Corporate purpose


Learning for a future with purpose

Chair in Management by Missions and Corporate Purpose

Thursday 10 October 2024

From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Barcelona Campus

C/ Immaculada, 22
08017 Barcelona

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Building a meaningful and purpose-oriented business future, creating valuable connections and establishing strong bonds.

In the previous editions of the Companies with a Human Side Symposium, we explored the human entrepreneurial aspect from different perspectives. In the tenth edition, we look toward a future of purpose, not as something distant, but as something rooted in the present and shaped by lessons learned.

This approach gives cohesion and meaning to the Symposium and motivates us to share knowledge, prioritising the act of giving and fostering cooperation, assistance and service. The Symposium has become a space to present knowledge learned for a future with purpose, promoting an enriching dialogue between young people and adults, as well as between companies.


10 October

Fatima Delgado, Corporación Jimenez Maña & Ricardo Inchausti, DPMC Community
Conrado Aparicio, Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer at UIC Barcelona
9.20Future, artificial intelligence and purpose 
Pablo Cardona, International University of La Rioja (UNIR)
10.15Doing things right
Maria del Rosario Carvajal, Grupo Carvajal (Colombia)
11.00Coffee break
11.30“Experiences that inspire” (parallel rooms) 
13.00Spirituality and business: keys to a new economy  
Rafael Domingo, Álvaro d’Ors Chair, University of Navarra
15.00In Memoriam: Manuel Guillen Parra
Rita Jácome, IECO

From idea to gift: learnings for a purposeful future
Moderator: Carlos Rey, DPM-UIC Chair

  • Jorge Barranco, Aliaxis Iberia
  • Francesc Poch, Grup Eina
  • Mariella Letamendi, Banco Internacional de Ecuador
16.00Giving what we are. Organisations with a noble purpose
Francesc Torralba, Ethos Chair, Ramon Llull University
16.45Closing remarks
Manuel Jimenez Maña, President of the DPMC Foundation
Fatima Delgado, Corporación Jimenez Maña & Ricardo Inchausti, DPMC Community
Conrado Aparicio, Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer at UIC Barcelona
9.20Future, artificial intelligence and purpose 
Pablo Cardona, International University of La Rioja (UNIR)
10.15Doing things right
Maria del Rosario Carvajal, Grupo Carvajal (Colombia)
11.00Coffee break
11.30“Experiences that inspire” (parallel rooms) 
13.00Spirituality and business: keys to a new economy  
Rafael Domingo, Álvaro d’Ors Chair, University of Navarra
15.00In Memoriam: Manuel Guillen Parra
Rita Jácome, IECO

From idea to gift: learnings for a purposeful future
Moderator: Carlos Rey, DPM-UIC Chair

  • Jorge Barranco, Aliaxis Iberia
  • Francesc Poch, Grup Eina
  • Mariella Letamendi, Banco Internacional de Ecuador
16.00Giving what we are. Organisations with a noble purpose
Francesc Torralba, Ethos Chair, Ramon Llull University
16.45Closing remarks
Manuel Jimenez Maña, President of the DPMC Foundation


Pablo Cardona

Pablo Cardona

Dean of the Faculty of Business and Communication at the International University of La Rioja
Francesc Torralba

Francesc Torralba

Director of the Ethos Chair of Applied Ethics at Ramon Llull University
María del Rosario Carvajal

María del Rosario Carvajal

Member of the Carvajal Group
Rafael Domingo

Rafael Domingo

Álvaro d'Ors Chair at the Institute of Culture and Society (ICS) at the University of Navarra.
Jorge Barranco

Jorge Barranco

Vice-President of Aliaxis Iberia
Francesc Poch

Francesc Poch

CEO Grup Eina Digital
Rita Jacome

Rita Jácome

Director of the Institute for Ethics in Communication and Organizations

Miquel Bastons

Co-Director of the Chair of Management by Missions and Corporate Purpose at UIC Barcelona
Carlos Rey

Carlos Rey

Founder of DPMC consultancy and Co-Director of the Chair of Management by Missions and Corporate Purpose at UIC Barcelona
Mariella Letamendi

Mariella Letamendi

Vice-President of the International Bank of Ecuador


Hotel Ikonik Anglí

Hotel Ikonik Anglí

C/ d’Anglí, 60 08017 | Barcelona
Hotel Catalonia Mikado

Hotel Catalonia Mikado

Bonanova Avenue, 58 08017 | Barcelona
Tres Torres Atiram

Tres Torres Atiram Hotels Barcelona

C/ Calatrava, 32 08017 | Barcelona (10% discount code: SIMPOSIORH)
Arenas Atiram Hotels

Arenas Atiram Hotel Barcelona

C/ del Capità Arenas, 20 08034 | Barcelona (10% discount code: SIMPOSIORH)

Aprenentatges per a un futur amb propòsit