Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Global Retail Marketing

Global Retail Marketing
Second semester
Main language of instruction: English

Teaching staff

Professors : Ines Riera and Sofia Matas

Please get in touch via email to arrange an appointment


- Introduction

We live in a highly volatile environment, where changes happen without pause. Retail is the marketing discipline leading these changes in a frenzied race for innovation.

In the 21st century we are faced with a consumer saturated with products, increasingly aware of sustainability, and above all in an alarming crisis situation.

The three factors slow down consumption, for the first time in many years an ingredient is introduced that speeds up each act of purchase.

For this reason, retail has opted to generate shopping experiences as an alternative to the product offer, introducing a new marketing variable that is difficult to manage: permanent dynamization.

We are facing an exciting and complex professional challenge, since multidisciplinary collaboration is necessary for this.

On the other hand, commercial spaces are the most complex communication channel, so the design is going to be a great challenge; We will have to learn to integrate strategy and design and work with multiple and very different design disciplines.

Are we capable of changing our work habits and acquiring the necessary knowledge to give an effective response to this new environment? Are we motivated to professionalize? Will we be able to work as a team?

Our buyer is saturated with information: It's going to be hard for us to get their attention. You are also misinformed and therefore lacking in confidence. This will be our first challenge.

The stores are our main tool to convince you of our project. The questions we must ask ourselves are the following: What will the customer perceive from the store we are developing? Can we get him to become a trustee? What experiences will you live? Will it be able to provoke acts of purchase?

In this program we will analyze the tools that as professionals we must know to commercially optimize a point of sale. Specifically, we will work on the following points:

- Know the international commercial scenario in retail, the new paradigms

- How to create retail concepts

- How to capture the customer's attention.

- How to attract him to the interior of the point of sale

- The importance of generating circulation to be exposed to the greatest number of products possible,

- How to work sales arguments

- How to get it to be as long as possible in our store

- and what to do to facilitate the sale and retain our customers.

- How to integrate strategy and Retail Design.

Pre-course requirements

A basic knowledge of marketing concepts.

This is an elective course in English, hence a good level of spoken and written English is expected.

Commitment and motivation to learn and actively participate in the sessions.

Willingness to ask questions, to question, adopting a critical position.


Know and understand the basic concepts of Retail Marketing.

Know the way in which retail is revolutionizing and leading the Business Models of the 21st century.

Describe how external and internal factors affect companies' retail marketing decisions.

Understand how retail responds to a volatile and contradictory consumer, in a complex framework of unattainable desires to be sustainable.

Knowing how to apply the main retail marketing strategies used by a company in a given market.

Understand how strategy is related to design and vice versa.

Understand and learn how to apply the formula for creating concepts, to ensure excellence in communication and consistency in the development of the value proposal.

Knowledge in management information, necessarily to encode a concept store.

Know the role of digitalization and technologies in the configuration of a store concept.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 26 - To comprehend and use the basic concepts of marketing and the main sectorial policies and understand the commercial environment in which these companies operate.
  • 28 - To be able to work in another language and use terminology and structures related to the economic-business world.
  • 32 - To acquire problem solving skills based on quantitative and qualitative information.
  • 34 - To develop the ability to predict situations and anticipate events, as well as be able to recognise and interpret an economic situation within a specific context.
  • 41 - To be able to descriptively summarise information.
  • 46 - To acquire the ability to understand and participate in conferences and lectures in an academic context.
  • 50 - To acquire the ability to relate concepts, analyse and synthesise.
  • 51 - To develop decision making skills.
  • 52 - To develop interpersonal skills and the ability to work as part of a team.
  • 53 - To acquire the skills necessary to learn autonomously.
  • 54 - To be able to express one’s ideas and formulate arguments in a logical and coherent way, both verbally and in writing.
  • 55 - To adopt good time management skills.
  • 56 - To be able to create arguments which are conducive to critical and self-critical thinking.
  • 57 - To acquire skills which favour reading comprehension.
  • 58 - To be able to develop self-assessment exercises.
  • 60 - To acquire knowledge that promotes respect for other cultures and habits.
  • 64 - To be able to plan and organise one's work.
  • 65 - To acquire the ability to put knowledge into practice.
  • 67 - To be able to express oneself in other languages.

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of this course, you will be able to understand and apply concepts and knowledge relating to global marketing and retailing. At the same time, you'll be developing transferrable skills such as conducting research, presenting ideas, analysing cases and working as part of a team.


Indicative Content:

    1. Retail Marketing: Concepts
    2. Retail Marketing: International approach
    3. Phygital Retail: Trends
    4. Research in Retail: Mystery Shopping and others
    5. Retail Research: Sectoral to Conceptual Evolution
    6. Retail Research: Knowing the Customer: The Big Five Questions. Ikea case - life cycle
    7. The Retail Strategy Plan
    8. Dynamic Strategies vs. Structural Strategies
    9. The Value Proposal
    10. Product & Price &Service Tree vs seasonality
    11. The purchase decision vs. Commercial strategy
    12. Communication Strategy vs. storytelling
    13. Hard vs. Soft technology strategy
    14. Space Strategy vs. Multifunctional Strategy
    15. Merchandising strategy vs. Window dressing and visual
    16. Personnel Strategy
    17. Sales management
    18. The Stage. Decoding: The audit
    19. The scenic box
    20. The Shopping processes
    21. Retail Design Methodology
    22. Strategy and design in the expansion of a retail company
    23. KPI’s in Retail
    24. The Global Economic Model
    25. What Retail will be

Teaching and learning activities

In person

This course requires regular attendance and active participation during each session. 

