
Intel·ligència artificial: com fer-la servir per buscar feina?

The dialogue around the impact of technology on the workplace is not new; however, today, we are facing an unprecedented acceleration of these changes.

This technological revolution has introduced significant changes in the way organisations search for and select their future employees, using tools for curriculum filtering and interview evaluation, as well as redefining the skills candidates must have.

This rapid evolution has also transformed the way we train as professionals, and it has become essential to stay current in our field if we want to remain relevant in our sector.

Faced with this panorama, the question arises: How can we capitalise on these tools and use artificial intelligence, particularly ChatGPT, to our advantage to boost our career?

  • Come to this session if you want to:
  • Understand how to consistently use ChatGPT to improve your career opportunities.
  • Acquire the knowledge to create appropriate indicators and enhance your professional profile with ChatGPT.
  • Work on your resume, interview, personal brand or cover letter using ChatGPT.

The session will be led by Pedro Rojas, graduate in Business Administration with a major in Finance from the Universidad Santa María.

Currently, he is a consultant in digital entrepreneurship, artificial intelligence, social media marketing, digital strategy and paid media for brands, companies and professionals. He is also lecturer for MBA and postgraduate studies at Pompeu Fabra University, Tecnocampus Mataró, Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, EAE Business School, the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya and ESERP Business School, among others.

He is the author of the following books: Monetiza tu Instagram [Monetize your Instagram], Cómo monetizar las redes sociales [How to Monetize Social Media], Cómo preparar un plan de social media marketing [How to Prepare a Social Media Marketing Plan], Community management para dummies [Community Management for Dummies], Community management en una semana [Community management in One Week], and Reclutamiento y selección 2.0 [Recruitment and Selection 2.0]. He is also moderator for the Senior Manager blog (pedrorojas.es).