Assessment and Response to the Wish to Hasten Death in Patients with Advanced Disease (5th Edition)

Type of programme
Specialization courses
between 01-10-2024 and 20-12-2024
€125.00 / ECTS x 3 = €375.00. *Prices corresponding to the 2024-2025 academic year.
2 October - 23 December 2024
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The assessment and response to the wish to hasten death in patients with advanced disease (ERDAM) course offered by the WeCare Chair of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences aims to train health professionals in the management of the wish to hasten death that can occur in people with advanced disease.

The course provides training for professionals to explore, assess and address the wish to hasten death (DAM). Through exercises and assessment, candidates will demonstrate that they know how to address and manage these patients.


  1. Train the student in the early detection of the wish to hasten death, as well as respond in a meaningful way, within a clinical context.
  2. Acquire theoretical knowledge about the aspects that underlie the appearance of the wish to hasten death.
  3. Acquire or improve self-confidence in complex conversations, specifically in the assessment and response to the wish to die.
  4. Acquire theoretical knowledge on the legislative and ethical framework around the manifestation of the wish to hasten death. 

Target professionals

Physicians, nurses, psychologists, social workers, and other health disciplines in contact with patients who express a wish to hasten death.

Endorsed by the Spanish Society for Palliative Care (SECPAL)


Methodology: online

Theoretical and expositional online classes (asynchronous activity)

  • Resolution of clinical cases through videos with simulated patients (asynchronous activity)
  • Study of relevant articles (asynchronous activity)
  • Participation in discussion forums (asynchronous activity)
  • Tutorial follow-up (asynchronous activity)
  • Realización de actividades de los módulos (1, 2, 3.1, 3.2, 4 y 5) (asynchronous activity)

6 on-site sessions with the professor of the modules: 1, 2, 3.1, 3.2, 4 y 5 (synchronous activity)

  • Duration: approximately 1 hour
  • Days before the start of the course, the schedule of synchronous sessions is sent out
  • Participation in the synchronous sessions: participation is recommended, but not mandatory.
  • Synchronous sessions: they are recorded and the link of the record is posted for candidates who cannot participate synchronously.
  • Methodology: resolution of doubts, dialogue with the candidates, resolution of clinical cases, sharing of experiences.
  • Approximate schedule of the synchronous sessions: they are usually at 18h CEST to facilitate the attendance of candidates from Latin America.
  • Day of the week of the synchronous sessions: usually between Tuesday or Wednesday
  • Completion of self-learning activities and exercises according to the programmed schedule (asynchronous activity).
  • Assessment: Module 6. Submission of online activities (asynchronous activity).

Course assessment

The ERDAM course contains activities that candidates are required to complete throughout the modules. The activities of each module are scheduled according to the planned calendar; each module has a date for the delivery of the activities. In addition, module 6 of the ERDAM course corresponds to the final assessment. A series of videos of clinical cases are proposed to the candidates and they have to solve them.

In order to obtain the diploma of successful completion of the course, candidates must complete at least 80% of the programmed activities within the time limit. One of the activities of module 6 is mandatory to obtain the diploma of achievement. 


  • Dr Joaquim Julià -  Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
  • DrCristina Monforte  - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.



  • Dr  Alberto Alonso-Babarro -  Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
  • Dr  Rogelio Altisent - Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Dr Albert Balaguer -  Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.
  • Dr Alazne Belar -   Universidad de Navarra.
  • Dr Jaime Boceta -   Universidad de Sevilla
  • Dr Carlos Centeno -  Universidad de Navarra
  • Dr Miguel Ángel Cuervo -   Universidad de Extremadura.
  • Dr Iris Crespo -  Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.
  • Dr Marina Martínez -  Universidad de Navarra.
  • Dr María Nabal -  Universitat de Lleida.
  • Dr Josep Porta -   Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
  • Dr Javier Rocafort -  Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid.

Module 0:

Presentation and introduction to the course.

Module 1:

Wish to hasten death: Conceptual and epidemiological aspects.

Module 2:

Clinical assessment of the wish to hasten death: clinical context, indications and contraindications, guidelines and instruments (SAHD, DDRS, AFEDD). Clinical cases (what to do and what not to do).

Module 3.1:

Clinical response of wish to hasten death (Part 1).

Module 3.2:

Clinical response of wish to hasten death (Part 2).

Module 4:

The family facing the wish to hasten death. Role of the family (obligations and limits), conversations with the family. Clinical cases (what to do and what not to do).

Module 5:

Ethical, anthropological and legal aspects in requesting the wish to hasten death in Spain.

Module 6:

Virtual structured objective clinical examination (ECOE) of decision-making and situation management based on real case videos.


Study programme and subjects 2024-2025

Subjects in course 1 Type Term ECTS
Assessment and Response to the Wish to Hasten Death in Patients with Advanced Disease (5rd Edition) Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 3
  • ECTS: European Credit Transfer System
  • Term: calendar period
  • (a): subjects which are taught in English


Aga Ferreiro