
ECSA-World will organize a workshop in Baltimore's Conference

One of the priorities of ECSA-World is to enlarge the activities also to countries in which European studies are not yet or only weakly present. We are convinced that together with personal contacts- also a workshop could be helpful for activating the creation of new ECSA's.

Every two years, EUSA (ECSA-USA) organizes a Conference in a different
place and with many sections on it.  During
the last EUSA Conference celebrated in Boston, we opted for asking to the
president, Amie Kreppel, if it would be possible that in the frame of the next
conference (May 2013 in Baltimore) ECSA World could make a specific workshop.
The idea is to invite colleges coming from different geographical areas -Africa,
America, Asia, Balkans, Caucasus and Mediterranean-, in which improvement of
the European Studies is needed. We want them to present their research and to
debate the papers with some of the many participants at the EUSA Conference.
Kreppel agreed and we applied for a grant in the frame of the normal call for
applications of the Jean Monnet programme. The application was successful and,
on that way, the workshop in Baltimore 2013 became possible.  There will be two panel sessions on May 9th
and an informal meeting in the morning of May 10th in which it will
be discussed with our participants the possibility of establishing new ECSAs in
their respective countries. Together with these guest speakers it would be
great if also some ECSA Presidents or members from the different countries
would participate in order to establish a broad and encouraging dialogue with
the “newcomers”.

For the future, this co-operation formula
between ECSA-World and one or more national associations could be a valuable