cell cycle, The yin and yang of cyclin control by nutrients
Name: Jiménez, J.; Truman, A; Menoyo, S.; Kron, S.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 865 End page: 866 Vol.: 12 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 1538-4101 -
The journal of biological chemistry (Versió web), Defective in Mitotic Arrest 1 (Dma1) ubiquitin ligase controls G1 cyclin degradation.
Name: Hernández-Ortega, S; Bru, S.; Ricco, N.; Ramírez, S.; Casals, N; Jiménez, J.; Isasa, M.; Crosas, B.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 4704 End page: 4714 Vol.: 288 No.: 7DOI: ISSN or title: 1083-351X -
Mol Cell Biol., Phosphate-Activated Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Stabilizes G(1) Cyclin To Trigger Cell Cycle Entry
Name: Menoyo, S.; Ricco, N.; Bru, S.; Hernández-Ortega, S; Escoté, X.; Aldea, M.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 1273 End page: 1284 Vol.: 33(7)ISSN or title: 1098-5549 -
Diabetes, hypothalamic ceramide levels regulated by CPTC1C mediate the oxigenic effect of ghrelin
Name: Ramírez, S.; Martins, L.; Jacas Mateu, J; Carrasco, P.; Pozo Ariza, M; Clotet, J.; Serra, D.; Hegardt , FG.; Diéguez, C.; López, M.; Casals, N Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 2329 End page: 2337 Vol.: 62DOI: ISSN or title: 0012-1797 -
Yeast, Resveratrol induces antioxidant defense via transcription factor Yap1p
Name: Escoté, X.; Miranda, M.; Menoyo, S.; Rodríguez-Porrata, B.; Carmona-Gutiérrez, D.; Jungwirth, H.; Madeo, F.; Cordero, RR.; Mas, A.; Tinahones, F.; Clotet, J.; Vendrell, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012ISSN or title: 0749-503X -
Science Signaling, Time-dependent quantitative multicomponent control of the G1-S network by the stress-activated protein kinase Hog1 upon osmostress
Name: Adrover, MÀ; Zi, Z.; Duch, A.; Schaber, J.; González-Novo, A.; Jiménez, J.; Nadal-Ribelles, M.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011Start page: 1 End page: 11 Vol.: 4 No.: 192DOI: ISSN or title: 1945-0877 -
Molecular biology of the cell, The stress-activated protein kinase Hog1 mediates S phase delay in response to osmostress.
Name: Yaakov, G.; Duch, A.; García-Rubio, M.; Clotet, J.; Jiménez, J.; Aguilera, A. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2009Start page: 3572 End page: 3582 Vol.: 20 No.: 15DOI: ISSN or title: 1059-1524 -
Journal of biological chemistry, CPT1c is localized in endoplasmic reticulum of neurons and has carnitine palmitoyltransferase activity
Name: Sierra, A.; Gratacós, E.; Carrasco, P.; Clotet, J.; Ureña, J.; Serra, D.; Asins, G.; Hegardt, F.; Casals, N Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008Start page: 6878 End page: 6885 Vol.: 283 No.: 11DOI: ISSN or title: 0021-9258 -
Methods in enzymology, Control of cell cycle in response to osmostress: lessons from yeast.
Name: Clotet, J.; Posas, F. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 63 End page: 67 Vol.: 428ISSN or title: 0076-6879 -
Molecular genetics and metabolism, C-Terminal end amd aminoacid Lys48in HMG-CoA lyase are involved in substrate binding and enzyme activity.
Name: Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007Start page: 120 End page: 127 Vol.: 91ISSN or title: 1096-7192 -
Cell cycle, Control of cell cycle progression by the stress-activated Hog1 MAPK
Name: Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 6 End page: 7 Vol.: 4(1)ISSN or title: 1538-4101 -
Embo journal, Phosphorylation of Hsl1 by Hog1 leads to a G2 arrest essential for cell survival at high osmolarity.
Name: Clotet, J.; Escoté, X.; Adrover, MÀ; Yaakov, G.; Garí, E.; Aldea, M.; De Nadal, E.; Posas, F. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006Start page: 2338 End page: 2346 Vol.: 25ISSN or title: 0261-4189 -
Cell Cycle, Stress regulated MAP Kinases and the control of cell cycle
Name: Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2005Start page: 6 End page: 7 Vol.: 4 -
Nature cell biology, Hog1 mediates cell-cycle arrest in G1 phase by the dual targeting of Sic1.
