
5th Symposium on «Companies with a human side»

The 5th Symposium on “Companies with a human side”, has been organised by the Chair for Management by Missions and Corporate Government.  The topic for this edition will be “Leadership and Personal Missions”.

The purpose of this symposium is to offer a human vision of business sustainability based on the cornerstones of the personal mission, the meaning of life for people, and leadership, as well as the impact each individual has on their environment.

Location: Eurostars Hotel de La Reconquista. Oviedo.
Price: €350 
Enrolment and information: Mónica Duchel (Communications Professional) 
Tel. +34 985 24 00 94 | Mob. +34 620 75 69 07 monica@comunicacionprofesional.com
Organised by: Chair for Management by Missions and Corporate Government.    

Sponsoring companies: