
DAIly Coffee | The pace and scope of AI regulation: potential weaknesses, with Montse Nebrera

Saló de Graus Campus Barcelona

The Observatory of Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies is pleased to invite you to the second session of DAIly Coffee workshops and talks, with the aim of sharing practical knowledge and encouraging debate on the social and ethical impact of artificial intelligence.

During this session, Montse Nebrera will talk about the current legal situation of AI in a talk titled: “The pace and scope of AI regulation: potential weaknesses”. The session will combine practical workshops on tools and methodologies with interactive talks and discussions.

The Observatory of Artificial Intelligence is a university advisory body that provides guidance on the transition process of incorporating AI in the world of higher education. The Observatory reports to the Vice-Rectorate for Planning and Quality.

See you on 19 March at 2.30 pm, in the Saló de Graus at Campus Barcelona, to share coffee and a discussion as we explain the latest initiatives at the Observatory.

Event open to university staff.