
Javier Yanguas is patron of the Experience Campus graduation

The scientific director of the “la Caixa” Foundation programme for the Elderly, Javier Yanguas, sponsored the students of the last year of the Campus of Experience. Chaired by Esther Jiménez, vice-rector of University Community, the event took place on 18 June, in the Aula Magna of the University

The ceremony began with the words of Jordi Miralbell, director of the Experience Campus who introduced the patron, Javier Yanguas. Yanguas, gerontologist by profession, spoke of the need for “the older community to influence the development of future generations.” 

Javier Yanguas is currently the scientific director of the “la Caixa” Foundation programme for the Elderly and expressed his desire to challenge and focus people toward a life more guided by our values. Accordingly, he spoke of the important role of older people: “We have a responsibility to life.” 

The vice-rector then recalled that “the Experience Campus offers a greater understanding of today’s society, thanks to a current and dynamic training that includes many topics of interest”. Following the speech of Yanguas, Esther Jiménez told the students that they have much to teach the younger generations: “If we don’t pass on the legacy,” she said, “nobody will. We cannot lose hope and we must contribute to making this a more humane and sustainable world.”