
Final of the Litigation Skills Competition

Faculty of Law Sala de Vistas. Campus Barcelona

Final of the Litigation Skills Competition organized by Faculty of Law.

The selected teams will be asked to come along on a Saturday to undertake an initial preliminary hearing.  In order to do this, you will previously have received all the paperwork related to the lawsuit and responses to the issue that will be judged during the competition in advance, along with any other corresponding documentation.  You will have to take the approach you are advised to and will attend the big day having prepared for both the preliminary hearing and the trial.

The preliminary hearing will be eliminatory. The teams which go through to the next stage will face each other in a civil trial - which will be on the same topic as the preliminary hearing-, in which evidence will be presented and oral conclusions will be made. This stage will also be eliminatory.

There is a possibility that the final victory will be decided at an appeal hearing.  You will be provided with a sufficient amount of time so that you can prepare your lawsuit and defend it 

More information about Litigation Skills Competition