
ECSA Italy organized a new edition of the Summer School

The Associazione Universitaria di Studi Europei (AUSE) organized from 12th to 14th of July 2012, the 16th edition of the Summer School, this year under the title "Crises and revival of the EU. Perceptions and interdisciplinary approaches?.

The Associazione
Universitaria di Studi Europei (AUSE) organized from 12th to
14th of July 2012, the 16th edition of the
Summer School, this year under the title "Crises and revival of the EU. Perceptions
and interdisciplinary approaches”
. This event, held in Venice,
was designed to study the actual European Union crisis, in a long
historical context, in order to find new ways
to relaunch the leading role in the international
community. The Summer School, which provides, among
other things, different contributions of professors in
charge of Jean Monnet Chairs in Italian
universities, represents a chance for
reflection and debate, from a
historical, legal, economic, and political science perspective.
According to this approach, four sessions were organized. They were chaired by Ariane
Landuyt from the University of Siena (History), Oreste Calliano from the
University of Torino (Law), Antonio Papisca from University of Padova (Political
Sciences), and Oscar Garavello from University of Milano (Economy).

Following the tradition of the AUSE Summer Schools, a special session was
devoted to the research work done by young scholars. Also traditional is the
closing session with an encounter of the Jean Monnet professors with the
European Commission, represented this time by Harald Hartung, head of the Unit
responsible for the Jean Monnet Programme. He presented the specificities and
priorities foreseen by the Commission for the JMP in the new budgetary period
2014-2020. At this session he was accompanied by José M Gil-Robles, President
of the European University Council, and Enrique
Banús, President of ECSA-World, who also presented their views and proposals
for this new period.

AUSE is the Italian ECSA-Association. It brings
together the Italian lecturers in European Studies from
Economics, Political and Social Sciences, Law
and History. The main goals are to promote university
teaching and research in the field of European
Studies, develop cooperation among its members and
contribute to the creation of academic networks in order
to expand cooperation between universities in Europe and