
Academic graduation ceremony of the Campus of the Experience

Aula Magna

The director of the Campus de la Experiencia is pleased to invite you to the solemn graduation ceremony that will take place on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at 5 pm, in the Aula Magna of the University (Inmaculada Street, 22).

A little before, at 4 pm, we will celebrate a Mass in thanksgiving for these years of formation and growth. It will be in the chapel of the Delta building (Carrer de Terré, 11-19).

Order of the event

  • Opening
  • Speech by Jordi Miralbell, director of the Campus de la Experiencia.
  • Lecture by  Dr. Javier Yanguas Lezaun, scientific director of the Elderly People’s Programme of ”la Caixa” Foundation.
  • Delivery of graduation diplomas
  • Speech of the representative of the graduating class
  • Singing of the university hymn Gaudeamus Igitur
  • Refreshments

Access restricted to graduating students and their families, with prior invitation.