
5th Puig Foundation Grant in Quality and Teaching Innovation 2024 Award Ceremony

Saló de Graus

On 14 June at 12:00 p.m. the 5th Puig Foundation Grant award ceremony will take place. As in previous editions, the winners of 4th Puig Foundation Grant 2022 will give us a summary of the most important conclusions of their projects, followed by the presentation of the awards to the winners of the current call.

  • 12.00 p.m. Welcome and introductory remarks.
  • 12.05 p.m. Presentation of the conclusions of the winning projects of the previous Puig Foundation Grant 2022, by representatives of the faculties of Architecture and Law.
  • 12.35 p.m. Reading of the minutes of the jury’s decision by Dr Isabel Villanueva.
  • 12.40 p.m. Presentation of the winning check of the 5th Puig Foundation Grant. Words of thanks from the winners.
  • 1.00 p.m. Event closing