Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Splachnological Structure and Function

Splachnological Structure and Function
Second semester
Basic training
Morphology, structure and function of human body
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

Students should make an appointment with the professor if needed

Professor responsable: Sr. Oriol Casasayas Cos (casasayascos@uic.es)

Dr. Jacobo Rodríguez-Sanz (jrodriguezs@uic.es)

Dr. Guillermo Oviedo (goviedo@uic.es)

Dra. Leo Cuadra (lcuadra@uic.es)

Sr. Max Canet-Vintró (maxcanet44@uic.es). 


Structure and function of the human body is a fundamental and basic subject containing different branches of knowledge, which are essential to the understanding of the complexity of the body. Its branches, such as macroscopic anatomy, microscopic anatomy and physiology, help us to understand the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system. This course demonstrates to the students a focus on conveying the idea that the human being is a highly complex and unified structural and functional unit.


The subject allows us to study healthy Splanchnology and demonstrates how any alteration can breaks its balance. A good doctor needs to know the anatomy, physiology and human histology to know what structures there are and how they act in a healthy subject.

Pre-course requirements

Not specified


Understand and recognize the structure and normal function of the systems in the human body.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

Understand and recognize the structure and normal function of the different visceral organs that make up Spanchnology.

  • 01 - The ability to analysis and synthesis.
  • 06 - To have comprehensive problem-solving skills.
  • 07 - Demonstrate decision-making skills.
  • 09 - Demonstrate critical thinking skills.
  • 10 - Develop autonomous learning skills.
  • 20 - Knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, emphasising the dynamic interrelationship between structure and function, in particular of the musculoskeletal, the nervous and the cardiorespiratory systems.
  • 21 - Knowledge of the physiological and structural changes that can occur after physiotherapeutic interventions.
  • 22 - Knowledge of factors that affect human growth and development throughout the lifespan.
  • 28.1 - Capacity for oral and written communication in the native language.
  • 40 - Knowledge about, physiological, functional and behavioral changes that occur after physiotherapeutic intervention.

Learning outcomes of the subject


        Know human embryology.
        Knows the structure (anatomy) of the human body.
        Understand and know the function (physiology) of the human body.
        Know the histology of the human body.
        Relate anatomical and physiological concepts.
        Identify anatomical structures in tests for diagnostic imaging (radiography, computed tomography {CT scans}, magnetic resonance {MRI}, etc.).
         Identify anatomical structures in cadavers and anatomical models.
         Relate anatomical and physiological concepts to clinical practice.
         Succeed in the anatomical and physiological diagnostic clinical cases.
         Argue and process the anatomical and physiological information students have received.
         Know how to present anatomical and physiological concepts.
         Understand scientific articles on Physiology and Anatomy.


1. Cardiovascular System: heart

1.1 Location and heart structure.

1.2 Systemic circuit and the pulmonary circuit.

1.3 Properties of the muscular cardiac fibers.

1.4 Electrical heart phenomena.

1.5 Phases of the cardiac cycle.

1.6 Concepts of cardiac output and its regulation.

2. Cardiovascular system: blood vessels

2.1 Structure of the vascular wall. Vasoconstriction and vasodilation.

2.2 Structure and function of the arterial, capillary, and venous systems

2.3 Physiology of circulation: the concept of flow, and pressure resistance.

2.4 Concept of short and long term blood pressure regulation.

2.5 Local Circulation and regulation.

2.6 Blood circulation in special areas.

3. Blood and Immune System

3.1 Components and functions.

3.2 Plasma and formed elements: erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets.

3.3 Mechanism of homeostasis.

3.4 Immune barriers: skin and mucous

3.5 Cells and chemicals involved in the immune response system.

3.6 Antigen. Humeral and cell intervened responses.

4. Lymphatic system

4.1 Structure of the lymphatic system.

4.2 Transport and distribution of lymphs.

4.3 Cells and lymphoid tissues: the lymph node.

4.4 Other lymphoid organs: spleen, fraud, amygdala, attached to lymphoid follicles.

5. Respiratory system

5.1 Functional anatomy of the respiratory system.

5.2 Mechanical ventilation: relationship between pressure in the chest cavity. Pulmonary ventilation inhalation and exhalation. Respiratory volumes and functional tests.

5.3 Alveolar exchange and transport of gases in the blood.

5.4 Breath control.

5.5 Adaptation of breathing in exercise and high altitudes.

6. Digestive system

6.1 Structure and function of the digestive tract.

6.2 Functional anatomy of the digestive system: mouth, pharynx and esophagus. Stomach. Small intestines and associated organs. Large intestine.

6.3 Physiology of chemical digestion and absorption.

7. Nutrition, Metabolism and temperature regulation

7.1 Nutrition: concepts and types of nutrients and kilocalories. Nutritional pyramid categories.

7.2 Metabolism: concepts and types of metabolic processes. Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Balance and control of metabolism intake and fasting. The metabolic role of the liver.

