Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Fundamentals of Science
Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish
Teaching staff
To agree with the teacher.
The human being, in the plurality of his dimensions, constitutes simultaneously the subject and the object of the scientific activity and assistencial in health field. For such reason, it is necessary to establish the anthropological and epistemological foundations that make possible and frame his scientific activity.
Pre-course requirements
There are no prerequisites.
- Deepen in the fundamental anthropological concepts that exist in the theoretical frame of health assistance and health.
- Know the historical development of the philosophy of the science. Familiarize the student with the main problems and theoretical dilemmas that are find today in the reflection about the experimental sciences.
- Form a critical attitude in the students that allow them to achieve a personal and reflexive point of view on the real value of the scientific theories.
- Encourage an interdisciplinarity view of knowledge of human realities.
Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme
- CN01RA - Identify the ethical, legislative and humanitarian foundations of research in salut.
- CP02RA - Work in a multidisciplinary and multicultural team on a research project clinical.
- HB04RA - Discuss judgments based on ethical and social responsibility in research clinic.
Learning outcomes of the subject
Students will be able to:
- Identify health problems that can be investigated.
- Apply the scientific method, research design, advanced biostatistics, and quantitative and qualitative data analysis tools to solve a question or test a hypothesis in the clinical setting.
- Design an advanced research project on clinical aspects following ethical standards and scientific rigour and respecting the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, and the promotion of human rights and the values of a culture of peace and democratic values, using language that avoids androcentrism and stereotypes.
- Use tools to critically evaluate projects, protocols and research articles, both qualitative and quantitative, in the field of health sciences.
- Identify the ethical, legislative, and humanitarian foundations of health research.
Lesson 1. Anthropology and Health. Health and Disease as a Cultural Concepts.
Lesson 2. The Social Construct of Corporality.
Lesson 3. Anthropology of Pain and Death.
Lesson 4. Science and Knowledge. Science as a Social Construct.
Teaching and learning activities
Cooperative Learning: Online Adaptation (RP) |
Master classes: online adaptation (CT) (CP) |
Group tutorials |
Case Method: Online Adaptation (EC) |
Autonomous Learning: Online Adaptation (ML) |
Project-Based Learning: Online Adaptation (PBL) |
Evaluation systems and criteria
1) Written Tests (Online adaptation, OM, PA): 50%
2) Written Assignments/Forum Participation (Online adaptation, PT): 40%
3) Oral Exhibitions/Oral Participation (Online Adaptation, GO, PO): 10%
Bibliography and resources
- Anrubia, E. (ed.), La fragilidad de los hombres. La enfermedad, la filosofía y la muerte, Eds. Cristiandad, Madrid, 2008.
- Artigas, M., El desafío de la racionalidad, Eunsa, Pamplona, 1999.
- Artigas, M., Filosofía de la ciencia experimental, Eunsa, Pamplona, 1999.
- Diéguez, A., Filosofía de la ciencia, Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid, 2005.
- Echeverría, J., Introducción a la metodología de la ciencia, Cátedra, Madrid, 1999.
- Echeverría, J., Filosofía de la ciencia, Akal, Madrid, 1995.
- Escribano, X. (ed.), Territoris humans de la salut. Societat, cultura i valors en el món sanitari, Duxelm, Barcelona, 2008.
- Feyerabend, P.K., Diálogo sobre el método, Cátedra, Madrid, 1990.
- Kuhn, T.S., La estructura de las revoluciones científicas, F.C.E., México, 1971.
- López Moratalla, N., Repensar la ciencia, Eiunsa, Madrid, 2006.
- Marcos, A., Hacia una filosofía de la ciencia amplia, Tecnos, Madrid, 2000.
- Popper, K.R., El mito del marco común, Paidós, Barcelona, 1997.
- Roqué, M. V. (ed.), El sentido del vivir en el morir, Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi, Pamplona, 2013.
- Serrano de Haro, A. (ed.), Cuerpo vivido, Editorial Encuentro, Madrid, 2010.
- Szczeklik, A., Catarsis. Sobre el poder curativo de la naturaleza y el arte, Ed. Acantilado, Barcelona, 2010.
- Toombs, S.K., The meaning of illness, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1993.
- Torralba, F., Antropología del cuidar, Institut Borja/Mapfre, Barcelona, 1998.
- Vicente Arregui, J. y Choza, J., Filosofía del hombre. Una antropología de la intimidad, ICF-UNAV, Rialp, Madrid, 1993.