
Conference: "Bullying at school. An overall view through healthcare, social intervention and the family"

Childcare and Family Policies Chair Campus Barcelona

9.00 a.m.

Reception and delivery of documentation

9.30 a.m. 

Presentation of the event and of the Childcare and Family Policies Chair

  • Mr Enrique Collell Blanco, Chief of Staff of the Secretary-General of Universities, Ministry of Education. 
  • Mr Joaquim Molins Gil, President of the Joaquim Molins Figueras Foundation.
  • Dr Montserrat Gas Aixendri, Director of the Institute of Advanced Family Studies (UIC Barcelona).

10 a.m.

Round Table: What is bullying and what are the related factors? Indicators and criteria for its detection

Risk factors and protection faced with the perpetuation of bullying and cyberbullying among adolescents.

  • Dr Esther Calvete Zumalde, University of Deusto 

Social and family factors and mental health among children and adolescents.

  • Dr Montserrat Dolz, Head of Child Psychiatry and Child-Juvenile Psychology, Sant Joan de Déu Hospital, Barcelona

 Situation of children facing bullying at school with clinical repercussions and how to tackle this in Child Psychiatry. 

  • Dr Xavier Gastaminza Pérez. Psychiatry. Child Psychiatry Unit.  Vall d’Hebron University Hospital Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 

11.00 a.m.

Floor open for questions

11.30 a.m.

Coffee break   

12.00 p.m.

Round Table: “How to manage situations involving bullying at school?  Protocols, experiences and mediation systems”. 

— How to implement a programme to improve coexistence in order to prevent violence and bullying at school.

  • Dr Andrés González Bellido, author and coordinator of the TEI (peer tutoring) Programme. Full Professor IES Front Maritim de Barcelona.

Educational interventions to tackle cyberbullying.

  • Dr Juan Calmaestra, LAECOVI Research Group, University of Córdoba.  

— CIBERASTUR Project. The use of the internet among young people aged 11-18. 

  • Dr Joaquín González Cabrera, UNIR.

— Presentation of results on bullying at school in Catalonia. 

  • Dr Consuelo León Llorente, Institute of Advanced Family Studies .UIC Barcelona.

1 p.m.

Floor open for questions

1.30 p.m.


2.30 -4 p.m.

Workshops and Exchange of good practices

— Workshop 1:  Campaign “Against Bullying” FC Barcelona

  • Ester Morillas, Coordinator of local projects for the FC Barcelona Foundation.

— Workshop 2: Implementation of the Kiva project in 53 ikastola schools in the Basque country. 

  • Águeda Laraudogoitia, coordinator of the Kiva project in the Basque country. 

— Workshop 3: CIBERASTUR Project.

  • María Vallina Paco, Head of Educational Guidance and Teacher Training Service in the Principality of Asturias.  

— Workshop 4: Psychotherapeutic perspective of bullying at school. 

  • Dr Augusto Murillo Perdomo. Former professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Mons-Hainaut in Belgium. Mediator and Supervisor of the Mediation Service at the European Commission (Brussels).