Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Skills Laboratory 3

Skills Laboratory 3
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English,

Teaching staff


The psychology skills laboratory is a space for experiential learning in small groups, which aims to provide the student with a better knowledge of himself, the acquisition of social and communication skills, and the development of skills to establish a good professional relationship.

It is a space that combines work in the classroom with assistance to SUPPORT and is present during the four courses of the degree in order that the student will acquire a deeper level in the three areas of competence.

The psychology skills laboratory 3 focuses the development of empathy and assertiveness, on communication skills and report writing.

Pre-course requirements

 To take this subject, you must have passed Psychology Skills Laboratory 2.


  1. To become aware of their way of thinking, feeling and acting and acquire styles and habits that allow a better personal and professional development.
  2. To identify his oral and written communication style and develop interpersonal and social communication skills.
  3. To identify and reflect on the skills necessary to establish a good professional relationship.
  4. Acquire basic knowledge about the evaluation process in psychology and know the procedure for preparing a clinical psychological report.
  5. Know the most frequently used evaluation instruments and techniques, becoming familiar with the selection criteria, administration and correction standards, and clinical interpretation of the results.

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. Write psychological assessment reports in a structured and coherent way. 

2. Critically defend his/her position in a debate. 

3. Gives a good feedback. 

4. Use understandable language.

5. Use non-verbal language consistently. 

6. Solve simulated situations related to professional practice. 

7. Use an assertive communication style. 

8. Show empathy 

9. Make minutes of the sessions

10. Apply appropriate evaluation techniques adapted to each type of problem and level of complexity.

11. Differentiate the different evaluation methods and instruments and their usefulness.

12. Prepare various types of reports and write the results operationally.


0. Basis of communication

1. Oral activities:

1.1. The talk

1.2. The debate

1.3. The interview

2. Communication styles:

2.1. Assertive style

2.2. Aggressive style

2.3. Passive style.

3. Social skills: empathy.

4. Practice of skills through situations that may occur in consultation.

5. Written communication: preparation of a report.

5.1 Communication of results

5.2. Interpretation of results

5.3. Returning a report

5.4. Communicating bad news

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Fully face-to-face modality in the classroom
The methodology followed in the Psychology Skills Laboratories is an experiential methodology based on reflective thinking, practice and participation. It is aimed at promoting the student's decision-making capacity, autonomy and critical attitude. For this reason, the groups have been planned at a maximum of 12 people per group. Practical classes will be combined with group work, role playing techniques and debate and discussion.


Reading of texts aimed at the objective of accessing critical thinking, which completes a fundamental role in the formation of conscious and responsible citizens.

Non-face-to-face activity, in this activity the student performs exercises autonomously, without the presence of the teacher. In this phase, more questions always appear, but not having the option to ask immediately requires additional effort on the part of the student.

It is a scenario in which a teacher and a small group of students solve the doubts that have emerged during the learning process. In this way, the teacher detects the aspects that are most evident to the student and provides help to correct the aspects that do not work correctly. It can be individual or in a group. This methodology should not be confused with the personal assessment of students, which is carried out in a complementary way to the current curricular training.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Internships in Support require the student to sign a commitment that guarantees the confidentiality of the information about the cases observed. Failure to comply with this commitment means direct failure of the subject and the opening of a file.

Attendance at sessions is mandatory to pass the subject.

Classroom dossier: 50% (handwritten sessions/computer transversal workshops)

Reflection Support: 10% (handwritten)

ECOE: 20%

Tutorials: 20%

It is necessary to pass the classroom dossier and the Support reflection to take the media.

The ECOE and the tutorials are not recoverable in the second call (No Honors will be awarded in this call).

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 23/05/2024 08:00h
  • E2 01/07/2024 10:00h