Name: Escoté, X.; Zapater, M.; Clotet, J.; Posas, F. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004Start page: 997 End page: 1002 Vol.: 6(10)ISSN or title: 1465-7392 -
Journal of biological chemistry, Structural (beta alpha)(8) TIM barrel model of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A lyase
Name: Casals, N; Gómez-Puertas, P.; Pié, J.; Mir, C.; Roca, R.; Puisac, B.; Aledo, R.; Clotet, J.; Menao, S.; Serra, D.; Asins, G.; Till, J.; Alun, C.; Jones, E.; Cresto, Juan C.; Chamoles, Nestor A; Abdenur, Jose E; Mayatepek, E.; Besley, G.; Valencia, A.; Hegardt , FG. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2003Start page: 29016 End page: 29023 Vol.: 278 No.: 31DOI: ISSN or title: 0021-9258 -
J. Mol Neurosci, CDP-choline prevents glutamate-mediated cell death in cerebellar granule neurons.
Name: Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2003Start page: 53 End page: 60 Vol.: 20 -
Yeast, Identification of multicopy supressors of cell cycle arrest at the G1-S transition in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Name: Muñoz, I.; Simón, E.; Casals, N; Clotet, J.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2003Start page: 157 End page: 169 Vol.: 30ISSN or title: 0749-503X -
Journal of molecular neuroscience, CDP-choline prevents glutamate-mediated cell death in cerebellar granule neurons
Name: Mir, C.; Clotet, J.; Aledo, R.; Durany, N.; Argemí Renom, J; Lozano, R.; Cervós-Navarro, J.; Casals, N Role: Autor Publishing date: 2003Start page: 53 End page: 59 Vol.: 20ISSN or title: 0895-8696 -
Journal of biological chemistry, Structural model of a Malonyl-CoA binding site of carnitine octanoyltransferase and carnitine palmitoyltransferase I. Mutational analysis of a malonyl-CoA affinity domain.
Name: Morillas, M.; Gómez-Puertas, P.; Rubí, B.; Clotet, J.; Ariño, J.; Valencia, A.; Hegardt , FG.; Serra, D.; Asins, G. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2002Start page: 11473 End page: 11480 Vol.: 277ISSN or title: 0021-9258 -
Journal of biological chemistry, A screening for high copy suppressors of the sit4 hal3 synthetically lethal phenotype reveals a role for the yeast Nha1 antiporter in cell cycle regulation.
Name: Simón, E.; Clotet, J.; Calero, F.; Ramos, J.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2001Start page: 29740 End page: 29747 Vol.: 276ISSN or title: 0021-9258 -
Yeast, Functional analysis of the Neurospora Crassa PZL-I protein phosphatase by expression in budding and fission yeast.
Name: Vissi, E.; Clotet, J.; De Nadal, E.; Barceló, A.; Bakó, E.; Gergely, P.; Dombrádi, V.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2001Start page: 115 End page: 124 Vol.: 18ISSN or title: 0749-503X -
Biochemical Journal, Inhibition by etomoxir of rat liver carnitine octanoyltransferase is produced through theco-ordinate interaction with two histidine residues.
Name: Morillas, M.; Clotet, J.; Rubí, B.; Serra, D.; Ariño, J.; Hegardt , FG.; Asins, G. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2000Start page: 495 End page: 502 Vol.: 15 (351)ISSN or title: 0264-6021 -
Febs letters, Identification of the two histidine residues responsible for the inhibition by malonyl-CoA in peroxisomal carnitine octanoyltransferase from rat liver.
Name: Morillas, M.; Clotet, J.; Rubí, B.; Serra, D.; Asins, G.; Ariño, J.; Hegardt , FG. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2000Start page: 183 End page: 186 Vol.: 466ISSN or title: 0014-5793 -
Molecular and cellular biology, The yeast Ser/Thr phosphatases SIT4 and PPZ1 play opposite roles in the regulation of the cell cycle.
Name: Clotet, J.; Garí, E.; Aldea, M.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1999Start page: 2408 End page: 2415 Vol.: 19ISSN or title: 0270-7306 -
Yeast, Disruption and phenotypic analysis of seven ORFs from the left arm of chromosome XV of S. cerevisiae.
