Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Digestive, Renal, Hematological, Endocrine and Metabolic, and Infectious Disease Emergencies

Digestive, Renal, Hematological, Endocrine and Metabolic, and Infectious Disease Emergencies
First semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish

Teaching staff

You can contact by email the person in charge of the subject Dr.  Javier Jacob (fjacob@uic.es) or the director of the Master Dr. Jordi Castillo (jcastillo@uic.es)


This subject addresses the theoretical study of the main acute pathological processes (and acute complications of chronic processes) digestive, nephrological, hematological, endocrine metabolic, infectious, neurological, psychiatric, geriatric and palliative care, all of them in their pathophysiological, clinical, diagnostics and therapeutics.

Pre-course requirements

There are no prerequisites to complete this course.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CN02RA - Identify the main aspects and data of greatest clinical relevance to establish effective communication in the case of urgent pathology, taking into account the psychological dimension of suffering of the patient and family.
  • CN03RA - Identify the risks associated with procedures, diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in emergencies, considering the safety of the patient and that of other professionals.
  • CP04RA - Evaluate clinical findings that indicate vital risk or serious functional threat to a patient to establish a priority of actions, adapting available resources and ensuring quality in their care.
  • CP05RA - Readjust care and modify care planning through continuous evaluation of the patient in urgent and emergency situations.
  • CP07RA - Apply in an agile and decisive manner the action protocols and clinical practice guides in the most serious or prevalent processes in urgent care and emergencies.
  • CP08RA - Intervene decisively, precisely and effectively in the application of invasive and non-invasive therapeutic techniques used in emergencies.
  • CP09RA - Develop the necessary skills to adequately care for any patient, respecting the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, and the promotion of human rights as well as the values ​​of a culture of peace and democratic values ​​that include the promotion of inclusive, non-discriminatory language free of stereotypes.
  • HB01RA - Formulate judgments based on incomplete or limited information that adjust to the reality of the clinical case to establish the necessary parameters of action.
  • HB02RA - Discuss judgments taking into account the area of ​​study (urgency and emergency), including reflections on ethical and social responsibilities.
  • HB06RA - Develop healthcare action that respects both current legislation in pre-hospital and hospital healthcare and the principle of equity, ensuring equal opportunities and universal access for patients, respect for human rights and social and sustainable coexistence.
  • HB07RA - Apply the rules of ethics and law that govern healthcare and the relationship with the patient in urgent and emergency situations, being prepared to communicate the fundamental aspects of these rules when required.
  • HB08RA - Identify, through anamnesis and physical examination, the symptoms and signs of the main acute pathological processes and the acute complications of chronic ones, interpreting them correctly.
  • HB09RA - Analyze the risks associated with procedures, diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in emergencies to develop them in conditions of maximum safety for the patient and other professionals.

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • Knows the etiology, pathophysiology, clinic, and approach to digestive emergencies: digestive bleeding, acute abdominal pain, acute gastroenteric syndrome, acute dysphagia, jaundice, hepatitis.     
  • Knows the etiology, pathophysiology, clinic, and approach to general infectious emergencies: febrile syndrome, sepsis.     
  • Knows the etiology, pathophysiology, clinic, and approach to endocrine metabolic emergencies: hydroelectrolytic decompensations and acid-base homeostasis, acute diabetic complications, acute complications of thyroid disease, acute adrenal insufficiency.     
  • Knows the etiology, pathophysiology, clinic, and approach to emergency nephrourological situations: renal colic and urolithiasis, hematuria and microhematuria, acute kidney failure, nephrourological infection, sexually transmitted diseases.     
  • Knows how to interpret laboratory determinations in emergencies: blood count, coagulation study, plasma biochemistry, systematic urine, urinary sediment, toxic determination.     


