
Dr Puigdollers, named secretary elect for the Network of Erasmus Based European Orthodontic Programmes Council

One of our professors from the Faculty of Dentistry at UIC Barcelona, Andreu Puigdollers, has been named secretary elect of the Network of Erasmus Based European Orthodontic Programmes (NEBEOP) Council.


This is a network of postgraduate degrees in orthodontics that forms part of the Erasmus programme. It consists of the president, professor Anne Marie Kuijpers-Jagtman (Nijmegen, the Netherlands); the vice-president professor Stavros Kiliaridis (Geneva, Switzerland), the secretary, professor Pertti Pirttiniemi (Oulu, Finland) and the secretary elect Guy Willems (Leuven, Belgium). All of these members chose Dr Puigdollers to occupy the position of secretary elect, and he will take on this position three months after the election.