Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Memory and Learning

Memory and Learning
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English,

Teaching staff

Appointments should be requested by email.


The subject of Memory and Learning seeks to provide to future psychologists with the knowledge they need about mechanisms that allow us to store perceived information in the memory and the different types of learning that allows us to consolidate knowledge. The understanding of the functioning of the memory and learning mechanisms allows allows the psychologist detecting and identifying disorders involving these mechanisms that have a psychopathological origin.

Pre-course requirements

There are no prerequisites.


  • To understand the fundamental mechanisms of memory and learning.
  • To acquire terminology related to memory and learning processes.
  • To know the existing models and theories about memory and learning.
  • To learn the different psychopathological alterations of memory and learning.
  • To become familiar with the experimental methodologies and procedures used for the scientific study of memory and learning.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

Lectures will be the setting in which students will learn and use the terminology and linguistic structures related to the sphere of study, for the purpose of practising and developing oral and written communication skills and becoming familiar with the literature and instruction materials provided to better integrate the curricular content.
The guided reading of texts aims to develop the students’ critical thinking skills, which play a fundamental role in creating citizens who are both aware and responsible.
A non-classroom activity in which students undertake exercises autonomously, without the presence of the lecturer/professor. This is the stage in which most questions arise, but, as the option to immediately ask the question does not exist, students are forced to make an additional effort.
This is a scenario in which a lecturer, with a small group of students, answers any questions that may surface throughout the learning process. This helps the lecturer detect the elements that are less obvious to students and provide tools to address aspects that do not work correctly. This activity may be done individually or in group. This methodology should not be confused with personal student guidance, which is in addition to the curricular education.
This is the method whereby students work on their own. In each subject, the students will complete assignments that reflect their autonomous learning experience. The students will also prepare themselves for lifelong learning by learning to use educational materials and multimedia resources autonomously. This will be where they learn to self-regulate learning and develop their time management skills.
Session in which the lecturer presents and explains the course content. This learning methodology allows for the use of audiovisual methodologies that support the content description. Students may interact and actively participate in this session.
Debates and discussion in large and small groups, which help develop the students’ critical thinking and judgement skills. This method encourages participation and initiative, the asking of constructive questions and the presentation of new problems that promote critical thinking.
One-on-one relationship between the tutor and student, in which the former answers the latter’s questions and facilitates and provides guidance with regards to the educational process. This model of tutoring or guidance promotes self-reflection and helps the students to improve and develop as people and professionals.
The students’ active attendance in class reflects their degree of involvement in the form of interest and their interaction with the lecturer and the rest of their classmates.
An individual written test that includes the most general and relevant aspects of the subject matter under evaluation. These exams will assess the students’ capacity to listen and understand the main ideas of the course content, as well as their capacity to understand the literature specific to their area of study and use the relevant terminology. On the other hand, the written exams will also assess concepts specific to the degree programme’s various subjects. They will be structured into partial and/or final exams, final exercises, online questionnaires and the analysis of scientific articles.

Learning outcomes of the subject

Students will be expected to be able to:

  • Describe the mechanisms of memory and learning.
  • Use rigorously the terminology related to the processes of memory and learning.
  • Identify the different theoretical approaches to memory and learning.
  • Describe the structure of memory.
  • List and define the different types of memory.
  • Explain the phases of the mnesic process.
  • Describe the factors that influence memory.
  • Identify and describe the characteristics of different types of learning.
  • Define the different methods of behaviour control.
  • Know how to identify psychopathological alterations of memory and learning.
  • Know the neuranatomical basis of memory and learning.


