Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Emergencies and Critical Patients

Emergencies and Critical Patients
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish

Teaching staff

You can contact the person responsible for the subject by email (Dr. Jordi Castillo: jcastillo@uic.es)


This course introduces the student to the concepts of urgency and emergency, in the structure and organization of both hospital and out-of-hospital emergency and emergency services, in the functions of health professionals in these services, and in key aspects on the coordination of care between the different levels of the health system for the critically ill patient, with special attention to the continuity of care in addressing critical time-dependent pathologies and the coordinated health response to accidents with multiple victims and catastrophes. Besides, cross-cutting knowledge and skills in the care of any critically ill patient, such as advanced life support and the management of severe polytrauma patients, are discussed in depth.

Pre-course requirements

There are no prerequisites to take this course

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CN02RA - Identify the main aspects and data of greatest clinical relevance to establish effective communication in the case of urgent pathology, taking into account the psychological dimension of suffering of the patient and family.
  • CN03RA - Identify the risks associated with procedures, diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in emergencies, considering the safety of the patient and that of other professionals.
  • CP01RA - Resolve clinical situations in unfamiliar, unforeseen and/or pressured environments typical of the field of urgent care and emergencies by combining knowledge, time management and problem solving.
  • CP04RA - Evaluate clinical findings that indicate vital risk or serious functional threat to a patient to establish a priority of actions, adapting available resources and ensuring quality in their care.
  • CP05RA - Readjust care and modify care planning through continuous evaluation of the patient in urgent and emergency situations.
  • CP06RA - Coordinate or intervene in a decisive, safe and effective way in the process of transferring the seriously ill patient, from the place where the emergency occurs to the appropriate health center for treatment.
  • CP07RA - Apply in an agile and decisive manner the action protocols and clinical practice guides in the most serious or prevalent processes in urgent care and emergencies.
  • CP08RA - Intervene decisively, precisely and effectively in the application of invasive and non-invasive therapeutic techniques used in emergencies.
  • HB01RA - Formulate judgments based on incomplete or limited information that adjust to the reality of the clinical case to establish the necessary parameters of action.
  • HB04RA - Demonstrate the foundations of multidisciplinary teamwork through fluid communication, active listening and initiative to resolve conflicts, considering different professional and disciplinary perspectives.
  • HB06RA - Develop healthcare action that respects both current legislation in pre-hospital and hospital healthcare and the principle of equity, ensuring equal opportunities and universal access for patients, respect for human rights and social and sustainable coexistence.
  • HB07RA - Apply the rules of ethics and law that govern healthcare and the relationship with the patient in urgent and emergency situations, being prepared to communicate the fundamental aspects of these rules when required.
  • HB09RA - Analyze the risks associated with procedures, diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in emergencies to develop them in conditions of maximum safety for the patient and other professionals.


Introduction to Emergencies and Emergencies

  • Medical Emergency Systems     
  • Communications centers and coordinating center for health emergencies     
  • Medical transport     
  • Organization of emergencies in primary care     
  • Organization of hospital emergencies     
  • Ethical and legal aspects of urgencies and emergencies     

Advanced Life Support

  • Theoretical aspects     
  • ECG rhythms in advanced life support     
  • International recommendations     
  • Basic life support     
  • Semi-automatic defibrillator     
  • Airway management.     
  • Ventilatory support in SVA     
  • Vascular accesses.     
  • Intraosseous route     
  • Electric treatment     
  • Pharmacological treatment     
  • Post-resuscitation care     
  • SVA in special situations     
  • SVA surgical techniques     
  • Donation in asystole     

Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS)

  • Assessment of severe trauma patient     
  • Means of rescue, immobilization, and mobilization of the trauma patient     
  • Analgesia, sedation, and relaxation in the initial management of severe trauma     
  • Head injury     
  • Spinal cord injury     
  • Chest trauma     
  • Abdominal trauma     
  • Pelvic trauma     
  • Skeletal trauma     
  • Shock management in severe trauma     
  • Airway management in the traumatic patient     

Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC)     
  • Critical aspects in IMV: chaos management     
  • Health logistics in collective emergencies.     
  • Initial general operation in IMV.     
  • Operational roles in establishing the chain of command and in first triage.     
  • Operational roles in stabilization and evacuation of victims.     
  • Outpatient triage in collective emergencies.     
  • Triage of healthcare priority and immediate actions.     
  • Putting a victim in an IMV evacuation state.     
  • Evacuation triage.     
  • Traceability and control of health intervention     
  • Intervention in CBRN incidents     
  • Intervention in terrorist attacks     

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The following teaching methodologies will be used to develop the subject:

Theoretical class (CT) in the classroom: The teacher will present his syllabus with audiovisual help if he sees fit. In these activities, the student has a mainly receptive role, although with the possibility of active participation individually or in groups.

Practical Workshop (TP). This training resource will be carried out mainly at the Comprehensive Advanced Simulation Center (CISA) available at the UIC. In this way, scenarios close to reality will be created in small groups of students, mainly oriented to the development of practical skills, using expository and interactive methodological resources such as role-play, group dynamics, and simulation resources.

Self-learning activities (AAP). For these activities, the UIC virtual platform "Moodle" will be your main tool. In it you will be able to find different resources (study material, discussion forums, multimedia resources ...) and various activities (evaluation questionnaires, carrying out tests ...) designed for the student to advance on his own, tutored by the teacher, in the development of its fundamentally theoretical competences.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person


There will be a mixed evaluation that will have 3 parts:

1) Class participation and attendance (10%)

2) Theoretical examination of the subject (15%)

3) Advanced Life Support Workshop - SVA (25%)

            . PHTLS Workshop (25%)

            . Workshop Multiple Incident Victims - IMV (25%)

If a student has a validated Workshop, the final percentage will continue to be 75% and each of the other two Workshops will have a score of 37.5% per Workshop.

If any of the three Workshops does not reach the minimum APT score, you will not obtain the Accredited Title. There is no option to take an Accredited Title on the second call.

The student must obtain a minimum score of 4 points in each of the components of the evaluation of the subject. To pass the subject, you must get at least a 5.


The evaluation of this 2nd call will be made as follows:

1) Class participation and attendance = the grade from the 1st conv. (10%)

2) Theoretical examination of the subject (15%) = those students who do not exceed the minimum of 4 points in 1st conv., Will have to appear.

3) Workshops (75%)

            A. Advanced Life Support Workshop - SVA (25%)

            B. PHTLS Workshop (25%)

            C. Workshop Multiple Incident Victims - IMV (25%)

Those Workshops that have a grade lower than 4, will have to do a theoretical exam (there is no recovery of practical ability).

The approved parts will be kept with the grade obtained on the first call.

To pass the subject, you must get at least a 5.

Bibliography and resources

They will be in the Virtual Platform "Moodle". Each teacher will generate their bibliography and resources based on the implicit theme