Digestive system emergencies

  • Acute esophageal pathology. Esophageal rupture     
  • Acute gastritis. Gastric volvulus     
  • Acute liver failure. Acute liver disease. Acute complications of chronic liver disease. Acute complications in liver transplant.     
  • Acute pathology of the bile duct     
  • Pancreatitis     
  • Mesenteric ischemia     
  • Acute complications of chronic intestinal diseases.     
  • Bowel obstruction     
  • Acute appendicitis. Diverticulitis. Peritonitis     
  • Gastrointestinal lesions due to caustics     
  • Management of acute digestive bleeding     
  • Management of abdominal pain     
  • Management of acute diarrheal syndrome     
  • Management of jaundice     
  • Management of postoperative abdominal complications      
  • Management of foreign bodies in the digestive tract     

Hematological Emergencies

  • Anemic syndrome. Thrombocytopenia Leukopenia and neutropenia. Pancytopenias     
  • Polycythemia. Acute leukosis     
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis. DIC, Management of complications in the anticoagulated patient     
  • Use of blood and blood products in the emergency department     

Endocrinometabolic Emergencies

  • Emergencies in the diabetic patient     
  • Hydro-electrolyte and acid-base disorders     
  • Thyroid emergencies     
  • Acute adrenal pathology     
  • Pheochromocytoma     

Analytical Determinations in Emergencies

  • Interpretation of the blood count in the emergency department     
  • Interpretation of plasma biochemistry in emergencies     
  • Interpretation of blood gas in the emergency department     
  • Interpretation of the coagulation study in the emergency department     
  • Interpretation of urinary biochemistry in emergencies     
  • Determination of toxic and pharmacological levels in the emergency department     
  • Other laboratory determinations in the emergency department     

Infectious and immune system emergencies

  • Emergencies in immunodeficiency syndromes     
  • Urticaria. Anaphylaxis. Anaphylactic shock     
  • Sepsis and septic shock     
  • Sexually transmitted diseases     
  • Toxic shock syndrome     
  • Acute infectious pathology of the nervous system     
  • Infectious mononucleosis     
  • Management of feverish syndrome in the emergency department     
  • Use of antibiotics in the emergency department     

Nephrourological emergencies

  • Acute renoureteral pain     
  • Acute urinary infection     
  • Acute kidney disease. Acute kidney failure     
  • Hematuria     
  • Acute scrotal syndrome     
  • Management of acute urinary obstruction     
  • Management of dialysis complications     
  • Acute complications in kidney transplant recipients     
  • Management of nephrourological trauma

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The following teaching methodologies will be used to develop the subject:

Theoretical class (CT) in the classroom: The teacher will present his syllabus with audiovisual help if he sees fit. In these activities, the student has a basically receptive role, although with the possibility of active participation individually or in groups.

Clinical Cases (CC): In the virtual classroom, activities scheduled for the student to solve clinical assumptions on their own or in teams, under the supervision of the teacher, thus contributing to advance in the practical application of the theoretical knowledge acquired and in The process of decision making.

Self-learning activities (AAP). For these activities, the UIC virtual platform "Moodle" will be your main tool. In it you will be able to find different resources (study material, discussion forums, multimedia resources ...) and various activities (evaluation questionnaires, carrying out tests ...) designed for the student to advance on his own, tutored by the teacher, in the development of its fundamentally theoretical competences.

Individual student activity (AIA). Outside or inside the academic space, activities carried out autonomously by the student tutored by the teachers, to achieve the objectives of the program.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person


There will be a mixed evaluation that will have 3 components:

1) Class participation and attendance (10%)

2) . Online exercise (15%)

     . Online exercise (15%)

3) Theoretical examination of the subject (60%) 

The student must obtain a minimum score of 4 points in each of the components of the evaluation of the subject. To pass the subject, you must get at least a 5.


Those students who do not exceed the minimum of 4 points in any of the aforementioned evaluations will have to appear at the second call of these parts. The approved parts will be kept with the grade obtained on the first call.

To pass the subject, you must get at least a 5.

Bibliography and resources

They will be in the Virtual Platform "Moodle". Each teacher will generate their bibliography and resources depending on the subject taught.