
The impact of spillways on riparian landscapes. Talks on riparian landscapes

Grup de Recerca en Regeneració de Territoris Intermedis (UIC Barcelona) i l’Institut de Medi Ambient de la Universitat de Girona Caldes de Montbui: Sala Noble de Can Rius

Come to talks on riparian landscapes. For a natural, clean stream! An invitation to local residents and institutions to talks in order to define the actions to be undertaken and set up a network of citizens committed to promoting these initiatives.

  • The impact of spillways on riparian landscapes


Speaker: Rober Mas, ABM Serveis d’Enginyeria i Consulting, S.L Caldes de Montbui: Sala Noble de Can Rius


Activity free-of-charge. Those interested in attending may sign up using the following form:
