
The Nemesio Díez Foundation and UIC Barcelona commit to talent and equal opportunities in Medicine

The Nemesio Díez Foundation Grants for Academic Excellence in Medicine (BEA) are added to the UIC Barcelona grants programme for academic and professional excellence.

Several members of the Nemesio Díez Foundation visited the University last Tuesday, 21 May as part of a collaboration agreement recently signed between both institutions. The accord reinforces the University’s programme of Grants for Academic Excellence to promote access to University education for all talented students. This new grant is for studying Medicine at UIC Barcelona. 

The Grants for Academic Excellence in Medicine (BEA) awarded by the Nemesio Díez Foundation are aimed at new students who have completed their baccalaureate with a distinction and wish to study the Bachelor's Degree in Medicine at UIC Barcelona. These grants cover not only 100% of first year tuition fees, but also up to 80% of fees from second year on, as long as the student continues with excellent academic performance. In total, 24 grants will be awarded over the next 6 years.

Virginia Fábregas Bernar, project director of the Nemesio Díez Foundation; Natalia Lorenzo and María Biagosch Fernández-Cernuda, both project coordinators of the Foundation, accompanied by Dr Albert Balaguer, lecturer and former dean of the Faculty of Medicine of UIC Barcelona (2008-2023); Juan Pablo Garrido, Director of Corporate Development, and Umberto Bini, Head of Corporate Alliances, visited the University’s two campuses and were able to witness the project first hand. 

During the visit to the Sant Cugat Campus, where the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine is taught, Fábregas made clear that the Nemesio Díez Foundation shares a mission with UIC Barcelona, saying: “we are delighted to support future doctors with values and a vocation for service with these new grants.” 

The representatives of the Nemesio Díez Foundation were also able to visit the Comprehensive Centre for Advanced Simulation (CISA), as well as Cuides UIC Barcelona, the University Clinic for Support in Advanced Diseases and Palliative Care. Accordingly, Fábregas praised the work being carried out in these facilities, as “clinical practice” and the “critical spirit of the students” are encouraged in them, and comprehensive support is offered to the individual. “At the Foundation we identify very much with this project since we also promote initiatives related to the integral support of the individual, focusing not only on physical care but also on the spiritual, psychological or emotional aspect,” he explained. 

Director of Corporate Development of UIC Barcelona, Juan Pablo Garrido, assessed this collaboration with the Nemesio Díez Foundation very positively, as it promotes equal opportunities for young people who want to pursue a medical vocation. “We are grateful for the Foundation’s generous collaboration, which will allow us to attract the best talent for Medicine,” he said.

The Grants for Academic Excellence in Medicine (BEA) Nemesio Díez Foundation will be part of UIC Barcelona’s grants and financial aid programme, with nearly €6.5 million in grants and aid for students (data corresponding to the academic year 2021-2022). This programme promotes social commitment, encourages talent and promotes access to education for all, the driving force for a better society.