Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Labour and Social Security Law 2

Labour and Social Security Law 2
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

The teacher will assist the student when he asks for it through an email. 



The legislation on Social Security has acquired a volume and complexity that requires a specific study within the most generic subject of Labor Law. This course examines the Social Security system in Spain and the dynamics of thet most relevant benefits

Pre-course requirements

Not applicable


The student must obtain clear notions of the complex Social Security system and its main benefits. This will serve as a tool for updating and implementing ever evolving regulations.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 11 - To acquire skills for autonomous learning
  • 15 - To develop a perception of the united nature of the legal system and the required interdisciplinary vision for legal issues
  • 16 - To be able to use constitutional principles and values as work tools when interpreting the legal system
  • 17 - To understand and have knowledge of public and private institutional principles in their origin and as a whole
  • 18 - To understand the different ways of creating Law within its historical evolution as well as its current state
  • 22 - To be able to identify and interpret documentation normally used in legal and negotiating settings
  • 23 - To identify the state, doctrinal and legal framework of a complex legal issue
  • 24 - To acquire the skills to resolve problems and make decisions using relevant information and by applying correct methods while placing the issue within a legal system context
  • 25 - To acquire the skills for legal paperwork processing: composing texts, clarifying a position on a matter, use of forms, etc.

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. Know and understand the organization of the Social Security system

2. Gain solid knowledge of the frame in the system of Social Security of companies and workers

3. Know and understand the different types of social security benefits

4. Develop the ability to keep track of administrative files placed at the various Social Security agencies

5. Develop the capacity to solve practical cases related to this subject using both the provided material and the material obtained during the course of the study.

6. Look for information, interpret it and use it for the resolution of practical cases or while carrying out work related to this matter

7. Identify and interpret everyday documentation in the field of labor law


UNIT 1.- Introduction to the concept of Social Security.


UNIT  2.-Social Security in Spain. 

           2.1 Historical evolution. 

           2.2 The Social Security and the Spanish Constitution. 

           2.3 Distribution of powers between State and Autonomous Communities.

            2.4 Sources of Social Security.


UNIT  3.- Scope of the Social Security. 

           3.1 Personal and territorial criteria.

            3.2 Professional criteria. 

                 3.2.1 The General Scheme

                  3.2.2 The Special Regimes


UNIT 4 .- The management of Social Security 

          4.1 The managing entities and the common services of the Social Security. 

          4.2 Entities that cooperate in the management. 

                 4.2.1 Mutual of Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases of     Social Security. 

                4.2.2 The collaboration of companies.


UNIT 5.- Acts of framing. 

          5.1. Registration of companies.

           5.2. Membership. 

          5.3. The register or discharge and assimilated situations 

          5.4. The cancellation or un-subscription


UNIT 6.- Social Security financing 

         6.1. Quotation system and tax system.

          6.2. The contribution to the Social Security in Spain

                 6.2.1. Concept 

                6.2.2. The obligation to quote. 

                6.2.3. Special assumptions. 

                6.2.4. Bonuses and reductions. 

          6.3. The collection of the quota. 

                6.3.1. Voluntary compliance. 

                6.3.2. Executive collection.


UNIT  7.- Protective Action 

           7.1. Protected contingencies. 

          7.2. Professional contingencies. 

                 7.2.1. Work accident. 

                 7.2.2. Occupational disease. 

          7.3. Common contingencies. 

          7.4. The qualification of the contingency.


UNIT 8.- Benefits. 

          8.1. Concept and requirements. 

          8.2. Guarantee of benefits. 

          8.3. Responsibility in relation to the benefits. 

                 8.3.1 Assumptions. 

                 8.3.2. Principle of automaticity of benefits 

           8.4. The surcharges of benefits.


 UNIT 9.- Temporary incapacity.       

          9.1. Concept and requirements.     

          9.2. Content and dynamics of the provision.


UNIT 10.- Benefit for care of the minor,  risk during pregnancy and risk during natural lactation   

          10.1. Birth and care of the minor    

          10.2. Risk during pregnancy and during natural lactation


UNIT 11.- Permanent disability.    

         11.1. Concept and requirements.       

         11.2. Content and dynamic of the benefit.    


UNIT  12.- Retirement.      

        12.1. Concept and requirements.    

        12.2. Content and dynamic of the benefit.         


UNIT 13.- Protection for death and survival. 

        13. 1. Concept and requirements.  

        13.2. Widowhood. 

        13.3. Orphan hood. 

        13.4. Benefits for family members.

         13.5. Lump sum payments.


UNIT 14.- Unemployment. 

        14.1. Concept and protected situations. 

        14.2. Contributory level. 

        14.3. Level of care. 

        14.4. Management, financing, payment and control.


UNIT 15.- Non-contributory pensions


Teaching and learning activities

In person

Presentación en el aula de los conceptos y su aplicación práctica
15 16 17 18
Actividades en el aula para el seguimiento de los alumnos (individual y en grupo)
16 22 23 24 25
Estudio independiente del alumno
11 17 18 22 23 24 25

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

To pass the subject is a prerequisite to obtain a minimum of 4.5 in the final semester exam.

After obtaining this minimum score, the following evaluation criterion is applied: 70% of the final grade is obtained from the final exam.

The remaining 30% depends on ongoing assessment that takes into account classroom attendance, participation, case studies, and attendance at continuing education conferences.

November 15th there will be a voluntary partial exam of the first 9 subjects/units. If the student obtains a minimum score of 6, these first  8 units will be released from the final exam.

Exam date: 

Thus, the "final exam" grade that computes 70% will be calculated as follows:

-       Whoever attends the final exam on the entire subject (either because he did not attend the partial exam or because he did not get the minimum 6 score), will get a note/grade that will serve for the overall assessment. Remember it is necessary to obtain a minimum of 4.5

-       Whoever passed the partial exam (with minimum score of 6), will only seat for the remaining units, and the "final exam" note will be the result of adding the score obtained in the partial exam and the score obtained in the final exam, and divide it by two. In this case the score in the last exam performed must also be a minimum of 4.5

The continuous evaluation will not be taken into account in the July call.

Bibliography and resources

Blasco Lahoz, José Francisco and López Gandía, Juan. Social Security Course. Editorial Tirant lo Blanch. Last edition 

Basic Social Legislation. Ed Civitas. (or any compendium of social legislation by another publisher)