Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Transformación Digital en la Empresa

Transformación Digital en la Empresa
Primer semestre
Lengua de impartición principal: inglés

Otras lenguas de impartición: catalán, castellano



Understanding how digital technologies work is crucial for mastering them to enhance business performance and remain competitive in today’s rapidly evolving landscape. The Business Digital Transformation course provides the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively navigate and leverage these technologies. The course covers the digital economy, exploring new business models, the sharing economy, and the increasing prominence of online platforms, e-commerce, and mobile apps. It examines how businesses innovate through smartification, mass customization, and digital servitization, while also delving into the application of Artificial Intelligence in business, including Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Generative AI, alongside the ethical implications of these technologies. The focus extends to digitalization and data analytics, addressing Big Data, data-driven decision-making, and essential business intelligence skills, with practical applications using tools such as Excel and data mining. Furthermore, the course investigates the impact of advanced technologies like ERP, CRM, Industry 4.0, and Web 3.0 on business processes and future innovations. Throughout the course, concepts are applied to a group project, integrating business intelligence tools and techniques, ensuring practical experience in leading digital transformation within organizations.

Competencias/Resultados de aprendizaje de la titulación

  • 03 - Seleccionar y aplicar adecuadamente las alternativas contables permitidas.
  • 05 - Conocer las funciones propias de los departamentos de finanzas en las empresas.
  • 10 - Identificar los factores de crecimiento económico a largo plazo y comprender el impacto de la globalización.
  • 14 - Conocer y comprender el marco legal del derecho mercantil y ser capaz de aplicarlo a casos prácticos del mundo de la empresa.
  • 19 - Analizar las variables cuantificables del entorno económico e incorporarlas en la toma de decisiones.
  • 24 - Ser capaz de desarrollar un análisis del medio económico, social e histórico en el que se desenvuelve la empresa.
  • 32 - Adquirir habilidades en la resolución de problemas a partir de información cuantitativa y cualitativa.
  • 36 - Ser capaz de interpretar datos cuantitativos y cualitativos, y de usar herramientas matemáticas y estadísticas aplicables a los procesos empresariales.
  • 37 - Tener capacidad para aplicar técnicas, métodos y herramientas de gestión.
  • 39 - Adquirir habilidades en la resolución de problemas y en la toma de decisiones: utilizar la información relevante, aplicar los métodos adecuados y situar el problema dentro del conjunto de una organización.
  • 41 - Ser capaz de sintetizar descriptivamente la información.
  • 46 - Adquirir la capacidad de entender y participar en conferencias o lecciones magistrales en un contexto académico.
  • 51 - Desarrollar habilidades en la toma de decisiones.
  • 53 - Adquirir habilidades para el aprendizaje autónomo.
  • 64 - Capacidad de planificación y organización del trabajo.
  • 65 - Adquirir la capacidad de aplicar los conocimientos en la práctica.
  • 67 - Adquirir capacidad para expresarse en otras lenguas.


Module 1 - Business Digital Transformation

  • Digital economy and new business models
  • Sharing economy and digital platforms
  • Online marketplaces, e-commerce and mobile apps
  • New products: smartification, mass customization, digital servitization

Module 2 - Artificial Intelligence

  • AI applications in business
  • Machine Learning and Deep Learning
  • Generative AI: tools for business and prompt engineering
  • Ethics of AI

Module 3 - Digitalization and data analytics

  • Big Data and Data Science
  • Data, Information, Knowledge
  • Data-driven Decision-Making
  • Digital skills for Business Intelligence (Excel, data mining, etc.)

Module 4 - Digitization and digital technologies

  • Information Systems, ERP, CRM
  • Industry 4.0 technologies
  • Web 3.0 and future technologies


Sistemas y criterios de evaluación

Modalidad totalmente presencial en el aula

50% Practice

  • 25% Part 1 (Modules 1 and 2)
    • 10% Group project presentation
      • Mid-term project presentation (including home-based improvement of work done in class)
      • Weighted by individual contribution (based on observation and a peer-to-peer evaluation)
    • 15% In-class activities
      • In-class activities evaluated from 0 to 10
      • Activities related to the group project
      • Case studies
      • Weighted individually (e.g., if a group gets an 8, the member who is absent that day gets a 0)
  • 25% Part 2 (Modules 3 and 4)
    • 10% Group project presentation
      • Final project presentation (including home-based improvement of work done in class)
      • Weighted by individual contribution (based on observation and a peer-to-peer evaluation)
    • 15% In-class activities
      • In-class activities evaluated from 0 to 10
      • Activities related to the group project
      • Case studies
      • Weighted individually (e.g., if a group gets an 8, the member who is absent that day gets a 0)

50% Theory

  • 25% Mid-term exam
    • Content: half-course (Modules 1 and 2)
    • Duration: approx. 50 minutes
    • Evaluation range: from 0 to 10
    • A mark of 4/10 in this exam is mandatory to pass the course
      • In case of a 3.9 mark or lower, there will be the possibility to re-take it on the day of the Final Exam (therefore, approx. 50+50 mins)
  • 25% Final exam
    • Content: half-course (Modules 3 and 4)
    • Duration: approx. 50 minutes
      • or 1h40 if including mid-term retake
    • Evaluation range: from 0 to 10
    • A mark of 4/10 in this exam is mandatory to pass the course
      • In case of mid-term retake, both parts must be higher than 4

2nd call exam 
  • To be retaken in June if: 
    • Mid-term exam still
    • Final exam
    • Overall average
  • Content: 
    • Theory: both mid-term exam's and final exam's content 
    • Individual assignments to be submitted if Practice marks were
  • Duration: 1h40 
  • Max. mark: 7

Bibliografía y recursos

  • Sistemas de información: herramientas prácticas para la gestión empresarial - Gómez Vieites, Á.; Suárez Rey, C, Ra-Ma, 2011. ISBN: 9788499641225

  • Sistemas de información gerencial - Laudon, K.C.; Laudon, J.P, Pearson Educación, 2016. ISBN: 9786073236966

  • Management information systems: text and cases - Jawadekar, W.S, McGraw-Hill, 2011. ISBN: 9780070146624

  • Management information systems - O'Brien, J.A.; Marakas, G.M, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2011. ISBN: 9780071221092         
  • Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution - Schwab, K.; Davis, N., Geneva: World Economic Forum, 2018. ISBN: 9780241366394