Block 1: Learning
  • Unit 1: Introduction to the principles of learning and behavior.
  • Unit 2: Non-associative learning: habituation and sensititazion.
  • Unit 3: Associative learning: classical conditioning and instrumental conditioning.
  • Unit 4: Social and cognitive learning.
Block 2: Memory
  • Unit 5: Introduction to memory.
  • Unit 6.1: Architecture of memory: sensory memories.
  • Unit 6.2: Architecture of memory: short-term memory.
  • Unit 6.3: Architecture of memory: long-term memory.
  • Unit 7: Phases of the mnemonic process.
  • Unit 8: Memory mistakes: Forget and false memories.
  • Unit 9: Memory, emotions, stress and trauma.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

During the lectures the teacher presents the contents of the course to the students. The objective of the lectures is that the students become familiar with the basic theoretical concepts of the discipline and the terminology of the area. In addition, students will know the most relevant theoretical proposals and their criticisms which will provide them with a general overview of the current knowledge about the discipline. During the classes, the students will also become familiar with the techniques and experimental results that have led to support or reject the different theoretical approaches.


Lectures will be the setting in which students will learn and use the terminology and linguistic structures related to the sphere of study, for the purpose of practising and developing oral and written communication skills and becoming familiar with the literature and instruction materials provided to better integrate the curricular content.
The guided reading of texts aims to develop the students’ critical thinking skills, which play a fundamental role in creating citizens who are both aware and responsible.
A non-classroom activity in which students undertake exercises autonomously, without the presence of the lecturer/professor. This is the stage in which most questions arise, but, as the option to immediately ask the question does not exist, students are forced to make an additional effort.
This is a scenario in which a lecturer, with a small group of students, answers any questions that may surface throughout the learning process. This helps the lecturer detect the elements that are less obvious to students and provide tools to address aspects that do not work correctly. This activity may be done individually or in group. This methodology should not be confused with personal student guidance, which is in addition to the curricular education.
This is the method whereby students work on their own. In each subject, the students will complete assignments that reflect their autonomous learning experience. The students will also prepare themselves for lifelong learning by learning to use educational materials and multimedia resources autonomously. This will be where they learn to self-regulate learning and develop their time management skills.
Session in which the lecturer presents and explains the course content. This learning methodology allows for the use of audiovisual methodologies that support the content description. Students may interact and actively participate in this session.
Debates and discussion in large and small groups, which help develop the students’ critical thinking and judgement skills. This method encourages participation and initiative, the asking of constructive questions and the presentation of new problems that promote critical thinking.
One-on-one relationship between the tutor and student, in which the former answers the latter’s questions and facilitates and provides guidance with regards to the educational process. This model of tutoring or guidance promotes self-reflection and helps the students to improve and develop as people and professionals.
The students’ active attendance in class reflects their degree of involvement in the form of interest and their interaction with the lecturer and the rest of their classmates.
An individual written test that includes the most general and relevant aspects of the subject matter under evaluation. These exams will assess the students’ capacity to listen and understand the main ideas of the course content, as well as their capacity to understand the literature specific to their area of study and use the relevant terminology. On the other hand, the written exams will also assess concepts specific to the degree programme’s various subjects. They will be structured into partial and/or final exams, final exercises, online questionnaires and the analysis of scientific articles.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Evaluation criteria:

1st call (3rd and 5th calls)

  • Partial exam: 10%
  • Final exam: 90%

To pass the course in the 1st (or 3rd and 5th) call it is necessary to pass the final exam with a minimum grade of 5 and to have a minimum global grade of 5.

2nd call (4th and 6th call)

  • Final exam: 100%

To pass the course in the 2nd (4th and 6th) call it is necessary to pass the exam with a minimum grade of 5.

The exams are multiple-choice tests and each question has 4 alternative answers. Each correct answer is equivalent to one point, incorrect answers subtract 0.33 points (random level control) and omissions do not subtract.

The evaluation will always respect the general rules established in the Psychology Degree.

Bibliography and resources

Domjan, M. (2003). Principios básicos de aprendizaje y conducta. Madrid: Thomson.

Ruiz Vargas, J.M. (2010). Manual de psicología de la memoria. Madrid: Síntesis.

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 18/01/2024 I3 08:00h
  • E1 18/01/2024 I2 08:00h
  • E1 18/01/2024 I1 08:00h
  • E2 21/06/2024 I2 08:00h
  • E2 21/06/2024 I3 08:00h