7.3 Regulation of intake.

7.4 Temperature regulation.

8. Urinary system

8.1 Macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the kidney.

8.2 Renal function: glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption and tubular secretion.

8.3 Adjusting the volume and concentration of urine.

8.4 Renal clearance. Urine composition

8.5 Structure and function of the ureters, urinary bladder and urethra.

8.6 Urination.

9. Electrolyte and Acid-Base Balance

9.1 Content and distribution of water in the body.

9.2 Water balance and regulation. Influence of ADH (antidiuretic hormone). Disturbances of the water balance.

9.3 Electrolyte Balance: regulation of Na +, K +, Ch2 + and HPO42-

9.4 Acid-Base Balance: respiratory and renal regulation. Disturbances of acid-base balance.

10.Reproductive system

10.1 Anatomy of the male reproductive system.

10.2 Male sexual response. Spermatogenesis.

10.3 Hormonal regulation of male reproductive function.

10.4 Anatomy of the female reproductive system.

10.5 Female sexual response. Oogenesis.

10.6 Ovarian cycle and hormonal regulation of ovarian cycle.

10.7 Timeline of sexual development.

11 Integumentary system.

11.1 Epithelial tissue.

11.2 Connective tissue.

11.3 Membranes.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

  •   Theoretical classes 
  •   Practical classes in the dissection laboratory.
  •   Practical classes in the Physiology laboratory.




Evaluation systems and criteria

In person


1ª, 3ª i 5ª convocatòria consisteix en: 20% prova parcial, 20 % prova pràctica, 40% prova final, 20 % avaluació continuada.



Prova parcial.

- Data: mirar planificació.

- Tipus de prova: 15-30 preguntes tipus test (que inclou imatges, esquemes, disseccions i imatges de proves diagnòstiques) + preguntes obertes .

- Aquesta prova inclourà tota la matèria treballada fins el dia abans (en les classes magistrals, pràctiques de laboratori i mètodes del cas), així com els continguts inclosos a la bibliografia recomanada.


Prova pràctica.

- Data: el darrer dia de pràctiques al laboratori de dissecció.

- Tipus de prova: 10-15 preguntes relacionades amb els continguts pràctics.

- La pregunta incorrecta no resta.

- La persona que no superi aquest examen no supera l'assignatura. ES supera l'examen amb nota igual o superior a 5.


Prova final.

- Data: a determinar per la coordinadora de curs.

- Tipus de prova: 40-60 preguntes tipus test.

- Entra tota la matèria explicada a les classes (teòriques, pràctiques i mètode del cas), així com els continguts inclosos a la bibliografia recomanada.

- És imprescindible superar aquest examen per poder aprovar l’assignatura. Es supera l'examen amb una nota igual o superiro a 5

Avaluació continuada: preguntes, treballs i proves realitzades durant les classes (ja siguin de realitzats de manera oral o per escrit). No tots els treballas i notes d'aquest apartat tindran el mateix pes a la nota d'avaluació continuada.



- Cal superar l'examen final i l'examen pràctic per superar la matèria amb una nota igual o superior a 5.

- Per aprovar l'assignatura cal tenir una nota mitja igual o superior a 5.

- La persona que ha aprovat l'examen pràctic i examen final, però la mitja no supera el 5, haurà de presentar-se a la recuperació de l’examen tipus test i aconseguir un millor resultat d’aquest examen per tal que la mitja surti igual o superior a 5.


2ª, 4ª 6 ª convocatòria consisteix en: 40% prova pràctica i 60% prova final.

- La prova final i la prova pràctica tenen les mateixes característiques que les convocatòries anteriors.

- La nota de l’avaluació continuada és la nota obtinguda durant la convocatòria anterior.

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Bibliography and resources


Tortora - Derrickson. Principios de Anatomía y fisiología (11ª edición)Editorial Panamericana. 2006.

MEZQUITA, Cristóbal. Fisiología médica: del razonamiento fisiológico al razonamiento clinico. Editorial Médica Panamericana, 2011.

THIBODEAU, Gary A.; PATTON, Kevin T. Estructura y función del cuerpo humano. Elsevier, 2012.

HALL, John E. Guyton & Hall. Tratado de fisiología médica. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2021.

MOORE, Keith L.; DALLEY, Arthur F. Anatomía con orientación clínica. Ed. Médica Panamericana, 2009.

F.Netter. Atlas de anatomía humana. Ed.MassonSobotta. Atlas de anatomía humana. Ed.Panamericana

 Schünke. Prometheus. Texto y Atlas de Anatomía. Tomo2. Ed. Panamericana.


Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 23/05/2024 A14 08:00h
  • E1 23/05/2024 A16 08:00h
  • E2 21/06/2024 A02 08:00h