Name: Hajji, K.; Clotet, J.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1999Start page: 435 End page: 441 Vol.: 15ISSN or title: 0749-503X -
Methods in molecular and cellular biology, The search for the biological function of novel yeast Ser/Thr phosphatases
Name: Ariño, J.; Posas, F.; Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1998Start page: 305 End page: 313 Vol.: 93ISSN or title: 0898-7750 -
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Regulation of salt tolerance in yeast by Hal3p is mediated through the Ppz1 Ser/Thr protein phosphatase.
Name: De Nadal, E.; Clotet, J.; Posas, F.; Garrido , R.; Gómez, N.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1998Start page: 7357 End page: 7362 Vol.: 95ISSN or title: 0027-8424 -
European journal of biochemistry, Regulation of salt tolerance in fission yeast by a PPZ-like Ser/Thr protein phosphatase.
Name: Balcells, L.; Gómez, N.; Casamayor, A.; Clotet, J.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1997Start page: 476 End page: 483 Vol.: 250ISSN or title: 0014-2956 -
Journal of biological chemistry, The NH2-terminal extension of protein phosphatase PPZ1 has an essential functional role.
Name: Clotet, J.; Posas, F.; De Nadal, E.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1996Vol.: 271, 26349-26355ISSN or title: 0021-9258 -
European journal of biochemistry, Role of phosphatases 2A in the control of glycogen metabolism in yeast.
Name: Clotet, J.; Posas, F.; Zhu, G.; Ronne, H.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1995Start page: 207 End page: 214 Vol.: 229ISSN or title: 0014-2956 -
Adv. Prot. Phosphatases,, Structure and function of novel forms of ser/thr protein phosphatases in yeast.
Name: Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1994Vol.: vol. 8, 127-141 -
Computer applications in the biosciences, An Excel spreadsheet computer program combining algorithms for prediction of protein structural caracteristics.
Name: Clotet, J.; Cedano, J.; Querol, E. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1994Start page: 495 End page: 500 Vol.: 10ISSN or title: 0266-7061 -
Journal of biological chemistry, The gene ppg encodes a novel yeast protein phosphatase involved in glycogen accumulation.
Name: Posas, F.; Clotet, J.; Muns, MT; Ferré, J.; Casamayor, A.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1993Start page: 1349 End page: 1354 Vol.: 268ISSN or title: 0021-9258 -
Febs letters, Glycogen metabolism in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae phosphoglucose isomerase pgi1 disruption mutant.
Name: Ferré, J.; Clotet, J.; Fernández-Bañares, I.; Boles, E.; Zimmerman, FK; Guinovart, J J; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1992Start page: 182 End page: 186 Vol.: 31ISSN or title: 0014-5793 -
Current genetics, The gene DIS2S1 is essential in S. cerevisiae and is involved in glycogen phosphorylase activation.
Name: Clotet, J.; Posas, F.; Casamayor, A.; Schaaff-Gerstenschläger, I.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1991Start page: 339 End page: 342 Vol.: 19ISSN or title: 0172-8083 -
Febs letters, Hyperaccumulation of glycogen in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ras2 mutants: a biochemical study.
Name: Fernández-Bañares, I.; Clotet, J.; Ariño, J.; Guinovart, J J Role: Autor Publishing date: 1991Start page: 38 End page: 42 Vol.: 290ISSN or title: 0014-5793 -
Febs letters, Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene SIT4 is involved in the control of glycogen metabolism.
Name: Posas, F.; Clotet, J.; Ariño, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1991Start page: 341 End page: 345 Vol.: 279ISSN or title: 0014-5793
¿Están relacionadas la aterosclerosis y la periodontitis crónica?
Publishing date: 2011 Isbn: 978-8443-3634-4 -
Guia Didàctica de Biologia
Publishing date: 1999 -
- Biologia 2º de Bachillerato. Llibre de text de Ciències Naturals per a la Reforma del territori M.E.C.
Publishing date: 1998 Isbn: 84-307-5044-4 -
The search for the biological function of novel yeast Ser/Thr phophatases.
Publishing date: 1998 -
- Biologia 2º de Bachillerato. Llibre de text de Ciències Naturals per a la Reforma del territori M.E.C.
Publishing date: 1998 Isbn: 84-307-5044-4 -
- Biologia i Geología 1º de Bachillerato
Publishing date: 1997 Isbn: 84-307-5006-1 -
Proteína fosfatasas en eucariotas: un ejemplo de conservación de estructuras y de diversidad de funciones. Organización y evolución del genoma eucariota. Universidade da Coruña.
