
Next conference of ECSA UK in University of Passau, Germany

UACES (University Association for Contemporary European Studies), the UK ECSA organization, has planned the next annual conference from the 3th to the 5th of September at the University of the German three-river-city Passau, close to the Austrian border.

During these three days different issues from the contemporary
European studies are going to be discussed, in particular those related with
the UK and Germany. There will be a round-table session on “Studying Europe in
Germany and the UK” with the aim of comparing experiences and points of view from
these two different countries. Moreover, the secretary general of the European
Parliament, Klaus Welle, is going to give a keynote during the second day of
the conference. In total, there will be 450 delegates attending.

The event coincides with the 50th anniversary of the “Journal of Common Market Studies”, the UACES
Journal, one of the most well-known publications regarding the European
integration. To its commemoration, there is going to be a session about “Charting the evolution of
research on European Integration” chaired by the editors - professor Michelle Cini from University of Bristol
and professor Amy Verdun from University of Victoria.

At the Research sessions, around 360 papers will be
presented. Sometimes UACES organizes its annual conference in others countries
of the European Union as happens this year in Passau and 2010 in Bruges. The
University of Passau, founded in 1978, is the youngest in Bavaria, but its campus was
voted as the most beautiful in Germany by top national student magazine.

As it is planned, the 2013 event will be in Leeds and the 2014 one in Cork.