As such, teaching and learning activities aim at being inclusive, ensuring as much participation as possible from students. 

Sessions will include a combination of:

  •     Lectures

       In- Class discussions

        Case study analysis/discussion

        Individual and group exercises

        Student presentations

    A retail Tour

    An individual store visit

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

1. First call:

Evaluation on this course includes the following assessment components:

  • 60% Individual and Team exercises, Coursework/presentations. In order to pass the course, the exam mark must be equal or higher than 4/10.
  • 40% Exam. In order to pass the course, the exam mark must be equal or higher than 4/10.

2. Second call:

 The evaluation will include the following assessment components:

 There will be a single individual exam if the student has carried out the work requested during the course (create a new retail concept store) with a mark higher than 4/10.

  • Exam: 100%

Coursework: to be submitted in Moodle one week before the exam date in case no submission had been made during the course OR a mark lower than 4.0 had been achieved.

Maximum grade: 7

Bibliography and resources

You can consult the following books:

  • Hollensen, S. (2019 or 2017) Global Marketing, 8th (or 7th) ed., Pearson Education (Harlow)

  • Alexander, N. and Doherty, A.M. (2009) International Retailing, Oxford University Press (Oxford)

  • Goworek, H. and McGoldrick, P. (2015) Retail Marketing Management. Principles and Practice, Pearson Education (Harlow)


 Philip Kotler. Retail 4.0. 10 rules for the Digital Age. Mondadori Electa (November 6, 2018)

HULTÉN, B. BROWEUS, N. VAN DIJK, M. (2009)  Sensory Marketing. Palgrave macmillan

La Revolución del Shopsumer; Martin Von Stein. Gestión 2000.

Philip Kotler. Marketing 4.0. Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital.  Lid Editorial

Alexander Osterwalder. Generación de Modelos de Negocio. Deusto

Underhill, Paco. Por qué compramos. Ed. Gestión 2000

Barcelona és moda: “Cuando el cliente entra  en la tienda tiene que vivir una experiencia de compra satisfactoria”. María Callís. 2017.  http://www.barcelonaesmoda.com/es/entrevista/cuando-el-cliente-entra-en-la-tienda-tiene-que-poder-vivir-una-experiencia-de-compra-satisfactoria/

Spanish Entertainment and Media Outlook: 2013-2017.  PWC.   [En línea]. https://www.pwc.es/es/publicaciones/entretenimiento-y-medios/assets/semo-2013-2017.pdf. • Medios y entretenimiento: Pwc, 2015. [Consulta: 15 de Mayo 2015].

Martin Vom Stein. (2009).  La Revolución del Shopsumer;.Barcelona.  Gestión 2000.

María Callís. (2016) A la caza de un cliente fiel.  Agecu. Noticiero Textil.

• María Callís.  (2017)  El futuro del retail. Flowing talks,.http://flow.es/el-futuro-del-retail-segun-maria-callis

María Callís. (2018) “En el retail del s.XXI, lo físico y lo digital deben configurar un nuevo modelo de experiencia de compra totalmente integrado y personal” . Publicación Secartys.

María Callís. (2018) “Learning from Tokyo” . Icandela

María Callís. (2017)  “Cuando el cliente entra en la tienda tiene que poder vivir una experiencia de compra satisfactoria”. Barcelona es Moda

María Callís (2016) Tendencias en el sector del retail. Un espacio de reflexión. El Economista País Vasco

A la caza de un cliente fiel. María Callís Bañeres. 2016  http://www.noticierotextil.net/noticia.asp?idnoticia=173375

El mundo del retail, ¿por qué? 2015. María Callís Bañeres.http://www.rdispain.com/el-mundo-del-retail-por-que-maria-callis-alpenscock/

El mundo del retail, ¿por qué? 2015. María Callís Bañeres.http://www.rdispain.com/el-mundo-del-retail-por-que-maria-callis-alpenscock/

• María Callís (2012) Éxito Profesional. Herramientas para alcanzar nuestros objetivos profesionales. Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona

• María Callís (2012) Concepto de tienda. Información clave para gestionar un punto de venta. Cambra d eComerç de Barcelona.

Ergonomía sensorial en el Punto de venta I.  María Callís Bañeres, alpenstock . Marketing y Ventas, nº 231, año XXIII Enero 2008, página 26. Editorial Especial directivos.

Ergonomía sensorial en el Punto de venta I. María Callís Bañeres, alpenstock. Marketing y Ventas, nº 232, año XXIII Febrero 2008, página 26. Editorial Especial directivos.

María Callís. El escenario comercial próximo. Blancas juegan y ganan (I). María Callís. MKT Marketing  y ventas.  Nº 215. http://pdfs.wke.es/9/4/8/9/pd0000019489.pdf

María Callís. El escenario comercial próximo. Blancas juegan y ganan (II). María Callís. MKT Marketing  y ventas.  Nº 216. http://pdfs.wke.es/9/4/8/9/pd0000019489.pdf