Publishing date: 1997 Isbn: 84-89694-26-5 -
- Biologia i Geología 1º de Bachillerato Llibre de text de Ciències Naturals per a la Reforma del territori M.E.C.
Publishing date: 1997 Isbn: 84-307-5006-1
Falta títol capítol. The search for the biological function of novel yeast Ser/Thr phophatases. Methods In Molecular Biology, J.W. Ludlow Ed. Hum. Press, Inc. V 93. 305-313
Name: Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1998 -
Falta títol capítol. Proteína fosfatasas en eucariotas: un ejemplo de conservación de estructuras y de diversidad de funciones. Organización y evolución del genoma eucariota. Universidade da Coruña.
Name: Clotet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 1997ISBN: 84-89694-26-5
Course 2021-2022 - Period: 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2022
Programa Gaudí de Formació del Professorat- - Programa Gaudí de Formació del Professorat
Course 2020-2021 - Period: 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2021
Programa Gaudí de Formació del Professorat- - Programa Gaudí de Formació del Professorat
Course 2019-2020 - Period: 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2020
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Sciences- - Introduction to Biomedicine
Course 2018-2019 - Period: 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2019
Programa Gaudí de Formació del Professorat 18 - 19- - Mòdul 1 Docent
- - Immersion in Biomedicine
Course 2017-2018 - Period: 01/09/2017 - 31/08/2018
Programa Gaudí de Formación del Profesorado Ciencias Sociales- - Módulo 1 Metodológico
Course 2016-2017 - Period: 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2017
Programa Gaudí de Formación del Profesorado- - Módulo 1 Metodológico
Course 2015-2016 - Period: 01/09/2015 - 31/08/2016
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine- - Cell Biology
- - Body Structure and Function: Gastrointestinal System and Metabolism
- - Molecular and Cellular Physiology Applied to Physiotherapy
Course 2014-2015 - Period: 01/09/2014 - 31/08/2015
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine- - Body Structure and Function: Gastrointestinal System and Metabolism
- - Molecular and Cellular Physiology Applied to Physiotherapy
Master's Degree in Comprehensive Paediatric Dentistry- - Microbiologia (TRANSV)
Course 2013-2014 - Period: 01/09/2013 - 31/08/2014
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine- - Body Structure and Function: Gastrointestinal System and Metabolism
- - Molecular and Cellular Physiology Applied to Physiotherapy
Course 2012-2013 - Period: 01/09/2012 - 31/08/2013
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine- - Biochemistry
- - Cell Biology
- - Body Structure and Function: Gastrointestinal System and Metabolism
- - Molecular and Cellular Physiology Applied to Physiotherapy
Official Master
University Master's degree in Basic Dentistry Research and Biomedicine- - Final Master's Project
- - The Philosophy of Science
Course 2011-2012 - Period: 01/09/2011 - 31/08/2012
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine- - Biochemistry
- - Cell Biology
- - Genetics and Human Embriology
- - Estructura y Función: Sistema Endocrinológico y Digestivo
- - Molecular and Cellular Physiology Applied to Physiotherapy
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Basic Dentistry Research and Biomedicine- - Final Master's Project
- - Research Protocol
Course 2010-2011 - Period: 01/09/2010 - 31/08/2011
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine- - Biochemistry
- - Body Structure and Function: Endocrine and Digestive System
- - Coaching/Assessorament
- - Molecular and Cellular Physiology Applied to Physiotherapy
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Basic Dentistry Research and Biomedicine- - Protocol de Recerca
- - Final Master's Degree Project
Course 2009-2010 - Period: 01/09/2009 - 31/08/2010
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Human Biology 1
- - Biochemistry
- - Cell Biology
- - Estructura y Función: Sistema Endocrinológico y Digestivo
- - Molecular and Cellular Physiology Applied to Physiotherapy
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Basic Dentistry Research and Biomedicine- - Patologia Mol·lecular
- - Protocol de Recerca
Diploma in Physical Therapy- - Physiological First Notions Applied to Physical Therapy
Course 2008-2009 - Period: 01/09/2008 - 31/08/2009
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine- - Biochemistry
- - Molecular Biology
Official Master
University Master's degree in Basic Dentistry Research and Biomedicine- - Proyecto de Investigación 3
- - Advaced Techniques in Molecular and Cellular Biology and Hystology
- - Actualidad de la Investigación en Odontología
Diploma in Physical Therapy- - Physiological First Notions Applied to Physical Therapy
Course 2007-2008 - Period: 01/09/2007 - 31/08/2008
Official Master
University Master's degree in Basic Dentistry Research and Biomedicine- - Actualidad de la Investigación en Odontología
- - Proyecto de Investigación 2
- - Advaced Techniques in Molecular and Cellular Biology and Hystology
Degree in Dentistry- - Advanced Molecular Biology
- - Advanced Cell Biology
Diploma in Physical Therapy- - Physiological First Notions Applied to Physical Therapy
Postgrado en Fisioterapia de la Actividad Física y el Deporte. Readaptación al esfuerzo- - Activitat Física y Población Específica.
