
Forthcoming ECSA- Argentina's conference in Mendoza

ECSA-Argentina is organizing the conference Mendoza and Europe. Challenges of the Integration in the XXI Century? that will take place in the city of Mendoza between Monday and Thursday 10th and 13th September 2012.

organizes its annual conference in different Argentinean cities. This year the
meeting goes to Mendoza and is included in a broader program, whose main objective is to
involve academics and researchers coming from different areas and
representatives of artistic expressions like music, dance, painting and cinema
both from Argentina and from European countries.

The activities will take place at the University of Cuyo (UNCUYO). At the
Law Faculty, the schedule contains activities within the frame of the ECSA-Argentina conference “Economical crisis on a
global level: Europeans case”. Besides, at the Department of Arts and Philosophy, cultural integration, national
fairs, papers and cultural representation activities are planned. At the
Engineering Faculty the activities will be related to academic integration: with presentations and consultancy.


On the other hand, in UNCUYO’s cinema there are going to be dances,
concerts and European films.
Finally, cultural representations
of European countries accredited in
Mendoza will offer tastings of typical dishes – together with
Argentinean wines.


For realizing this
ambitious and original program, ECSA-Argentina
was able to convoke other co-organizers like Goetheana Society Argentina, Goethe Zentrum Mendoza, the National
University of Cuyo, Secretary of International Relations and the city council
of Mendoza, among others.