Centre accredited by the European Agency Erasmus+

The UIC Barcelona Campus of Experience is a centre accredited by the European Agency Erasmus+ and has signed agreements with the RACC, the Escoles Rurals de Catalunya Foundation, Crèdit Andorrà, Domusvi and Edat i Vida, and other civil society organisations. 


Barcelona centre

Penedès centre

Andorra centre

Calonge and Sant Antoni centre

Continuity programme


Experience Campus


The Experience Campus is a UIC Barcelona centre of studies that offers academic training to the over 50s.

The activities offered by the Experience Campus are:

  • A two-month optional introductory module
  • A three-year programme: the Senior University Programme in Culture, Science and Society.
  • A continuity programme with individual courses on specific subjects, each lasting two academic years.



El Campus fomenta l’interès per nous àmbits del saber i capacita els participants per assumir la responsabilitat de noves tasques, mitjançant l’aprenentatge continu i el treball de recerca en grup. En definitiva, mantenir-se actiu i millorar la qualitat de vida.

L’objectiu principal és la realització personal de les persones grans i la seva adaptació a l’entorn, que és constantment canviant.

Adquirir coneixements capacita per participar activament en la societat i beneficiar-se’n.

A més, el Campus de l’Experiència ofereix l’oportunitat de conrear la dimensió relacional dels alumnes i continuar construint l’afectivitat en aquesta etapa de la vida.


  • Jordi Miralbell, director.
  • Isabel Elorduy, manager.
  • Consuelo León, teacher coordinator.
  • Mary Fitzpatrick, academic coordinator (Barcelona).
  • Paula Fuentes Albesa, promotion and marketing.
  • Irene Sambola, academic coordinator (Penedès centre).
  • Salvador Vidal, academic coordinator (Andorra centre).
  • Javier Mustiu, senior advisor.


Enrique Buxeres
Experience Campus student


The Experience Campus has allowed me to relive my time at university, as it’s been 55 years since I graduated. I’ve also been very impressed at the level of teaching I received and the way the classes are taught.


Edurne Pérez Yarza
Experience Campus student


The Experience Campus has opened up some amazing opportunities to meet new people, new teachers and embark upon a new project, one that would have otherwise been unattainable. It also gives you the chance to create a network of friends that grows into strong friendships that you come to really appreciate, with people you probably would never have met.