- - Physical Therapy and Wellness.
Course 2006-2007 - Period: 01/09/2006 - 31/08/2007
Doctorat en Aparell Locomotor i Esport- - Bases Moleculares de las Patologías Neuromusculares
Degree in Dentistry- - Molecular and Cell Biology
- - Advanced Molecular Biology
Diploma in Physical Therapy- - Physiological First Notions Applied to Physical Therapy
Course 2005-2006 - Period: 01/09/2005 - 31/08/2006
Degree in Dentistry- - Molecular and Cell Biology
- - Advanced Molecular Biology
Diploma in Physical Therapy- - Physiological First Notions Applied to Physical Therapy
Master Genetic Architectures- - Genomes Structure & Architectonical Design
Course 2004-2005 - Period: 01/09/2004 - 31/08/2005
Doctorado para Profesionales en Atención Primaria- - Bases moleculares del diagnóstico precoz
Degree in Dentistry- - Prácticas de Laboratorio de Investigación Biomédica
- - Molecular and Cell Biology
- - Advanced Molecular Biology
- - Microbiology
Introduction Course in Health Sciences- - Biology 1
Course 2003-2004 - Period: 01/09/2003 - 31/08/2004
Doctorado para Profesionales en Atención Primaria- - Bases moleculares del diagnóstico precoz
Degree in Dentistry- - Advanced Molecular Biology
- - Microbiology
- - Prácticas de Laboratorio de Investigación Biomédica
- - Molecular and Cell Biology
Diploma in Physical Therapy- - Biochemistry applied to Physical Therapy
Introduction Course in Health Sciences- - Biology 1
Course 2002-2003 - Period: 01/09/2002 - 31/08/2003
Doctorado para Profesionales en Atención Primaria- - Bases moleculares del diagnóstico precoz
Degree in Dentistry- - Molecular and Cell Biology
- - Advanced Molecular Biology
- - Microbiology
- - Prácticas de Laboratorio de Investigación Biomédica
Diploma in Nursing- - Community Nursing 1
- - Biochemistry Applied to Physical Therapy
Course 2001-2002 - Period: 01/09/2001 - 31/08/2002
Doctorado para Profesionales de Atención Primaria- - Bases moleculares del diagnóstico y la prevención de la enfermedad
Degree in Dentistry- - Molecular and Cell Biology
- - Advanced Molecular Biology
Diploma in Physical Therapy- - Biochemistry applied to Physical Therapy
Introduction Course in Health Sciences- - Chemistry
Course 2000-2001 - Period: 01/09/2000 - 31/08/2001
Doctorado para Profesionales de Atención Primaria- - Bases moleculares del diagnóstico y la prevención de la enfermedad
Degree in Dentistry- - Molecular and Cell Biology
- - Advanced Cell Biology
Diploma in Physical Therapy- - Bioquimica y farmacologia
- - Bioquimica aplicada a la fisioterapia
Introduction Course in Health Sciences- - Chemistry
Course 1999-2000 - Period: 01/09/1999 - 31/08/2000
Degree in Dentistry- - Advanced Molecular Biology
Diploma in Nursing- - The Human Body 1
- - Anatomy 1
- - Farmacologia, nutrición y dietética
- - Physical Therapy 2
Introduction Course in Health Sciences- - Bioquímica 1
- - Bioquímica 2
- - Bioquimica 3
Course 1998-1999 - Period: 01/09/1998 - 31/08/1999
Degree in Dentistry- - Microbiology
- - Molecular and Cell Biology
- - Advanced Cell Biology
- - Immunology
- - Advanced Molecular Biology
Diploma in Nursing- - Community Nursing 1
- - Anatomy 1
- - Anatomy 2
- - Physical Therapy 2
Introduction Course in Health Sciences- - Bioquímica 2
- - Bioquímica 3