
Roberto Stocco, new head of ECSA-Argentina

Roberto Stocco has been elected new president of ECSA-Argentina in September. He is a specialist of International Private Law, coordinator of DE. C.I, International Cooperation Department of the Supreme Court of Mendoza, and lecturer of Private International Law chair at the faculties of Law of the National University of Cuyo, the University of Mendoza, the University of Aconcagua and the Catholic University of San Luis.

Stocco succeeds Professor Dr. Jorge Stähli
(from University of Rosario) who has been in charge of the presidency of
ECSA-Argentina during the last years.
Stähli is the secretary of the Center of
Community Studies at
University of Rosario. Prof. Miguel
Angel Ciuro Caldani, who was President before Jorge Stähli, is now First